International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)
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The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM)1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
- Transferring Knowledge for Innovation* (2013-2014)
- International Society for Professional Innovation Management Conference (ISPIM Innonation Conference)* // EUROPE
Tracks: Transferring Knowledge for Innovation
- International Society for Professional Innovation Management Connects (ISPIM Connects)* 2) // ASIA-PACIFIC & NORTHERN-AMERICA
Tracks: Transferring Knowledge for Innovation
- ISPIM International Workshop** 3) // EUROPE
- International Society for Professional Innovation Management Asia Conference (ISPIM-Asia Conference)
- 1st ISPIM-Asia Conference, 10–12 January, 2007, New Delhi, India 4)
Conference Theme (Jan 10): Innovative Approaches to Managing Social and Economic Systems: The International Perspective
(in conjunction with the International Conference on Knowledge Management for Productivity and Competitiveness, Jan 11–12)
- 1st ISPIM-Asia Conference, 10–12 January, 2007, New Delhi, India 4)