#KMedu tweets of week 19/2015
(Status) #ff 'Systems Integration KM Leaders Community' – 10th Anniv. & 120 m'ly calls http://ow.ly/Mtfki #SIKMLeaders @stangarfield #kmers
(Status) Register for Webcast-Critical Findings in Klever Knowledge Benchmark Report 2015 #KMers #KCS #constantcontact http://conta.cc/1Gbmjam
(Status) @GerhardPeter I've run http://jarche.com/pkm-in-40-days/ for 100's of people worldwide, also custom programs e.g. http://uclg.org @KMeducation
(Status) Interessantes #Event in #Stuttgart: Workshop zur Zertifizierung “Narratives Management" – http://xing.com/r/TILrI #KMedu #Germany #s…
(Status) Talking about #Lean & #balancedscorecard at a conference abt knowledge management in architecture & engineering. #excellent #KAConnect2015
(Status) The KMedu Hub Weekly is out! http://paper.li/KMeducation/kmeduhub-daily?edition_id=75542580-f311-11e4-8115-0cc47a0d1609 …
(Status) Right Hon. Nicky Morgan opens knowledge management event on campus. http://goo.gl/qcvW6l pic.twitter.com/z8obLuFMWZ
(Status) Knowledge Management Training – London, UK June_2015 #bmclondon http://bmcuk.org/Knowledge-Management#.VUUwriap6-8.twitter …

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