International Conference on Knowledge Resource and Library Technologies (ICKRELT)
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The International Conference on Knowledge Resource and Library Technologies (ICKRELT), organized by the Department of Library and Information Sience at Bharathidasan University (BDU), aims to bridge the Gap between the user community, knowledge resources and library technologies for the provision of information services in the fast developing knowledge society.
Conference History:
ICKRLT-2017, February 24-25, 2017, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli (short: Trichy), India
Conference Program n.a.
Topics: (Call for Papers)
Knowledge Society and Economy
Knowledge resource building by different types of libraries.
Knowledge Management and the Libraries
Facilitating access to different types of knowledge resources
Knowledge Organization and Knowledge Organization Systems
Tools and Components of Knowledge Organization
Classification, Cataloguing, Indexing, Subject Heading Lists, Thesaurus
Taxonomies, Authority Lists, Metadata, Ontology, Semantic Web
Library Automation, Resource Sharing and Networking
KOS in digital environment
Digital Rights Management (DRM)
Public Library Systems and Services
Scholarly Communication and Publication
Digital Library System
Open Course Ware and Scholarly Open Access
LMS, CMS, E-learning software etc.
Open Source Software
Social Networking Tools and Techniques
User Studies and Information Seeking Behaviour
Library Tourism
Cultural and Heritage Documentation and Archives
Information and Knowledge Ethics
Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, Webometrics, Altmetrics
Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Libraries