Knowledge Building Summer Institute (KBSI)*

Knowledge Building Summer Institute (KBSI)*

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The annual Knowledge Building Summer Institute (KBSI), formerly known as the Summer Institute on Knowledge Building, the Knowledge Forum® Summer Institute and Knowledge Forum® Workshop, aims to extend the community of knowledge builders, to set a course for future developments. Newcomer and veteran knowledge builders view and discuss the work of innovative practitioners, researchers, and engineers from around the world. Participants work spans elementary to tertiary education, health care, professional communities and businesses.

KBSI is organized by the Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT) and Knowledge Building International (KBI), formerly the Knowledge Society Network (KSN), located at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto (OISE/UT)

To participate or present at KBSI, you must be a Knowledge Building International (KBI) member.

Conference History:

(Date and venue TBC)
KBSI 2025, June 9-10, 2025, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Conference Theme: Knowledge Building for Sustainable Futures in the Age of Generative AI
(Host: University of Helsinki; In conjunction with the ISLS Annual Meeting 2025, Jun 10-13)

    Note: Exact date TBD (Like in 2024 it may be a pre-conference event of the ISLS Annual Meeting, ie on June 9 or 10, 2025); Additionally, it might be held in a virtual mode, too.

    Program TBD

    Pre-conference Events: (Jun 2)
    Knowledge building/ pre-conference online discussion on uploaded papers

KBSI 2024, June 9 & October 17-18, 2024, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA / Virtual venue & Nanyang Technological University, Singapore / Virtual venue

(Host: Learning Sciences Initiative, Buffalo Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo; National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University)

    Knowledge Building: Creating Coherent Knowledge to Advance Socially Significant Goals (KBSI 2024, Singapore)

    Conference program TBD

    Plenary Sessions:
    Gen AI’s Knowledge about Knowledge
    Knowledge Building – Creating Coherent Knowledge to Advance Socially Significant Goals (Tentative)

    Knowledge Building and Generative AI: A Continued Dialogue (Panel)
    AI and Knowledge Builsing (Collective Papers)
    Creating Coherent Knowledge to Advance Knowledge Building Practice (Collective Papers)

    Open Papers Sessions:

    Poster Session

    Co-located Events:
    Knowledge Building Design Studio, Oct 14-16
    Theme: We are ECO-Explorers! Dive in to explore, gain knowledge, and build our City in Nature together
    Workshop: IER0027 – Experiential and Interactive Workshop on Knowledge Building Pedagogy and Technology, Oct 14-18

    Knowledge Building and Generative AI to Advance Community Knowledge (KBSI 2024 workshop, Buffalo)
    (Pre-conference Workshop @ ISLS Annual Meeting 2024, Jun 10-14, Theme: Learning as a cornerstone of healing, resilience, and community)

    The application of AI to Knowledge Building
    Collaborating with Gen-AI in a Social Epistemological World

    Lightning talks:
    Developing AI- empowered analytics for Knowledge Building
    Collabot: Can AI help students to improve their ideas?
    Exploring the role of AI in Knowledge Building from Elementary to Higher Education, with focus on depth of understanding and work in design mode
    Investigating students’ reliance on AI in Knowledge Building
    Integrating Generative AI with Knowledge Building: Teachers’ and Principals’ Perspectives
    Report Cards reimagined for Knowledge Building
    Fostering self-organization for knowledge advancement

    Working groups’ sessions:

    Panel Discussion

    “Knowledge Building” papers @ ISLS Annual Meeting:
    Emergent Design for Developing Undergraduates’ Understanding of Research in a Knowledge Building Community
    A Meta-Space for “Super Notes”: How Two Teachers Supported Cross-Classroom Collaboration for Knowledge Building
    Detecting Patterns of Idea Novelty and Complexity in Student Knowledge Building Discourses
    Evaluating Metaspace as an Infrastructure for Teacher Cross-Community Collaboration in Knowledge Building
    Build Resilience in Knowledge Building Communities: Teacher’s Growth Mindset Oriented Feedback to Support Grade 5 Students’ Yearlong Science Inquiry

KBSI 2023, June 11-15, 2023, Dawson College, Montréal, Quebec, Canada

Conference Theme: Education in Design Mode: The Knowledge Building Challenge (was: The Knowledge Building Collaboratory: Education in Design Mode)
(Host: FSÉ Département d’études sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage, Université Laval; Department of Pedagogical Research, Dawson College)

    Note: KBSI is taking place in conjunction with the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Annual Meeting, combining the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) and the Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) conference. Jun 10-15; Theme: Building knowledge and sustaining our community; Venues: Concordia University, Dawson College and McGill University

    Plenary Sessions:
    Education in Design Mode: A Knowledge Building Challenge
    Key takeways, challenges and next steps in…
    – …Designing Tools, Frameworks and Implementation Tools for Knowledge Building in the Wild
    – …Designing Knowledge Building Communities with Analytics and AI in Mind
    – …Infrastructure for Knowledge Building: Contrasting Issues and Approaches to Define the Future of Knowledge Building
    KB LUNCH TALK: Partnering with AI to Address KB Challenges

    Parallel Sessions:
    Designs for Knowledge Building in the Field
    Designing Knowledge Building Tools and Technologies
    Designs and Frameworks for Knowledge Building Implementation
    New Designs for Knowledge Building Communities
    Desigining Analytics to Sustain and Advance Knowledge Building
    Challenges and Opportunities of AI and Knowlege Building
    Design Challenge Sessions

    Paper presentation sessions:
    SYMPOSIUM: Emergent Designs and Collective Capacity for Innovating Higher Education Knowledge Building Environments
    Designs and Challenges of Scaling Knowledge Building Communities in K-12 Environments

    Sessions @ ISLS:
    CSCL AI Special Session
    Infrastructures for Knowledge Building Symposium @ ISLS

    KBRI Design Challenge
    KBI Annual General Meeting

    Co-located Conferences:
    International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS) Annual Meeting, Jun 10-15
    Conference Theme: Building knowledge and sustaining our community
    – International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS)
    – Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)

KBSI 2022, August 22-26, 2022, Aeres University of Applied Science, Wageningen, The Netherlands / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Knowledge building for the public good: Education for a world in transition
(Host: Aeres University of Applied Science, Faculty of Education and Teacher Education)

    Face-2-Face & Virtual Sessions, Aug 22-24; Face-2-Face Sessions only, August 25-26

    Knowledge Building Collaboratory: Sustained Principles-Based Work in Design Mode 

    Triple- Symposium:
    Preparing triple-symposia session
    KB and sustainability
    KB co-creating in and connecting between systems (whole system approach)
    KB infrastructure
    Plenary: “Bringing our knowledge together” Integration of the triple symposia

    Knowledge Building Collaboratory Sprint
    Tracks: Designer track; Consultant track

    Paper Sessions:
    Adventures in the KBIN: Collaboratories, Studios, Metaspaces & Beyond
    Exploring new analytic terrain for KB
    Knowledge Building in Higher Education and the Professions
    Use of existing analytics to support KB
    KB: Crossing boundaries, communities and institution

    Poster Sessions:
    KB Practices & New Strategies

    PHD-around the world CAFÉ meeting each other

KBI 2021, November 19-20, 2021, Aeres University of Applied Science, Wageningen, The Netherlands Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Building Knowledge for Public Good: Meeting New People and New Ideas in Knowledge Building’s Metaspace (was: Knowledge Building, Responsive Education, and Knowledge for Public Good)
(Host: Aeres University of Applied Science, Faculty of Education and Teacher Education)

    Note: The conference was originally scheduled for Summer, 2021

    Presentation Sessions:
    Knowledge Building for Public Good (plenary)
    Students’ engagement
    Making Accessible Knowledge Building through Knowledge Facilitation (KF)
    Knowledge Building Analytics
    Knowledge Building Frameworks
    Classroom Implementation

    Working Sessions:
    Student-Led Design
    Global Communities
    Student-Led Design

    Group Discussions:
    Deepening and Broadening Knowledge Building
    Bringing the Sessions Together – Next Steps

    Knowledge Building International (KBI) Updates

KBI 2020, November 20-21, 2020, Aeres University of Applied Science, Wageningen, The Netherlands Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Knowledge Building, Responsive Education, and Knowledge for Public Good A Global Knowledge Building Design Experiment: Saving the Planet, Saving Lives
(Host: Aeres University of Applied Science, Faculty of Education and Teacher Education)

    Note: The Summer Institute was scheduled for August 23-26, 2020

    Plenary Sessions:
    Visions for the Design Experiment (2x visioning/design session with panel discussion)

    Parallel Sessions:
    Knowledge Building Innovation Network
    Knowledge Building Analytics: Exploring Distinctions Between Learning Analytics and Knowledge Building Analytics
    A rising Knowledge Building tide lifts all boats: New Knowledge Building research and coherent approach to modern pedagogies and assessments

    Knowledge Building International (KBI) – Annual General Meeting (AGM)

KBSI 2019 workshops

Theme: Knowledge Building Practices and Technology for Global Hubs of Innovation

  • KBSI Wageningen 2019, November 26-30, 2019, Aeres University of Applied Science, Wageningen, The Netherlands
    Conference Theme: Knowledge Building Advanced Learning Analytics and Knowledge Forum (User-interface design week!)
    (Host: Aeres University of Applied Science, Faculty of Teacher Education)

      Hackathon-design; Use of learning analytics for teachers and students

      Presentations of some learning analytics by developers
      Input by end-users: KF user-interface and learning analytics design

  • KBSI Lyon 2019, June 17, 2019, École normale supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France
    (In conjunction with the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), JUn 17-21)

      Interface Design Session:
      Managing Information Overload: Interface Design Solutions for Prolific Knowledge Forum Communities

      Paper Sessions:
      Identities and Agency in Knowledge Building Communities
      Discourses and Courses for Advancing the Work of the Knowledge Building Research Institute (paper/design session)
      Poster Session

      Knowledge Building International (KBI) Business meeting (Jun 21)

  • KBSI Toronto 2019, April 7-9, 2019, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
    Conference Theme: Plan to establish the Knowledge Building Research Institute (KBRI)
    (In conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Apr 5-9; Host: University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education)

      KBRI Objectives’ Presentations (day 1):
      Education for Innovation Program
      Globally Networked Knowledge Building Hubs of Innovation Supported by the Knowledge Building Collaboratory
      Knowledge Forum Developments and Data Analytics to Support Idea Improvement
      A Rich Knowledge Building/Knowledge Creation Data Repository for Researchers Worldwide

      Jackman Institute of Child Study Laboratory School (JICS) Session (day 2):
      Presentations: Why Knowledge Building?; Knowledge Building: What’s Distinctive/What to Look for; Leadership for Knowledge Building Innovation in Ontario and Singapore
      JICS Classroom Visits
      Poster Session: Innovators from Worldwide Knowledge Building Innovation Network
      K-12 Student Panel
      Discussion with Researchers, Administrators, Teachers and Policy Makers

      Research Grant Planning Session (day 3)

      Invited Talks:
      Knowledge Building: Reading and Writing in Design Mode

      Knowledge Building International (KBI) Business Meeting

  • KBSI Hiroshima 2019, March 17-20, 2019, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan
    Conference Theme: Knowledge Forum: Online Platform for Collaborative Idea Improvement
    (Host: Hiroshima University, )

      Innovative Session (Knowledge Forum;…); Knowledge Forum Interface Session; Knowledge Forum Analytic Session

      Plenary Session:
      Beyond 21st Centry Skills
      Globally Networked Knowledge Building Hubs of Innovation

      Meetings, Mar 17/20

  • KBSI Beijing 2019, March 15-16, 2019, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
    (Host: Beijing Normal University, Advanced Innovation Center for Future Education)

      Design, Implement, and Evaluate Knowledge Building Courses in K-12 and Higher Education
      Setting the Stages for Idea Improvement in Knowledge Forum

      Parallel Sessions:
      Developing New Literacies and Competencies through Knowledge Building
      Designs and Models for Collective Responsibility
      Knowledge Building Design, Implementation, & Evaluation (workshop session)Knowledge Building as a Way of Life: Engaging Schools and Families
      Pervasive Knowledge Building: Seamless Integration of F2F and Online Discourse
      Concepts, Designs, and Tools for Sustained Work with Ideas (Part 1 = workshop session)
      TBCSpreading Knowledge Building through SchoolUniversity Partnerships (Teacher panel session)Teacher Professional Development and Lifelong Innovation

      Teacher Panel:
      Three Cases of Knowledge Building Practice in a school from Xinjiang Province

      Plenary Session:
      Beyond 21st Centry Skills
      Research on Learning Resource Organization in Ubiquitous Learning Environment
      Globally Networked Knowledge Building Hubs of Innovation

  • KBSI Singapore 2019, March 12-13, 2019, Singapore
    Conference Theme: Knowledge Building Practices and Technology for Global Hubs of Innovation
    (In conjunction with Knowledge Building Network Learning 2019 – Organized by the Knowledge Building Community (Singapore); Host: Nanyang Technological University, National Institute of Education; St. Hilda’s Primary School)

      Group Discussions
      Design and Practice Challenge 1: Formative assessment in Singapore classrooms
      Design and Practice Challenge 2: New technologies in formative assessment practice (students)

      KB Class Visit Sessions:
      Formatively assessing understanding of a theme for narrative writing (Grade 6 English KB Class)
      Student-led formative assessment of written expression in Chinese writing (Grade 5 Chinese KB Class)
      Knowledge Building Cards and Language to Enable Formative Assessment (Grade 5 Science KB Class)
      Formative assessment with a Science Application Task on KF (Grade 5 Science KB Class)

      Getting Started with Knowledge Building, Knowledge Forum and Embedded Learning Analytics

      Poster Sessions:
      Invited Students’ Posters
      Researchers’ Posters

      Plenary Discussions:
      New Environment and Assessment for Deep Disciplinary Knowledge and 21CC

      Knowledge Building as a Way of Life (opening lecture)
      Present and Future Literacies (opening lecture)
      Growing Brains in Knowledge Gardens
      Enhancing Epistemic Agency in a Knowledge Building Community: A Two-Year Design Study (innovative session)

22nd KBSI 2018, August 14-17, 2018, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Conference Theme: Knowledge Building: A Place for Everyone in a Knowledge Society
(Host: KBI & IKIT)

    Collaboratory Workshop (Part 1: Demo, Part 2: Design Hack)
    Idea Thread Mapper Workshop – Teacher & Engineer Design Hack

    Design Experiment:
    Site Visits & Knowledge Building Circle (Reflections); Knowledge Building/Knowledge Forum Work; Research Design Team Interventions; Updates, Feedback, and Final Presentation on Knowledge Forum Work and Promising Ideas

    Parallel Sessions:
    Building Innovative Capacity: Knowledge Building in Professional Learning Contexts
    Knowledge Building and Diverse Learners: Collective Responsibility for All
    The Leading Student Achievement Project: Lessons for Long-Term Success
    Scalability and Sustainability of Knowledge Building
    Promoting Productive Discourse
    Cultivating a Design Mindset
    Spreading Knowledge Building: From Schools to Districts
    Discourse Analysis
    Improvable Ideas, Co-invention, and Classroom Perspectives
    Knowledge Building Analytics: From Analysis to Actionable Insights
    Crossing Boundaries: Knowledge Building Across and Beyond the Curriculum
    Crossing Boundaries and Bringing Communities Together
    Global Innovation Network: The Leadership Factor
    STEM, Robotics, and Networked Schools
    Analyse-Reflect-with-Technology: Knowledge Building & Learning Analytics in Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment of 21st Century Competencies
    Designs to Foster KB Discourse and Metadiscourse
    Schoolwide Cultures for Idea Improvement
    Knowledge Building, Anytime, Anywhere
    Knowledge Building and Professional Learning
    Building Epistemic Agency through Risk-Taking with Ideas
    Towards Inclusive Classrooms
    Designing Curricula and Ubiquitous Learning Resources

    Pizza Lunch and Poster Session
    Journal of Learning Sciences Webinar

    Plenary Sessions:
    Design Experiments to Advance Knowledge Building Frontiers
    Knowledge Building Research Institute (KBRI): Introduction
    New Opportunities for the Advancement of Knowledge Building

    Knowledge Building International (KBI) Annual Meeting & Team Reports

21st KBSI 2017, June 18-22, 2017, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Conference Theme: Making a Difference: Knowledge Building Communities
(In conjunction with the International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Jun 18-22)

    CSCL Pre-conference Workshops:
    New Forms of Technological Support for Knowledge-Building Communities (CANCELLED)

    CSCL Symposia:
    Making a Difference: Analytics for Quality Knowledge-Building Conversations
    Scripted and Unscripted Aspects of Creative Work with Knowledge
    Toward a Multi-Level Knowledge Building Network

    CSCL Sessions:
    Broadening participation within and across communities
    Examining knowledge building practices and communities

20th KBSI 2016, June 22-23, 2016, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Conference Theme: Multi-Level Knowledge Innovation Networks
(In conjunction with the International Conference of the Society of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Jun 20-24)

    ICLS Symposia:
    Beyond Tried and True: The Challenge of Education for Innovation

    ICLS tracks:
    Knowledge Building Practitioners’ Track

    ICLS short paper sessions:
    Knowledge Building

19th KBSI 2015 events

Theme: Share the Excitement: Knowledge Building Innovations Around the World

  • Building Cultural Capacity for Innovation (Mesa Redonda), December 7, 2015, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife, Brazil
    (In conjunction with the 6º Simpósio Hipertexto e Tecnologias na Educação e 2º Colóquio Internacional de Educação com Tecnologias, Dec 7-8; Host: Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Núcleo de Estudos de Hipertexto e Tecnologia na Educação)

      Knowledge Building: importance and issues through the analysis of three practical implementantion cases in Brazil
      Knowledge for the public good

  • Knowledge Building Summer Institute (KBSI) Day, September 9, 2015, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
    (In conjunction with the 10th anniversary National Congress of the Collaborative Knowledge Building Group (CKBG), Sep 9-12; Host: Universita degli Studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici; Organizer: Collaborative Knowledge Building Group)

      Through the Eyes of a Protagonist: Experiencing KB in a Novel Way
      From Theory into Practice: A Journey of Inquiry and Knowledge Building

      4 Presentation Sessions
      Future development of CKBG and KBI

      Exploring Idea Landscapes
      Does Knowledge Building Have a Heart? Does it Have a Soul?

  • Hubs of Innovation, July 17, 2015, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
    Conference Theme: Hubs of Innovation
    (In conjunction with the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) Conference, Jul 13-17; Host: University of Auckland, Faculty of Education and Social Work)

      Education in an Open Informational World (Keynote)
      Hubs of Innovation (Doctoral symposium)

  • Knowledge Building Symposium 2015, July 9-10, 2015, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand
    Conference Theme: Teachers as Knowledge Creators: Future-Oriented Professional Learning and Development
    (Co-organizer: University of Otago, College of Education, Centre for Distance Education and Learning Technologies; Knowledge Building New Zealand)
  • School-University-Government Partnerships to Foster Innovation, June 12, 2015, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
    (Host: University of Prince Edward Island, Faculty of Education)

      Tomorrow’s Innovators — students leading the way with Knowledge Building: Demonstrations from Quebec and Barcelona
      Hubs of innovation
      National and international partnerships

18th KBSI 2014, August 12-15, 2014, Laval University, Quebec City, Canada

Conference Theme: Building Knowledge in an Open Informational World
(Co-organizers: Technology for Advanced Collaboration Among Teachers (TACT) and Remote Networked Schools (RNS))

    Tomorrow’s Innovators event

17th KBSI 2013, August 6-9, 2013, Universidad Iberoamericana, Puebla, Mexico

Conference Theme: Crossing the Educational Chasm: From the Basics to Creative Work with Ideas
(Co-organizers: Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology (IKIT) Mexico)

    Tomorrow’s Innovators event

16th KBSI 2012, August 7-10, 2012, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Conference Theme: Building Cultural Capacity for Innovation

    Design Challenge, Paper, Poster, and Workshop Tracks:
    Intellectual Engagement and an Inclusive Knowledge Society
    Creative, Sustained Work with Ideas
    Knowledge Building Partnerships & Professional Development
    Technology for Knowledge Creation -International Open Source Initiative-
    Social Innovation and Systemic Change; Continuing Education, Credentialing, & Policy Making
    Assessment for Knowledge Creation
    Research Based Innovation; Sustainability and Scalability

    Embedded Phenomena for Knowledge Communities: Supporting complex inquiry practices and interactions in the elementary science classroom
    IDEAS/IDEES – Idea Development, Engagement, Educational Achievement, and Systemic Change
    Visit to the iDAPT Research Centre of the Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
    SENSEER: Le modele de l’ecole eloignee en reseau et les communautes francophones du Canada / The Quebec Remote Networked School model and Francophone communities across provinces
    Automation of Qualitative Content Analysis: Using Natural Language Processing to Assess Argumentative Knowledge Construction
    Outils d’analyse de vocabulaire francais. Francophone Vocabulary Analyzing Tools
    Faculty Adaptations of Open Educational Resource as a Collaborative Knowledge Building Space
    Understanding and Using Knowledge Forum’s Analytic Tools
    How do we build a common foundation of understanding in order to tackle the complex, interrelated challenges of the 21st century in a coherent and effective way?

15th KBSI 2011, July 6-12, 2011, Hong Kong & Guangzhou, China

  • Knowledge Building Stream, July 6-8, 2011, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
    (in conjucntion with the International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Jul 4-8)

      Interactive, Paper, and Poster Sessions

      Interactive Events:
      Common boundary among different worlds: Collaboration between researchers and school teachers in KB-NLC project in Singapore Getting started and sustaining Knowledge Building
      Collaborative Design (CODE) as a Teacher Professional Development Model in Francophone and Anglophone Quebec
      Knowledge Building Teacher Network in Hong Kong: Sustaining and Scaling Knowledge Building through Principle-Based Innovation
      A Principle-Based Approach to Knowledge Building: Processes, Challenges, and Implications
      Trialogical learning supported by Knowledge Practices Environment
      Strengthening the Conceptual Foundations of Knowledge Building Theory and Pedagogy
      Knowledge Building International Project : Designs for Deep Understanding
      Enhancing the Social and Cognitive Benefits of Digital Tools and Media

  • KBSI 2011, July 9-12, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China
    Conference Theme: Learning Sciences & Educational Innovation: Policy, Practice & Performance
    (Host: South China Normal University, School of Information Technology in Education, Guangdong Centre for Educational Technology)

      Next-generation Knowledge Building Environment

      Research Roundtables:
      Possible Themes: Designs and strategies for introducing CSCL in school settings; Pedagogical considerations and affordances of Technologies for CSCL; Teacher professional development/school-university partnership issues

      Hubs of Innovation: Current and Future
      Getting Started with Knowledge Building in Nanjing
      New Supports for Knowledge Building: Discourses and Metadiscourses
      Embedded, Transformative, and Concurrent Assessment
      Cooperative Research and Data Sharing

      Where is Knowledge Building Headed?
      School-university Partnerships in CSCL Research and Practice in Guangzhou, Hong Kong and beyond
      Past, present, and future of CSCL

14th KBSI 2010, August 3-6, 2010, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Conference Theme: New Assessments and Environments for Knowledge Building

    Getting Started with Knowledge Building and Knowledge Forum
    Development of Formative Assessment Tools for Knowledge Building

    Design Challenge Workshops (Breakout Groups):
    Identify the Main Functions for Our International Association
    Establishing and Sustaining Knowledge Building Communities
    Plan ways to promote metadiscourse and use it to raise the level of knowledge-buildin
    Plan ways to bring “big ideas” to the front in knowledge building discourse

    Design Sessions:
    Open Learning Initiative and Knowledge Forum: Toward making any web object an object of Knowledge Building
    Planting the Seeds for Growth in Knowledge Building and Teacher Transformation for Math and Science in Ontario Public Schools

    Paper Sessions:
    Valuable Ideas, Networked Worlds, and Mobile Learning
    Teacher Professional Development and Belief Change
    Promoting Creativity and Idea Generation
    Theory to Practice: Challenges and Advances in Large Size Classrooms, Scientific Inquiry, and Theory Development
    Three Journeys into the World of Knowledge Building
    Confronting the Challenges
    Towards New Assessments for Knowledge Building
    Understanding Knowledge Building Discourse

    Plenary Session:
    Sustaining Knowledge Building: A Longitudinal Look at an Elementary School Experience
    Educational Improvement: Student, Policy, and International Perspective
    Levels of Intellectual Development in Canadian Schools, Impact of Student Involvement, and Future Directions for Continuous Feedback for Students and Teachers
    Trends, Tensions and Transitions for Educational Systems in the Mediterranean Area

    New Assessments and Environments for Knowledge Building: Design Challenges
    How to Make Good Knowledge-Building Discourse Better

13th KBSI 2009, August 29 – September 2, 2009, University of the Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Conference Theme: Global Cooperation in Teacher Education: Focus on Knowledge Building
(In conjunction with the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) Conference; Host: Universitat de les Illes Balears, Institut de Ciències de l’Educació)

    Pre-conference Workshops (Aug 29):
    Getting Started with Knowledge Building Creation methodology: workshop for beginners
    Bridging minds for Knowledge Creativity: innovating communicative approaches in a global world. Multilingual and intercultural attitudes for dealing with cultural and personal diversity

    Panel Discussions (ATEE):
    Technology for Social inclusion and Knowledge Creation: a key issue in Elementary and Secondary Teacher Education

    Track Sessions: Global Cooperation in Teacher Education: Focus on Knowledge Building
    Teacher courses in Knowledge Creation
    Case Studies of Knowledge Creation
    Technology, Teacher Guidance, and Roles
    Knowledge Building Theme: Discourse and Literacy
    Knowledge Creation in Health Care
    Knowledge building as a pedagogy in use
    Epistemological Beliefs and Motivation
    Poster presentations

    Research and Development Center Meetings:
    Knowledge Building: Organizational matters (Track: “Global Cooperation in Teacher Education: Focus on Knowledge Building”)

    Knowledge Building Creation in Teacher Education
    Teacher Education for Knowledge Creation: The Knowledge Building International Project (KBIP)

    Co-located Events:
    Tomorrow’s Innovators (TI) Workshop, Aug 28-31

    Laboratory Experience. Knowledge Building Creation in international context. Nature of the challenge. Tomorrow’s Innovators: workshop to experience knowledge creativity

12th KBSI 2008, August 5-8, 2008, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Conference Theme: Keeping Idea Improvement Alive in a Worldwide Knowledge-Building Community

    Getting Started with Knowledge Building and Knowledge Forum
    Knowledge Building International Project (KBIP) 2008/2009
    Analysis, Reflection & Tours (ART) Sessions

    Paper Sessions:
    Social Structure and Interactions for Knowledge Building
    Ideas at the Centre
    Measuring Knowledge Advances
    Professional Development
    Epistemic Agency
    Confluence of Theory and Practice
    Scientific Literacy
    Democratizing Knowledge
    Poster session & “Create your own” sessions

    Principle-Based Teacher Professional Development: Advances and Issues

    Plenary Session:
    Keeping Idea Improvement Alive in a Worldwide Knowledge Building Community (panel)
    Knowledge Building at the Summer Institute: Overview of the Program
    Tomorrow’s Innovators
    Open Learning: Increasing Participation in the Authentic Discourse of Domain (panel)
    Knowledge Building in International Contexts (panel)
    Advances in Knowledge Building throughout the Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology
    Collaborative Knowledge Building and Powerful Instructional Environments (panel)
    Scaffolding for Knowledge Creation (panel)
    Next Steps: International Perspectives

    Business Meeting:
    Progress Toward an International Association

    Co-located Events:
    Tomorrow’s Innovators (TI) Workshop (w. Students and teachers from Quebec and Hong Kong)

    Tomorrow’s Innovators: Reflections and How to Begin (workshop)
    Tomorrow’s Innovators & Analysis, Reflection & Tours (ART) Sessions
    Design Sessions:
    – Learning One’s Way around in a Knowledge Domain: Individual and Collective Knowledge Advances
    – Are the challenges of educational change the same with Knowledge Building as with most other reforms or are there special problems or advantages?
    Knowledge Building in International Contexts (panel)
    Tomorrow’s Innovators Presentation and Researchers’ Reflection

11th KBSI 2007, August 7-10, 2007, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Conference Theme: Building Knowledge for Deep Understanding

    Open Sourcing Knowledge Forum
    What is Knowledge Building? Part 2
    Introduction to Knowledge Forum 4.7 & The Summer Institute database “SI 2007”
    Customizing the Analysis Tools for Non-English Contexts
    Analysis, Reflection & Tours (ART) Sessions

    Paper Sessions:
    International Multi-lingual Knowledge Building Cooperation Project
    Contexts for Professional Development
    Knowledge Building, Gender and Social Position
    Knowledge Building in International Contexts
    Analysis of Knowledge Building Networks
    Teacher’s understandings of principle-based innovations
    Promoting Deep Understanding
    Design Research and Knowledge Building
    Knowledge Building Theory
    Poster Sessions & “Create your own” sessions

    Plenary Session:
    What is Knowledge Building? Part 1
    Knowledge Building at the Summer Institute: An Overview
    The Knowledge Creating Civilization: A Proposal

    Co-located Events:
    Tomorrow’s Innovators (TI) Workshop (with Students and teachers from Quebec and Hong Kong)

    Tomorrow’s Innovators Observation & Analysis, Reflection & Tours (ART) Sessions
    Design-Mode Meetings, Refinement (Design for Tomorrow) & Presentations
    – Deep, cross-discipline understanding of climate change
    – Sustainable and scalable knowledge building communities
    – Knowledge building dynamics and assessment
    Tomorrow’s Innovators and Design Team Presentations

    Launch of the Knowledge Building International Project (KBIP)

10th Summer Institute on Knowledge Building 2006, August 8-11, 2006, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Conference Theme: Democratizing Society’s Innovative Capacity

    Introduction to Knowledge Forum 4.6 & the Summer Institute database “Innovators 2006”
    Write reflections in the Summer Institute database
    Analysis, Reflection & Tours (ART) Sessions

    Interactive Sessions:
    Deeper understanding of multilingual communication problems for better knowledge building support
    Assessing Cognitive Development
    Knowledge Building and Algebra
    Initiating, Scaling up and Sustaining the Knowledge Building Approach

    Interactive “Design-mode” Sessions
    – ?
    Activity Theory for Assessing Progress
    Engineering Challenges to Advancing Knowledge Building

    Paper Sessions:
    Knowledge Building in Science, History and Social Science
    Language and Literacy Issues related to Knowledge Building
    Embedding Assessment to Move Knowledge Building Forward
    Participation Patterns in Knowledge Building Communities
    Professional Development to Support Innovative Practice
    Software, Technology & New Environments
    Innovations in Researching Knowledge Forum Databases
    New Ways of Framing Knowledge Building Theory and Practice
    Understanding Learner Issues in Knowledge Building Communities
    Collaboration in On-line Higher Education & Pre-service Environments
    Posters & Demonstrations Session & “Create your own” sessions

    Tools and Strategies for Democratizing Society’s Innovative Capacity
    Dynamics of Knowledge Building at the Summer Institute
    Decision Makers Forum: Extending the Limits of the Possible in Education (panel)
    Knowledge Building History and Where is Knowledge Building Heading?

    Co-located Events:
    Tomorrow’s Innovators (TI) Workshop

    Tomorrow’s Innovators & Analysis, Reflection & Tours (ART) Sessions
    Principals’ Perspectives on the Tomorrow’s Innovators Design Experiment
    Tomorrow’s Innovators Keynote Panel

9th Summer Institute on Knowledge Building 2005, August 9-12, 2005, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Conference Theme: Creating Knowledge to Drive Knowledge Creation

    Knowledge Forum 4.6/Summer Institute Database
    Analyses, Reflections and Tours (ART) Sessions
    In Real Life, Math and Enjoyment Don’t Go Together – In Knowledge Forum Math = Enjoyment! Grade 4 children work together to build their understanding of mathematical functions
    An Online Introductory Tutorial on Knowledge Forum and Knowledge Building for Students
    Advances and Next-steps: Where do we go from here? (cluster group discussions & summary presentation)

    Paper Sessions:
    Assessing the Dynamics of Knowledge Growth
    History and Social Studies
    Integrating Institutional and Educational Practices
    Bridging Worlds: Knowledge Forum and Third-Party Applications
    Teacher Development in the Knowledge Age: Pathways to Expertise
    Science and Mathematics
    Knowledge Building Communities For Teacher Professional Development: The Case Of Francophone Classrooms/ Développement professionnel et communautés de coélaboration de connaissances: Le cas de classes francophones
    Poster & Demonstration Session & “Create your own” sessions

    Presentations: (?)
    Getting Knowledge Building Happening in a District
    Getting Started – The Catalunyan Perspective

    Keynotes & Panels:
    The New Creativity
    Theoretical Models of Knowledge Creation (panel)
    Students from Rose Avenue Junior Public School Present Knowledge Building
    Principals’ Perspectives on Knowledge Building (panel)
    Education Reform: Opportunities and Challenges (panel)
    Where Knowledge Building is Heading: Epistemic Agency Rising to a New Level
    Merging our agendas: Students, teachers, principals, parents and a Ministry of Education official discuss Knowledge Building as an educational reform (Town Hall Meeting)

    Tomorrow’s Innovators
    Part I-II: Students from the Institute of Child Study Lab School and North Agincourt Junior Public School – Knowledge

8th Summer Institute on Knowledge Building 2004, August 10-13, 2004, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Conference Theme: Knowledge Building Discoveries & Innovations

    International Design Experiment (KSN Design Studio)
    – Teacher & student interviews
    – Posters: Teacher Development; Book for Teacher Professional Development
    Identifying and measuring conceptual change
    Knowledge Building and skills development in business
    Reading and contributing to the Summer Institute database
    Robotics & knowledge building – video analysis & design discussion
    Teacher professional development – Analyzing on-line discourse
    Re-designing “Intelligence On-line” – Apple/Galileo/IKIT collaboration (KSN Design Studio)
    Pervasive Knowledge Building: The promise of handheld technologies
    Knowledge Building Environments: Getting started
    Research instruments: Analytic Toolkit & Excel
    Health & Environment: The Knowledge Building Challenges
    Social Network Analysis
    Designing Knowledge Environments to Improve Business/Organization Performance
    Robotics & knowledge building – video analysis & design discussion
    Telementoring for Knowledge Building: Defining new models
    Microgenetic analysis & Skill theory
    Design Research Methodology (Poster)
    Design your own workshop

    Plenary Sessions:
    Voices from Knowledge Building Communities I-III
    Initiative on the New Economy: Cluster #1 – Building on intuitive understandings / A developmental pathway model of individual and group innovativeness / Comprehending difficult text as a task for collaborative problem-solving; Cluster #2 – A shared resource for cross-sector research and innovation / Controlling the time demands of on-line teaching and knowledge building / Exploring the potential of semantic analysis to aid knowledge building / Overview of new developments in assessment techniques; Cluster #3 – Shared problem spaces as a basis for cross-age, Cross-sector learning and knowledge creation/ Focus on idea improvement/ Theoretical development
    Moving Beyond Best Practice – Reporting Summaries and Plans

    Design research in knowledge building communities
    Microgenetic Analysis of Knowledge Building
    The International Design Experiment and Knowledge Building Environments
    Preliminary report from the International Design Experiment
    Knowledge Society Network Design Studio: Preparing ‘Moving Beyond Best Practice’ presentations

    Online Courses (5 hours):
    An Introduction to Knowledge Building/Knowledge Forum
    Understanding Knowledge Building Pedagogy
    Applying theory to Practice

7th Summer Institute on Knowledge Building 2003, August 12-15, 2003, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Conference Theme: Beyond Best Practice

    Follow up workshops on ideas and issues arising from the poster sessions
    Indications and Assessment of Knowledge Building: How do we know if we are making progress?
    (Planning sessions following up on the workshops, Days 1 and 2)

    Poster Sessions:
    Knowledge building for a Knowledge Society (Foundational Issues and the Big Picture; Knowledge Building: A Trajectory; Organizational Structure, Strictures, and Knowledge Building)
    Innovations aimed at higher learning outcomes (Literacy; Science and Mathematics; Assessment)
    Crossing interprofessional, intercultural, and interpersonal boundaries in knowledge building (Shared Resources: Telementoring and Distributed Expertise; Shared Resources: Collaboration and New Technologies)

    The Knowledge Society Network: Assembling and using our collective resources

6th Summer Institute on Knowledge Building 2002, August 7-9, 2002, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Conference Theme: Breaking barriers

    Pre-institute workshop (Aug 6)

    Client version of Knowledge Forum
    Browser version of Knowledge Forum
    Virtual Suite of Possibilities
    Analytic Tools

    Conversations: (suggestions)
    In-depth discussions with presenters
    Design and development: The future of Knowledge Forum®
    Databases for review and study (see Summer Institute database view “Databases to Visit”)
    Informal meetings of participants to plan joint projects, address shared problems

    Plenary sessions: (w. focused discussion)
    Bringing ideas to the center, elementary to tertiary education
    A knowledge building design experiment & Wrap-up
    Bringing ideas to the center of teaching and professional development
    Bringing ideas to the center–students as constructivists
    Embedded and transformative assessment
    Knowledge building as a system
    The Knowledge Society Network
    Innovations in online learning: Controlling time and increasing quality
    Deep constructivism–taking next steps with learning communities, lesson study, and projects

5th Knowledge Forum® Summer Institute 2001, August 21-24, 2001, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

    Knowledge Forum® Workshops
    Problem Solving Sessions
    Knowledge Building Principles Studio
    Open Lab

    Presentations, Panels & Posters

4th Knowledge Forum® Summer Institute 2000, August 9-12, 2000, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

3rd Knowledge Forum® Summer Institute 1999, August 11-14, 1999, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Theme: Creating a Knowledge Society Network

2nd Knowledge Forum® Summer Institute 1998, August 12-15, 1998, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

1st Knowledge Forum® Workshop 1997, July 23-26, 1997, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

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