International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management (iKM)*

International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management (iKM)*

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The International Conference on Innovation & Knowledge Management (iKM; Chinese: 年创新与知识管理国际会议) is organized by the Research Center for Technological Innovation, Tsinghua University. It aims to provide a high-end platform for interdisciplinary elite scholars to communicate on knowledge management.

Conference History:

6th iKM2025, October 31-November 1, 2025, Shenzhen Technology University, Shenzhen, China

Conference Theme: Innovation and Knowledge Management for the Modern Industrial System (面向现代化产业体系的创新与知识管理) (was: High-quality Knowledge and Innovation Management (面向高质量发展的知识与创新管理))
(Co-organizer: Business School, Shenzhen Technology University; CNKI – Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology)

    Conference program TBD

    Practical wisdom and epistemology
    Data, artificial intelligence and knowledge management
    Knowledge Creation and Dynamic Capabilities
    From efficiency-oriented organization to knowledge-creating organization
    Knowledge, innovation and learning society
    Open innovation, user innovation and knowledge management
    Comprehensive innovation management, integrated innovation and knowledge management
    Knowledge management for industrial chain and innovation chain
    Intellectual property and transformation of scientific and technological achievements
    Knowledge management and innovation in multinational corporations

5th iKM2023, November 9-11, 2023, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Conference Theme: Innovation and Knowledge Management in the Age of Digital Intelligence
(Co-organizer: School of Management, Wuhan University of Science and Technology; CNKI – Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology)

    Note: Nov 9 is registration day only; The conference was originally scheduled for May 26-28, 2023

    Conference program n.a.

    Keynote Speeches:
    Strengthening Breakthroughs in Key Core Technologies and Continuously Improving Innovation Capabilities
    Innovative Research on Remote Monitoring and Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly
    Technological Innovation in Times of Climate Change
    Organizational Knowledge Elicitation and Representation

    Theme Reports:
    Artificial Intelligence Driven Knowledge Management
    Philosophical View of Knowledge Management
    Practice and Thoughts on the Utilization of Intellectual Property to Stimulate Innovation and Development
    Towards Phenomenological Management Studies: From Dichotomy to Dynamic Duality
    The Social Shaping of Ideas in Innovation Crowdsourcing
    Impact of Generative AI and Metaverse on KM and Learning
    Affordances for Knowledge Sharing and Co-creation: The Story of LEGO
    Ambidextrous Innovation in the Digital Intelligence Era
    Cultural Codes: Deciphering the Patterns of Knowledge Hiding
    Value Co-creation: From Social Media to Data Intelligence
    Data Capitalization and Knowledge Managemen

    Journal articles sub-forum: Science and Science and Technology Management
    Academic review paper sub-forums:
    – Theme 1: Data, artificial intelligence and knowledge management
    – Theme 2: Open innovation, user innovation and knowledge management
    – Theme 3: Knowledge management for industry chain and innovation chain
    – Academic review sub-forum results report
    Enterprise Practice Special Forum: Digital Intelligence Organization and Knowledge Management

    Special Events:
    Fourth Collection and Selection of Innovation and Knowledge Management Achievements
    “Journal of Innovation Management” publication ceremony
    Unveiling (Launch) Ceremony of the Knowledge Management Committee of the China Management Science Society
    Awards for outstanding conference papers

4th iKM2021, October 22-24, 2021, Hangzhou, China

Conference Theme: Innovation and Knowledge Management for Dynamic Capabilities
(Co-organizer: School of Management, Zhejiang University of Technology; CNKI – Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology)

    Note: The 4th iKM was originally scheduled for March 21-22, 2020

    Humanized Strategy—Knowledge Management Theory and Dynamic Capability
    The history, present and future of knowledge management
    Data-driven dynamic capabilities, digitization and responsible innovation
    New Practical Wisdom for Leadership in the Digital Economy Era
    Learning Without Borders: The Internationalization Process of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    Research and exploration on the construction of enterprise innovation ecological knowledge infrastructure (IEK1) under the wave of digitalization

    Enterprise Forum: Knowledge Management and Innovative Practical Application
    From process-based knowledge engineering to smart R&D
    Business-oriented knowledge management practice
    Realize the innovation of knowledge management through knowledge + Al

    Award Ceremony for the Collection of Achievements
    Award-winning companies share reports
    State Grid

    Academic Parallel Forum (1/2/3)
    Academic forum commenters summarize and report, outstanding papers are awarded

    Associated Events:

    2020 Innovation and Big Data Knowledge Management Forum, August 26-29, 2020, Xining, Qinghai / Virtual venue

    (Co-organizer: CNKI – Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology)

    Main topic forum: Innovation and Big Data Knowledge Management
    Sub-forum 1: Industry Knowledge Big Data Fusion Application and Innovation Practice Seminar
    Sub-forum 2: Institutional Big Data Knowledge Management and Collaborative Innovation Construction Application Seminar
    Sub-forum 3: Seminar on Digitalization of Cultural Media Industry and Knowledge Innovation Service Development
    Sub-forum 4: Fusion Publishing Empowers Traditional Business Innovation Development Branch
    Sub-forum 5: Business Intelligence Technology Application Seminar

3rd iKM2019, April 20-21, 2019, Beijing, China

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management for Innovation
(Co-organizer: CNKI – Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology)

    Keynote speeches on innovation & knowledge management
    Institutional knowledge management and innovative application model discussion

    2019 MIKE winners share

    2x Theme Seminar (Expert Dialogue)
    College Knowledge Management and Knowledge Innovation Service Seminar under the Background of “Double First Class”

    Special Events:
    iKM Achievement Collection Award Ceremony and Achievement Sharing

2nd iKM2018, March 17-18, 2018, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Conference Theme: Research on Knowledge Innovation
(Co-organizer: Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Shenzhen Landray Software, CNKI – Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology)

    Keynote and Theme speeches of iKM
    Asian Knowledge Forum & Asian MAKE Awards 2017 Ceremony
    Forum of Enterprises’ Applications in Innovation and Knowledge Management

    Special Events:
    Launch of the Innovation and Knowledge Management Alliance (IKMA)
    Award Ceremony of the First Enterprise Innovation and Knowledge Management Achievement Collection Activities Cum launching ceremony of the second enterprise innovation and knowledge management achievements activity

    Pre-conference Events:
    International Study Tour on Innovation and Knowledge Management, Mar 16
    (Site-visits: Siemens Cerberus Electronics; BOE Technology Group )

1st iKM2017, March 16-17, 2017, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Conference Theme: Building China’s intellectual capital, through innovation, entrepreneurship and knowledge management
(Co-organizers: CNKI – Tongfang Knowledge Network Technology and others)

    Note: The conference was announced as the International Conference on Knowledge Innovation & Knowledge Management (KIKM2017) or the International Nonaka Conference.

    Nonaka Keynote: Practicing Wise Management
    Toward Human-centric Innovation – Cultivating Knowledge Maneuverability
    Phronesis in the applied research works in China
    Strategy in the knowledge economy
    Knowledge Management for Innovation
    Future Challenges and Practical Solutions for Knowledge Managements Insights from a Global Experts panel and KM Projects since 1989
    Epistemological Foundations of Tacit Knowledge
    Toward a Geocentric Framework of Entrepreneurial Cognition:The Salience of Metaphor to Open-Minded Exploration for Open-ended Insight
    Market of Data for Communications toward Innovations
    East meets west: The future of KM toward hybrid of knowledge asset management and “Ba” approaches
    China’s Embracing Innovation Leads to the Future
    Innovation and Knowledge Management: An Asian Perspective
    Application of the SECI model to entrepreneurial ventures

    Parallel Sessions:
    Knowledge transfer and organizational behavior
    Knowledge management in Aisa
    Knowledge management in China
    Knowledge Management in Companies: Case Studies
    Innovation & knowledge sharing

    The instruction of IMDJ
    Moving from Knowledge to Wisdom

    Special Events:
    Ceremony of establishment of three institutions:
    – International Nonaka Academy
    – Tsinghua-Peking universities’ joint research center
    – Tsinghua-CNKI strategic cooperation
    Launch Ceremony of the ‘Enterprise Innovation and Knowledge Management Results Collection and Selection Activity’
    Introduction of Journals on Knowledge Management

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