KMedu Hub’s daily tweets for 2012/10/04

    The Knowledge Management Education Hub on twitter

  • KMeducation: @syazwanaizad A Bachelor? Which university? U want an online or offline Master? If Offline, then which region/country | Original »
  • KMeducation: KMedu Hub’s daily tweets for 2012/10/02: KMeducation: @syazwanaizad Where? | Original »KMeducation: RT @s… #KMedu | Original »
  • KMeducation: KMedu Hub’s daily tweets for 2012/10/03: KMeducation: RT @syazwanaizad: @KMeducation where do u suggest m… #KMedu | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @mloxton: Do KM certification standards matter? – Seeking KM practitioner input on whether setting standards for KM training and…http … | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @bsntechnology: Master CUOA in Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management Il percorso è d… … | Original »

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