Open Mashup Alliance (OMA)*
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The Open Mashup Alliance (OMA) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Open Enterprise 2.0 Mashup Summit (EMU)** 1)
The Open Enterprise Mashup Summit (EMU), formerly the Enterprise Mashup Summit (EMU), is the leading open industry event and user community for 21st Century enterprise integration. Community members and conference participants are business enterprise users, scholars, developers, service providers, institutional users and stakeholders. They originate from the enterprise, media, government and education.Conference History:
- Enterprise 2.0 Mashup Summit, March 12, 2010, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA
Conference Theme: High Velocity Integration
(Organizer: Open Mashup Alliance)Note: The summit was originally scheduled for 15 January 2010
Emerging Trends in Enterprise Mashups: What’s New, What’s Hot, and the 2010 ForecastPresentations:
Open Enterprise Mashups: The Commercial Mashup Ecosystem
Creating Communications Enabled Mashups: Bringing Voice to Enterprise 2.0
When Widgets Meet Mashups: Driving High Speed Integration
Working in Context: The Future of the Enterprise Workplace
Web 2.0 Mashups: The Professional Approach
Mashup Patterns: Understanding and Applying Enterprise Mashup Value to BusinessPanel Discussions:
Enterprise Mashups - Open Enterprise Mashup Summit, 4 December 2009, San Francisco, CA, USA
Conference Theme: Enterprise Mashups: Implications for Service Systems Science Implementation
(Organizer: Open Mashup Alliance)- CANCELLED
- Open Enterprise 2.0 Mashup Summit East, February 1, 2008, New York, NY, USA
Conference theme: Expanding Customer Value Networks
(Organizer: Knowledge Management Cluster®)Note: The summit was originally scheduled for November 15, 2007
The MASHUPS are HerePresentations:
Enterprise Mashups: Understanding the Value and Applying to Business
JackBe: Talking the Language of Enterprise Mashups
Enterprise Mashups: Crossing the Barriers of Adoption
SAP Communities: Building the Future of Enterprise Mashups
StrikeIron: Data as a Service
Mashery: Web Services Management Infrastructure
Enterprise Mashups: The Right Approach (Applications)
Financial Services Mashups: Balancing Control and Innovation (Case Study)
Social Enterprise: New Mashup Server from WSO2
Net Work: A Practical Guide to Creating and Sustaining Networks
at Work and in the World - Enterprise 2.0 Mashup Summit, September 28, 2007, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA
Conference Theme: Enterprise 2.0 Mashups: Expanding Customer Value Networks
(Sponsors: Colabria; Marshall School of Business, University of California San Francisco; Society of Information Management; ProgrammableWeb)Note: The summit was originally scheduled for 15 June 2007 and 20 July 2007
Enterprise Mashups: Creating Customer ValuePresentations:
StrikeIron Mashups: The Commercial Mashup Ecosystem
Enterprise Mashups: Understanding the Value and Applying to Business
Google Mashups: APIs for Enterprise Mashups
Enterprise Mashups: The Right Approach (Applications)
SalesForce + Google AdWords: Driving Customer Value Networks (Architecture)
Mashery: Web Services Management Infrastructure
Voice Mashups: An Overview from the Underground
Mashups and Info 2.0: The New Breed of Web App
JackBe: Talking the Language of Enterprise Mashups
Mashups for Outsourced Manufacturing: Mashing your Shipments and Processes (Case Study)
- Enterprise 2.0 Mashup Summit, March 12, 2010, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, USA