International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA)*

International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA)*

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The International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information Management and Applications (SKIMA), in 2011 held as the IEEE International Conference on Software, Knowledge, Information, Industrial Management and Applications (SKIMA), aims to bring together researchers and experts in Knowledge Management, Software Engineering and Information Systems to share their ideas, experiences and insights.

It welcomes researchers and practitioners from research institutions, R&D enterprise services and governmental organizations to exchange innovative contributions around the conference topics. It will feature plenary speeches, industrial panel sessions, funding agency panel sessions, interactive sessions, and invited special sessions. Contributions are expected from academia, industry and government funding councils.

The conference originated from the Euro-ASia CollaboraTions and NetWorking in Information Engineering System Technology (EAST-WEST) Project, a project under the Asia-Link Programme, funded by the European Union.

Don’t mix up this conference series with the one of the same name organized by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). WASET is a predatory conference organizer and publisher.

Conference History:

16th SKIMA 2025, 9-11 June 2025, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, Scotland, United Kingdom

(Organizer: School of Engineering and Computing, University of the West of Scotland)

    Note: The 16th SKIMA international Conference was originally scheduled for 9-11 December 2024 at Universitas Merdeka Malang, Malang, Indonesia (Organizer: Faculties of Information Technology & Economics)

    Conference program TBD

    Topics of interest:
    Knowledge Management Multi-agent systems

15th SKIMA 2023, 8-10 December 2023, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

(Organizer: Department of Information System, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Malaya; Computer and Communication Systems Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia; Department of Electrical Power Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)

    Conference Sessions:
    Smart Health
    Education and other Areas

    Human-Machine Cooperative Intelligence: towards the new generation of Human-Centred AI
    An Improved Federated Learning Algorithm for Privacy Preserving in Cybertwin-Driven 6G System

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    International Workshop on Digital Transformations for better Governance of Organisations (CANCELLED)

14th SKIMA 2022, 2-4 December 2022, CamTech University, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

(Organizer: Faculty of Engineering, Cambodia University of Technology and Science)

    Note: The 14th SKIMA was originally scheduled for 9-11 December 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, postponed to late Summer 2021

    Conference Sessions:

    Big Data Analytics Employing Machine Learning: Challenges and Issues

    Co-located Workshops:
    International Workshop on University and Digital Sustainability

13th SKIMA 2019, 26-28 August 2019, Island of Ulkulhas, Maldives

(Organizer: ?; Technical Co-sponsor: IEEE Islamabad Section)

    Conference Sessions:
    Design for Humans; Modelling and Simulation; Big Data Analytics; Enterprise and Ethics; Poster Session

    The Future of the Brain; From Industry to Cultural Heritage Preservation: Deep Learning based Solutions

    The International Workshop on Applied Artificial Intelligence – AI

12th SKIMA 2018, 3-5 December 2018, Institute of Technology of Cambodia, Phnom Phenh, Cambodia

(Organizer: Institute of Technology of Cambodia; Technical Co-sponsor: IEEE Islamabad Section)

    Conference Sessions:
    Deep Learning; Next Generation Designs; Artificial Intelligence; Digital World; Networks and Communications; Expert Systems; Smart IoTs; Signals and Controls; Poster Session


    Workshop on ai2product & DataAnalytics4all

11th SKIMA 2017, 6 -8 December 2017, Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Malabe, Sri Lanka

(Organizer: Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology; Technical Co-sponsor: IEEE Sri Lanka Section)

    Conference Sessions:
    Information Management and Applications; Product Optimization and Manufacturing Systems; Intelligent Approaches and (Smart) Applications; ICT Applications for Education and Business; Wireless networks; Software Engineering and Management; Knowledge management and Learning Systems; Poster Session

    On The Rise of Artificial Intelligence – Human vs Machine

10th SKIMA 2016, 15-17 December 2016, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu, China

(Organizer: Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu University; Sponsors: IEEE Chengdu Section)

    Conference Sessions:
    Signal, image, and video processing; Business intelligence, supply chain, and logistics; Future internet, IOT, and industry 4.0; Information management; Robotics and computing; Cloud computing, sensor design, fusion; Smart tourism and Marketing; Electronics; E-Learning and technology enhanced learning; Control and Robotics applications; Information system


9th SKIMA 2015, 15-17 December 2015, Kathmandu, Nepal

(Organizer: Kantipur Engineering College; Technical Co-sponsor: IEEE UP Section (India))

    Conference Sessions:
    Information and Knowledge Management; Security and Encryption; Intelligent models and systems; Recognition, Security and Protection; Intelligence and Informatics; Wireless and Telecommunication; Software Engineering; Disaster Management and Resilience; Energy and Environment; Education Systems and Management; Network and Web Technology; Poster Session


8th SKIMA 2014, 18-20 December 2014, United International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

(Organizer: United International University; Technical Co-sponsor: IEEE Bangladesh Section)

    Conference Sessions:

    Special Sessions:
    Sustainable Collaborative Networks: Supply Networks and Beyond

    Integrated approach for Process-based Corporate Knowledge Extraction and Transfer; Benefits of Semantics and Network Science on Business Process Management

7th SKIMA 2013, 18-20 December 2013, Chiang Mai, Thailand

(Organizer: Chiang Mai University, College of Arts, Media and Technology; Supporter: IEEE)

    Conference Sessions: (proceedings)
    Supply Chain and Logistics Managemen; Learning and Collaborative Systems; Intelligent Systems; e-Tourism, Edutainment and e-Learning Systems; Optimisation, Planning and Decision Support; Classification Algorithms and Applications; Social Factors and Technology Acceptance; Knowledge and Information Management; Emerging Technologies in Creative Applications; Software and Information Security; Software Engineering; Power systems, Control and Communications


6th SKIMA 2012, 9-11 September 2012, Chengdu, China

(Organizer: Chengdu University; Technical Co-sponsor: World Federation of Soft Computing)

    Conference Tracks:
    E-Tourism; Knowledge Management, Soft Computing Methods and Applications; ICT & Hardware Development; Mobile Solutions and Autonomous Control; Artificial Intelligence and Affective Computing; Image Processing and Security; Intelligent & Informed Logistics; User Experience and Enterprise Systems; Computational Biology, Bioinformatics & Genomics

    PG workshop

5th SKIMA 2011, 8-11 September 2011, University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy

Conference Theme: Development and Assessment of Sustainable Ecosystems
(Organizer: University of Sannio, Department of Engineering; Technical Co-sponsor: IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, Italy Chapter; IEEE Industry Applications Society, UK & Republic of Ireland Chapter)

    Note: The conference is called “IEEE International Conference on Software, Knowledge Information, Industrial Management and Applications”

    Conference Sessions:
    Software Project Planning; ICT for industrial systems; Knowledge Management & other Applications; Intelligent Systems; Web Based Systems; Semantic Computing; Computational Biology; Data Mining and Databases; Computer Networks; Knowledge Management; Software Architecture; Supply Chain & Knowledge Management; System Engineering; Fuzzy Theory and Applications

    Machine Learning in Systems Biology

4th SKIMA 2010, 25-27 August 2010, Paro, Bhutan

Conference Theme: Towards Happiness and Sustainable Development
(Organizer: Royal University of Bhutan)

    Conference Sessions:
    Information Systems; Universal Networking Language; RFID Technology and Applications; Knowledge Management and Applications; Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support and Optimisation Techniques; Supply Chains Management and Applications; Software Agent and Soft Computing Applications; Education and Applications; Identifications, Modeling and Robotics


3rd SKIMA 2009, 21-23 October 2009, Fez, Morocco

(Organizer: University Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah, Faculté Des Sciences Dhar Mahraz; Arab Science and Technology Foundation; Université Lumière Lyon 2, Laboratoire d’Informatique pour l’Entreprise et les Systèmes de Production; Technical Co-sponsor: IEEE Industrial Application Society, UK Chapter)

    Conference Sessions:
    Network Management and Collaboration; Artificial Intelligence, Decision Support and Optimazion Techniques, Knowledge Management and Applications; Information System Integration; Software Testing and Engineering; Cooperative Education; Product Lifecycle Management; Telecommunication and Soft Computing Applications


    Special Workshops:

    Co-located Conferences:
    Conférence Internationale Conception & Production Intégrées (CPI), Oct 19-21

2nd SKIMA 2008, 18-21 March 2008, Kathmandu, Nepal

(Organizer: Kantipur Engineering College; EAST-WEST Project; Technical Co-sponsor: IEEE Industry Applications Society)

    Conference Sessions:
    Algorithms and Software Development; Software Application: Supply Chain Management; Software Development and Testing; Information Systems and Data Bases; Software Applications; Knowledge Management; Software Application: Supply Chain Management; Network and Wireless Applications; FASTHEAD; Algorithms and Software Development

    Managing Information and Knowledge across the Product Life Cycle

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (Mar 10)
    Tutorials covered the topics in the areas of… Knowledge Management

1st SKIMA 2006, 12-15 December 2006, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand

(Organizer: Chiang Mai University, College of Arts Media and Technology; EAST-WEST Project; Knowledge Management Professional Center Asia; SSC Solution)

    Conference Sessions:
    Product lifecycle and supply chain applications; Knowledge Management; Software development and testing; Information System; Security and risk assessment applications; Fuzzy logic applications; Data Mining application; Modern-heuristic for optimisation applications

    Formalizing Knowledge and Ignorance

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (Dec 12)
    Knowledge Management for Knowledge Economy

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