International Knowledge Globalization Conference (IKGC)**
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The Knowledge Globalization Conference (KGLOBAL Conference) is jointly hosted by the Knowledge Globalization Institute and the Sawyer Business School at Suffolk University, both located in Boston, MA, USA. It brings together scholars, thought leaders, and innovators in academia and practitioners to share knowledge in their respective fields. This sharing of knowledge contributes to new ideas and innovations which are relevant for economic and social changes. Each conference is built around a broad theme.
From 2009-2015, the annual KGLOBAL Conference, held in Boston, USA, is supplemented by an International Knowledge Globalization Conference (ICKG) organized in an emerging country.
Conference History:
14th IKGC 2022, March 6-8, 2022, Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Pandemic and Reframing Higher Education: Realigning Goals in Education, Technology, Health, and Environment
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for March 6-8, 2021
Conference program TBD
Conference Tracks:
Education; Pedagogy; Sociology; Behavioral sciences; Accounting; Finance; Management; Applied Technology, Research methodology in social sciences, business, faith-based education, and economics
13th IKGC 2018, February 23-26, 2018, International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Conference Theme: Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – Success and Challenges
(Co-organizer: Primeasia University, International University of Business, Agriculture and Technology)
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for 28-31 October or 28-29 December 2016 (Theme: Digital Education for Developing Countries: Education of the Future”) and December 2015 in Penang, Malaysia (Host: Universiti Sains Malaysia; Theme: Society, Business and Environment)
Eliminating Poverty by 2030: Can It Be Done? Can and Should We Help
The Chronic Problem of Primary Education in South Asia
Cities, Sustainability and Economic Growth
Business Education in Bangladesh and the Role of Private Universities for Achieving the SDG
The Future Of Higher Education in Developing Countries and Sustainable Educational Goals
Plenary & Special Presentations:
Social Business and SDGs: Need for Structural Facilitation
Global Connection – Role of TVET and ARM
Global Citizenship Education for Peace Building)
Panel Discussions:
Technology in Education: Open Educational Resources
Conference Tracks:
Health Issues; Economic development Issues; Education; Gender Issues; Environmental Issues; Technolgy and Innovation; ustainability Issues; Globalization and Collaboration; Finance and Accounting; Management and Strategy; Social and cultural Issues
Conference Workshops:
e-Learning and teaching with moodle – the most widely used learning management system
Research Methods: Achieving Excellence in Academic Research
12th IKGC 2015, August 13-14, 2015, O.P. Jindal University, Sonipath, New Delhi, India
Conference Theme: Managing in Diverse Cultures
(Host: Jindal Global Business School, O.P. Jindal University)
Transformation of Family Businesses into Global Entities (Keynote)
Promoting Excellence in Knowledge Creation
India Facing a Skills Deficit
Conference tracks:
Financial Market and Opportunities in Emerging Market; Marketing; Operations Management and Decision Making; Organisational Behaviour; Strategy; Emerging Issues in Managing Businesses in Diverse Cultures; Economics & Public Policy; HR Concerns in Globalized Environments; Entrepreneurship
Panel discussions:
Make in India: Made in India is Past. Make in India is the future.
Rethinking Entrepreneurship
Challanges Posed by Systemic Risk on Corporate Financial Decision Making
CSR: Implementation Perspectives from the Industry
11th KGLOBAL Conference 2015, April, 17-19, 2015, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, USA
Conference Theme: Building Educational Excellence in Higher Education
Keynotes: (1)
Conference Tracks:
Pedagogy; Competency Based Learning Educational Technology; Online Learning; Managing higher education; Financing higher education; Curriculum development; Course Designs and Development; Faculty evaluation; Accreditation; Shared Governance; Flipped teaching; Blended learning; MOOC
10th IKGC 2014, May 30-June 1, 2014, Shijazhuang University of Economics, Shijiazhuang, China
Conference Theme: Entrepreneurship: Teaching, Learning and Practice
Plenary: (5)
Teaching Business Plans within an Entrepreneurship Program (Keynote)
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Conference Tracks:
Tour (Jun 2)
9th KGLOBAL Conference 2013, November 1-2, 2013, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, USA
Conference Theme: Strategic Thinking and Global Changes (with special emphasis on energy and business analytics)
Plenary: (3)
Global Conscience and Paradigm Shifts (Keynote)
Conference Tracks: (9)
Innovation issues in the areas of environment; Culture; Globalizatio ; Technology; Education; Agriculture; Leadership and management processes; …n.a.
8th IKGC 2013, May 8-9, 2013, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Theme: Enabling Global Transitions through Innovation
(Host: Center for Innovation and Competition-based Development Studies, Boğaziçi University)
Keynotes: (2)
Plenary: (4)
Conference Tracks:
Environment; Culture; Technology; Education; Agriculture; Leadership; Management processes
7th KGLOBAL Conference 2012, November 9-10, 2012, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, USA
Conference Theme: The Future of Higher Education
The Future of Higher Education (Keynote)
Learning to Read with No Schools, No Teachers, and No Books:
Open Source Education – MIT initiatives
Flipped Teaching
Conference Tracks:
Pedagogy; Technology; Online Education; Managing higher education; Financing higher education
6th IKGC 2012, January 5-7, 2012, FLAME University, Pune, India
Conference Theme: Managing Challenges of Emerging Economies
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Sharing; General Papers; Global Business Management; Accounting Issues; Marketing Issues; Finance and Economic Issues; Technology and Innovation; Supply Chain Management; Strategic Management Issues; Entrepreneurship; Alternative Energy; Health and Nutrition; Education and Development; Women Empowerment; Sustainability; Ethical Issues; Social Issues; Human Relations; Corruptions and Controls
5th KGLOBAL Conference 2011, October 15-16, 2011, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, USA
Conference Theme: Knowledge Sharing for Organizational Effectiveness: With Emphasis on Global Supply Chain, and Economic and Social Aspects of Poverty
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for December 2011 in Bejing, hosted by the Capital University and the International University of Business and Economics, Beijing
Conference Tracks:
Poverty Alleviation; Global Supply Chain; Technology Applications; Small Enterprises; Management Issues; Ethical and Moral Issues; Accounting and Finance; Economic Issues; Social Issues; Education; Regulatory Issues
4th KGLOBAL Conference 2010, November 5-7, 2010, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, USA
Conference Theme: Sustainable transformation through global knowledge sharing: empowerment by attainment of social, political, economic and ethical goals
Conference Tracks:
Corporate Governance; States and Societies; Technology and Innovation; Economics, Finance, and Accounting Issues; Social Policy and Empowerment; Spiritual and Personal Moral Compass
3rd ICKG 2010, May 8-10, 2010, North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Conference Theme: Empowerment through knowledge sharing and orogress through knowledge transfer (helping countries to attain financial, economic and social goals)
Creating a world without poverty
The Role of Diplomatic Missions in Knowledge Sharing for Development
Panel Discussions:
Education Policy Maker’s Dilemma: Vice Chancellor’s Forum
Water Resource Research and Management, Natural Disaster
Building a World Class University
Capital Markets and Foreign Direct Investment
Social Business
HIV AIDS: Prevailing Challenges in Bangladesh
Education and Rural Development
Online Education and Educational Technology
Accounting Standards and IFRS
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Creation; Microfinance in Rural Development; Local and Global Priorities in Environmental Management; Ethics and Morality; Energy and Water Resource Management; Issues in Education; Finance and Accounting; Climate Change and Disaster Management; Issues in Economics; International Financial Issues; Global Investments; Corporate Social Responsibility; Banking & Financial Issues: Developing Countries’ Perspectives; Perceptions of Globalization; Role of NGOs; Research and Education; Business and Economics; Information Technology and Innovation; Human Resource Practices; Education and Educational Technology; Total Quality & Supply Chain Management; …
Faculty Development Trainings:
Experiential Learning Applied to Teaching Strategic Management
Research Writing for Referred Journal
Tomorrow’s Manager
Panel Data: Theory and Practice
2nd KGLOBAL Conference 2009, April 17-19, 2009, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, USA
Conference Theme: Knowledge Globalization: Knowing, Sharing, and Changing
The Empowering Web
Conference Remarks:
Teaching the Content “Globalization:” Evaluation of an Established E-Learning Course
Art of Leadership and Managing by “Karma”
Governance Restructuring in the Cut Flower Trade in France and its Impacts On Producers in Developing Countries
Panel discussions:
International Financial Reporting Standards
The Current Economic Crises
Mental Health issues
Conference Tracks:
Global Health Issues and Global Education; Spirituality and the Personal Moral Compass in Business; Crisis and Opportunities in the Global Economy; Global Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility; Technology and Sustainability
1st KGLOBAL Conference 2008, April 11-13, 2008, Suffolk University, Boston, MA, USA
Conference Theme: Knowledge Globalization: Challenges and Opportunities from Organizational Perspectives
Day Themes:
Education, Technoogy and Innovation
Organizational Challenges, Law, Business, & Not-for-Profit
Invited Papers:
The Globalization of Knowledge (Keynote)
Global Vision of An Urban Business School – Challenges and Opportunities created by Globalization Forces – The Drivers of Change
UN in Knowledge Globalization: Opportunities & Challenges
Innovation in the Global Knowledge Economy
Global Cell Phone Revolution – The New Globalization Canvas for Business Organizations
Technology Empowers: Opportunity & Challenges for Small Entrepreneurs
Sustainable Corporate Activity in a Globalized World
Institutional Initiatives for the Globalization of Knowledge Worldwide
Global Supply Chain and Small Business: Three Continents, Seven Countries
A Hub for Knowledge and Information for Poverty Reduction in Africa: AICAD Experience
Conference Tracks: