#KMedu tweets of week 36/2014
(Status) The KIN Daily is out! http://paper.li/KINWBS/1332711655 … Stories via @matttyray @KMeducation @mikey3982
(Status) RT @ewenlb: #KM Finally got through really interesting notes from #DIE4KD event (by @thought4dev ?) http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/diek4d_notes Check out…
(Status) Some photos from our two-day workshop "Leading Knowledge" for The Research Council of Oman http://buff.ly/1pvC14O #KM #kmers
(Status) #KMedu Hub: The Knowledge Management career path: Abstract: One of our clients got in touch recently to… http://bit.ly/1rdoosy #KMers
(Status) 12 DAYS to GO! Register NOW for the Sept 18-19 Knowledge Management/Services workshop @thebomanairobi – http://eepurl.com/2wbzL
(Status) @SaigalHamza Singapore Knowledge Management Conference 2014, 1-3 Oct http://www.adplusplatform.com/summaryCard/223
(Status) Speaking about #knowledge management and innovation at the 1st International Seminar on Safety-Critical Systems. #Larning a lot. #KM #KMers
(Status) Coming to #LearningLive? Register for our session on semantic knowledge management #applyinsight http://ow.ly/B5nZ5
(Status) 1st day @ European Conference on Knowledge Management #ECKM2014 , Santarém, Portugal. pic.twitter.com/nhPaRbbKrR
(Status) Yes, the Knowledge-LAB is next week :: september 10, 2014 :: http://www.a-i-a.com/k-net/ :: #learn #innovate #collaborate #kmedu #kmers
(Status) #KMedu Hub: What sort of Knowledge Management training do you need?: Abstract: Knowledge management Tra… http://bit.ly/1uyYToN #KMers
(Status) Karla Phlypo PhD: Midwest Knowledge Management Symposium http://pulse.me/s/2uX3GN
(Status) The KMedu Hub Weekly is out! http://paper.li/KMeducation/kmeduhub-daily … Stories via @KMeducation

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