International Microlearning Conference (ML)**

International Microlearning Conference (ML)**

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The International Microlearning Conference (ML or MicroLearning) presents a platform for international experts and practitioners from very diverse fields to discuss the latest developments in digital technologies and practices stimulated by microcontent.

The conference is organized by the Research Studio ‘Mobile Knowledge Lab’ (MoKnowLab), formerly the Reseach Studio ‘MicroLearning and Information Environments’ (MINE) and the Research Studio ‘eLearning Environments’ (eLearnEnviron), of the Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft (RSA FG). Conference co-organizers and hosts have been the European Academy for Microlearning (2005-2007), the Institute of Educational Sciences at the University of Innsbruck (2005-2012), the Department for Interactive Media and Educational Technologies at the Danube University, Krems (2013), and the Professor of New Media in Medical Knowledge Transfer and Processing of the Institute for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Documentation at the Medical University of Graz (2016).

Conference History:

9th MicroLearning, 2018

Conference Theme: Digital Learning 4.0: What comes after e-Learning and Knowledge Management?

    Note: The 9th MicroLearning Conference was originally scheduled for Fall 2017 in Munich, Germany

    Conference Program TBD

    Conference Topics:
    Automatization; Social MicroLearning; ePortfolios; Performance Measurements; Learning with Bots

8th MicroLearning 2016, June 17, 2016, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria

Conference Theme: MicroLearning in Medicine and Health – Mobile learning and the effective integration of MicroLearning in medical education and trainings of health professionals

    Note: The 8th MicroLearning Conference was originally scheduled for April 15-17, 2015, and October 1-3, 2014 in Krems, Austria, with the theme “Microlearning – Motivation and Gamification in e-Learning”.

    Conference Sessions:
    Best Practice in e-Learning in Medicine and Health; Didactic forms of mobile learning for Doctors and Health professionals; Mobile Learning: Case Studies from the Higher Education Sector; Mobile Learning Experiences; Mobile Learning Outcomes | Strategies and Measurements; Mobile Learning | MicroLearning: “Solution Pitches” (5 minutes for each provider/student project); Open Space and Demo Afternoon for Participants

7th MicroLearning 2013, September 26-27, 2013, Stift Göttweig (Krems), Austria

Conference Theme: MicroLearning and Mobile Learning Outcomes: Mobile Learning, Measuring Effectiveness, Crowdsourcing

    Conference Sessions:
    Best Practice in e-Learning: Mobile Learning Outcomes and Microlearning (opening); The Pedagogical Forms of Mobile Learning 1: Current Approaches and Developments in Education; Mobile Learning Experiences 2: Case Studies from the Higher Education Sector; Mobile Learning Outcomes | Strategies and Measurements 1: State of the Art in Research; Mobile Learning | MicroLearning „Solution Pitches“ (5 minutes for each provider/student project); Mobile Learning Strategies: (1) Making MicroLearning adapt to Users, (2) MicroLearning in Asia: Case Studies; Microlearning through Crowdsourcing: From Micro-content to Micro-arguments; Round Table: Social Media, User Interaction and Group Sourcing of Content; Open Space and Demo Afternoon for Participants

    Micro Learning with Knowledge Pulse

    Open Space and Demo Afternoon

6th MicroLearning 2012, July 9-10, 2012, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Conference Theme: Designing MicroLearning Experiences – Building up knowledge in companies and organisations

    Conference Sessions:
    Future Approaches and Developments in Education; MicroLearning and the Online Society; MicroLearning and Personalization; Corporate MicroLearning; Trendsetting Mobile Microlearning

5th MicroLearning 2011, July 7-8, 2011, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Conference Theme: Microlearning & Mobile Ecology: Increasing the Effectiveness of Technology Enhanced Learning

    Conference Sessions:
    Best Practice in e-Learning Effectiveness and Project Results (opening); Effectiveness of e-Learning – MicroLearning Developments and Results; Advances in MicroLearning: (1) Research, Projects and Results, (2) Projects and Implementations; e-Learning Developments; Research and Development in e-Learning: Revisiting Project Results

    The cost- and time-effectiveness of online learning: providing a perspective on MicroLearning and the differences between academic and corporate views; Corporate Learning: Increasing effectiveness through blended learning approaches; Effectiveness and Learning Styles: Why classical e-learning fails the learners and what they would need to be successful in mastering difficult learning contents?; Innovation and Education Transformation for a World of Opportunities; The iPhone Project: Results from the development and implementation of the e-portfolio to support medical student learning (MBChB); Mobile Learning And Teaching: Evaluation and Empirical learnings from current projects (tbc); Effectivity in e-Learning: Lessons form Interaction Design (tbc)

    Round Tables:
    Effectiveness of e-Learning – MicroLearning Developments and Results

    MicroLearning with KnowledgePulse Success Buffet – Fruits of the Year (Networking)
    MicroLearning 5.0: Innovation Outlook

    Pre-conference events: (Jul 6)
    Tirol-Tag: Mikrolernen und Lern-Effizienz mit Technologien für Unternehmen und den Standort Tirol
    Sessions: Mikrolernen in Österreich: Aktuelle Projekte – Berichte und Resultate; MikroLernen mit dem KnowledgePulse: Stand der Leistungen, Neue Entwicklung; eLearning for a Knowledge Society: Wissensgesellschaft Tirol (presentation & panel discussion); MikroLernen und MikroTraining Get to Gether Wissensgesellschaft Tirol (networking)

4th MicroLearning 2008, June 25-27, 2008, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Conference Theme: Microlearning & Capacity Building

    Pre-conference Workshop Day: (Jun 25)
    MicroLearning with Knowledge Pulse

    Conference day themes: (Jun 26-27)
    Workplace Ecologies; Capacity Building

    MicroCafe Sessions:
    Microinformation in the Enterprise 2.0; Building Information Environments with Microcontent Applications; Classroom Without Walls; Mobile Learning

    Keynotes: (Interactive)
    Innovation needs Microinformation Circulation; Effective Management of Knowledge and Learning Resources in Modern Workplace Environments; Web 2.0, e-Learning 2.0, Quality 2.0 (w. plenary discussion); Microlearning: case study and strategic perspectives (Fire side chat); Mobile Learning; Persistent Acts of Identity: Microblogging, Lifestreaming & Presence Beyond the Classroom

    Micro-Speedgeeking; Research Session (Speedgeeking Style)

    Matrix Tirol „Digitaler Klimawandel“; Managing MicroInformation as part of daily work; MicroLearning Capacity Building (closing plenary discussion)

    Co-located Events:
    MicroLearning Summer School

3rd MicroLearning 2007, June 21-22, 2007, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Conference Theme: Digital Micromedia EcologyTransforming Knowledge in the Digital Micromedia Ecology

    Evaluation digitaler Lernsysteme

    MicroCafe Sessions:
    Mobile Web 2.0 & Education; Corporate Learning in the Microcontent Office; Classroom Without Walls; Microcontent Environments

    Keynotes: (Interactive)
    Mobile Web 2.0 & Education«; How to Deal With Microcontent at the Workplace 2.0; Classroom Without Walls; Microcontent Media Environments

    The Impact of Open Content and Microcontent on Continuing Education (opening note); Mobile Web 2.0 and the Microcontent Office – Impacts on Education and Learning; Micro Speedgeeking; Research Paper Session Sessions (Speedgeeking Style)

    »MATRIX TIROL – Der Digitale Klimawandel« (Eingebettetes Panel); Closing Panel

    EAMIL workshop day (Jun 20):
    Praktiker Workshops: Vom Microsoft Office zum Microcontent Office: Kostenlose Web 2.0-Tools revolutionieren den Arbeitsplatz; Wikis im Unterricht: Von der Wandtafel zum selbst erstellten Wiki; Problem-based Learning mit Web 2.0 und Mobiltelefon: Konkrete Praxisbeispiele und pädagogische Einführung;
    Expert’s Workshops: Mobile Web-based Microlearning; Classrooms Without Walls; Microcontent Foodchains for the Digital Knowledge Ecology

2nd MicroLearning 2006, June 8-9, 2006, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Conference Theme: Micromedia & e-Learning 2.0: Gaining the Big Picture
(part of the Tiroler e-Learning Tage / Tyrolean e-Learning Days, Jun 7–13)

    Conference Tracks:
    Mobile & Micro: Future Perspectives of Mobile Data Services in a Micromedia Context; MicroWeb – Semantic Web: Organizing Microcontent and Managing »Messy Knowledge«; Micromedia, Microcontent, Web 2.0 –Technological, Social and Cultural Implications (Speed Geeking – Micro-Presentations); Microlearning Content: (1) Technologies & Implementations, (2) Basic Strategies & Didactical Aspects; Micromedia & e-Learning 2.0: New Learners – New Learning Spaces; Semantic Web: Architectures for Microlearning Object Repositories

    Living in the Personal Infocloud (w. Interview)
    E-learning 2.0 – Platfotm, not Medium – PLATFORM, NOT MEDIUM (w. 3 x 3 Questions)
    Learning in Micromedia Environments: Vision, Possibilities, Problems

    Microcontent, Micromedia, Microknowledge: An Overview (Kick-off)

    The Micromedia Revolution (Key Panel); The Microlearning Stagnation (Key Panel); Micro-learning in Globally Emerging New Information Societies (Key Panel); Introducing Micro-Structures in E-Learning (Key Panel); Future Perspectives of Microlearning (closing Session); Matrix Tirol: Startups & Zukunftslabore (Embedded Panel)

    EAMIL workshop day (Jun 7):
    Beginner’s Track: Mikro-Lernobjekte für Einsteiger: Hands-on Einführung; e-Learning 2.0 für Anfänger: Technologien und Anwendungsbeispiele; The Learning Game: Spielerisches Lernen in einer interaktiven Lernumgebung
    Expert’s Track: Semantics for micro-learning? Semantic Learning Objects and Semantic Learning Organizations; Microcontent: Structures & Linking – Formats, Applications, Services; Fuzzy Semantic Web 2.0: Human to machine, machine to human, human to human
    eLearning – Quo Vadis? (Abendvortrag)

1st MicroLearning 2005, June 23-24, 2005, Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria

Sub-Title: Conference on Learning & Working in New Media Environments
Conference Theme: Emerging Concepts, Practices and Technologies after e-Learning

    Conference Sessions:
    Pedagogy of Microlearning/Microdidactics; Microknowledge Spaces & Objects – IT-Infrastructure; From M-Learning To Microlearning – Projects & Best Practices; Microknowledge Spaces – Human Computer Interaction; Microlearning Approaches; Poster Sessions

    Teaching the Mobile Generation: Media Technologies – Media Cultures”
    Next Generation eLearning – Strategies, Outlook; The Metamedia Project: Creative Learners – Collaborative Tools: New Modes of On-line Learning and Teaching; New Lines In Nokia M-Learning: Audio Info-Nuggets, SMS-based Messaging Engine; Keynote TBC

    Microlearning and e-Learning Environments as strategic research fields in Austria (opening); Media Research and Instructional Design at the University of Innsbruck (opening); Where is Learning in (Micro-)Learning Objects (Embedded presentation and discussion); Microcontent/Web 2.0 (Embedded presentation and discussion)

    Panels: (3)

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