#KMedu tweets of week 17/2016
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Follow fellow KM(for)(4)Dev-ers tweets http://tweetedtimes.com/KMforDEV?s=rgp – top stories by @reidhoffman, @KMeducation, @stangarfield
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Come to my workshop at @KMAustralia on 2 Aug: The Innovation Conversation @ArkGroup #KMAus #KMEdu http://delarue.net/blog/2016/04/the-innovation-conversation-workshop/ …
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i’m also applying for a new course (information and knowledge management) and thank god i still have my academic transcripts :P
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Knowledge Management workshop in Tbilisi
2-day Knowledge Management working session was organized by partners… http://fb.me/19CnQcLLP
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Blog Post: Henley Forum: Advanced Course in Knowledge Management http://bit.ly/1rkMI31
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Conclusions of the Educating Knowledge Managers study http://realkm.com/2016/04/28/educating-knowledge-managers-series-conclusions/ … #km #kmers
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.@VisionAfrica Flashback to @CSCLeaders – who knew a workshop on data & knowledge management would end up being all about #collaboration?!
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#Knowledge #Management in the #Energy Sector Workshop with @lboroCIM and @the_ETI http://bit.ly/1UiL4KT pic.twitter.com/0ej0RkgtDp
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Four tasks for a KM team: Using this Boston Square as a guide, we can recognise four main activiti… http://bit.ly/1NBZYKE #KM #KMers
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Wissensmanagement MOOC – Startnext – http://startnext.com – http://xing.com/r/uMNy5 #KMers #mooc #crowdfunding #KMedu #Germany
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Today, Dr. Mohammad Rahman spoke in the #research #seminar titled “#Knowledge #Management in Public Sector” #MBRSGpic.twitter.com/V49eBtjD6D
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starting a course from @UNSSC on knowledge, networking & innovation. Interesting social media’s role in knowledge management @NUsocialmktg
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Excited to be starting my 8-week online UN training programme, combining #KM, design thinking, innovation and #AI https://lnkd.in/e8e59ZH
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This Knowledge Management (KM) training course teaches you how to implement an efficient method of collecting and… http://fb.me/KTYPvmU1
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#KM The role of the knowledge management executive sponsor: I blogged last week about the implementati… http://bit.ly/1NvQXTj #KMers
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Our online KCS Foundation certification training is now only $195! #knowledgemanagement #KCS http://ubm.io/1SFt62I
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Please support INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN EDUCATION https://svgives.razoo.com/Iskme via @razoo
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Discover how smart knowledge management workshop can leverage your business! http://ow.ly/4n4fpv pic.twitter.com/GeKRAwLMPj
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International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS)*: The International Symposium on… http://bit.ly/230NwWC #KMedu #KMers
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The 10 best ice breakers for any work event http://abt.cm/1Uar6Sk #km4dev #kmerspic.twitter.com/YDL9PEDQSz
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Knowledge Management Conference (KM Conference)*: The Knowledge Management Conference (KMC), org… http://bit.ly/1pxaw2d #KMedu #KMers
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KM moins 10 , le Journal is out! http://paper.li/Vidkili/km-moins-le-quart?edition_id=0c2d02a0-09f6-11e6-8295-002590a5ba2d … Stories via @rez0 @KMbyDrGrant @KMeducation
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