Industry 4.0 soft skills for information and knowledge management practitioners

Abstract: Background: Many technology jurisdictions have peddled the narrative that the key determinant for an innovative and sustainable fourth industrial revolution (4IR) environment is possessing hard technical skills. Hard technical skills are important to design the actual 4IR-based applications. Postmodernity demands that appropriate soft skills complement the hard skills to effectively integrate technology into

MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference (MUDCon)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The biannual MediaWiki Users and Developers Conference (MUDCon), successor of the again merged annual Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon; held in fall in Europe) and the annual Enterprise MediaWiki Conference (EMWCon; held in spring in the USA), formerly the biannual Semantic MediaWiki Conference (SMWCon), and initially the SMW Camp and SMW (Users) Meetup, brings together developers,

Critical Skills for Process and Knowledge Professionals

Videos | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: Madison Lundquist, Principal Research Lead for APQC’s process and performance management research area, interviews Maggie Starkey, Knowledge Management Specialist at Kraton Corporation, about the skills required for professionals in 2024, as well as advice for professionals just starting out in the process or knowledge management fields. Conference Presentation Abstract: