#KMedu tweets of week 31/2015
(Status) Knowledge management roles and responsibilities in Australia: Abstract: Most of the studies in k… http://bit.ly/1fVe3Tw #KMedu #KMers
(Status) Model of knowledge management roles and collectives: Abstract: The term knowledge always implies… http://bit.ly/1SuOo5O #KMedu #KMers
(Status) The KMedu Hub Weekly is out! http://paper.li/KMeducation/kmeduhub-daily?edition_id=a850da70-3513-11e5-8972-0cc47a0d1609 … Stories via @kdelarue
(Status) Monday Maxim: Are you certifiable in knowledge management? #KM #KMers https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/you-certifiable-knowledge-management-stan-garfield …
(Status) #MM August 4-6, Sydney @KMAustralia KM Australia 2015: The Discovery & Re-Discovery of Knowledge #KM #KMers https://lnkd.in/erBrNpk
(Status) #MM July 29-30, Shanghai, China: ICIKM 2015: 4th Intl. Conference on Information & Knowledge Management http://www.icikm.org/ #KM #KMers

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