Ostschweizer Fachhochschule (OST)*
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The Ostschweizer Fachhochschule (OST; English: Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences), formerly the Fachhochschule Ostschweiz (FHO),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Campus St. Gallen (ehem. FHS St. Gallen)2) > Fachbereich Soziale Arbeit: Institut für Soziale Arbeit (IFSA) > Weiterbildungszentrum Soziale Arbeit
- Zertifikatslehrgang: Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Organisation des Wissens (Wissensmanagement) (war: Nachdiplomkurs (NDK) Organisation des Wissens)**
Module 2010/11:
Einführungsmodul (1 Tag)
Modul 1: Datenbanktheorie und -entwicklung (6 Tage)
Modul 2: Selbstmanagement (2 Tage)
Modul 3: Wissensmanagement-Theorie (4 Tage)
Modul 4: Wissensmanagement (7 Tage)
Praxisarbeit (3 Tage)
Abschlusspräsentation der Praxisarbeiten (3 Tage) - Weiterbildungsmaster: Master of Advanced Studies (MAS) Social Informatics (war: Nachdiplomstudidium (NDS) in Sozialinformatik) **
CAS Angewandte Informatik (15 ECTS)Wahllehrgänge: (wähle 2)
CAS Medienpädagogik
CAS Organisation des Wissens (Wissensmanagement)
CAS Case Management
Campus St. Gallen (ehem. FHS St. Gallen)2) > Fachbereich Wirtschaft > Institut für Informations- und Prozessmanagement (IPM)
- International Conference on Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM)**
The biennial Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management (PAKM) International Conference Series offers a communication forum and meeting ground for practitioners and researchers in developing and deploying advanced business solutions for the management of knowledge in organisations. PAKM is a forum for people to share their views, to exchange ideas, to develop new insights, and to envision completely new kinds of solutions to Knowledge Management problems.Organizers // Venue:
- 2008-2010: Institute for Information and Process Management, University of Applied Sciences St. Gallen; Department of Knowledge Engineering, Institute for Computer Science and Business Informatics, University of Vienna // Venue: Internaltional
- 2002-2006: Business Operation Systems; Department of Knowledge Engineering, Institute for Computer Science and Business Informatics, University of Vienna // Venue: Vienna
- 1996-2000: Information Systems Research Group, Swiss Life // Venue: Basel
Conference History:
- 8th PAKM 2010, November 10-12, 2010, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA
(Host: iSchool, Drexel University)-
- 7th PAKM 2008, November 21-23, 2008, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan
(Host: Department of Administration Engineering, Keio University; Co-organizer: Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence; Sponsors: International Communications Foundation; Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research, Foundation)-
Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 21):
WS1: Knowledge Networks: Discovering network structure and patterns using Social Network Analysis (MERGED with WS5); WS2: Integrating Taxonomies and Folksonomies for Enhanced Knowledge Navigation (ITFEKN 2008, MERGED with WS 4); WS3: Next Generation Corporate KM Systems (CANCELLED); WS4: Technologies for Knowledge Management (MERGED with WS2); WS5: Knowledge Management for Service Innovation (MERGED with WS 1); WS 1+5: Joint Workshop on Knowledge Management for Service Innovation and Knowledge Networks: Discovering network structure and patterns using Social Network Analysis; WS 2+4: Workshop on Integrating Taxonomies and Folksonomies for Enhanced Knowledge Navigation (ITFEKN 2008)Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Sharing; Collaboration Platforms; Content-Oriented Retrieval; Knowledge Acquisition; Knowledge Management Solutions; Knowledge Mining from Data, Text and the Web; Ontology; Knowledge UtilizationInvited Talks:
Knowledge Exploratory for Service Management & Innovation; From Corporate Memory to Corporate Knowledge - 6th PAKM 2006, November 30-December 1, 2006, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
(Host: Department of Knowledge Engineering, University of Vienna)-
Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 29):
Semantic Based Knowledge Flow Systems for Industry; Enterprise Software Application Interoperability for Businesses and GovernmentsConference Tracks:
Knowledge Management and Business Processes; Knowledge Management within the Organizational Context; Intellectual Capital; Data and Text Mining; Ontology-based Approaches; Usability; Collaborative Work and CommunitiesInvited Talks:
Capturing Tacit Knowledge; Organizational Modeling and Knowledge Management - 5th PAKM 2004, December 2-3, 2004, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
(Host: Department of Knowledge Engineering, University of Vienna; Sponsors: Austrian Computer Society)-
Conference Workshops: (Dec 2)
Enterprise Modelling and Ontology: Ingredients for Interoperability; Access to Knowledge through Grid in a Mobile World; E-Learning an Hochschulen: Das eduBITE Projekt (EWS)Conference Tracks:
Introduction to Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management and Networks; Knowledge Management Developments & Environments; Knowledge Management: Capturing & Securing Knowledge; Knowledge Management and the World Wide Web; Knowledge Management Processing Tools; Knowledge Management Case Studies; Knowledge Management and Media; Knowledge Management and Semantic Issues; Knowledge Management and Ontology; Knowledge Management and Web Services; Knowledge Management ImplementationInvited Talks:
Infrastructure for Knowledge Management on the Semantic Web; Integration of Data Mining and Ontologies - 4th PAKM 2002, December 2-3, 2002, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
(Host: Department of Knowledge Engineering, University of Vienna; Supporter: Special Interest Group “Knowledge Management”, German Informatics Society)-
Conference Tracks:
Introduction of Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management Case-Toolkits; Knowledge Management Case Studies; Agent Based Approaches; Metasearch and Ontologies; Learning and Knowledge Management; Frameworks for Knowledge Management; Visualization and Knowledge Management; Knowledge Processes; Web Communities and Knowledge Management; Knowledge Distribution; Knowledge and Risk ManagementInvited Talks:
Knowledge Management in the Innovation Chain; Practical Aspects of Knowledge Management in Industry - 3rd PAKM 2000, October 30-31, 2000, Basel, Switzerland
(Host: Information Systems Research Group, Swiss Life; Supporter: Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Swiss Informatics Society; Special Interest Group “Knowledge Management”, German Informatics Society; Special Interest Group on Supporting Group Wor, Association for Computing Machinery; Knowledge Management Review)-
Conference Tracks:
Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing; Measurement & Intellectual Capital; Finding & Reusing Knowledge; General Frameworks; Skills Management; Context; Creating & Developing KnowledgeInvited Talks:
Human Capital and Knowledge Management in the New Economy; Collaborative Knowledge Management: Theory and practice of a successful commercial application - 2nd PAKM 1998, October 29-30, 1998, Basel, Switzerland
(Host: Information Systems Research Group, Swiss Life; Supporter: Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Swiss Informatics Society; Special Interest Group “Knowledge Engineering”, German Informatics Society)-
Conference Tracks:
General Frameworks; Organisational Memory Systems; Developing Knowledge; Supporting Collaborative Work; Personal Knowledge Management; Utilizing Textual KnowledgeInvited Talks:
Building an Intellectual Capital Strategy at the Corporate Level; Experience-Based Knowledge Management: How to Capitalize on Failures and Missed Opportunities - 1st PAKM 1996, October 30-31, 1996, Basel, Switzerland
(Host: Information Systems Research Group, Swiss Life; Supporter: Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Swiss Informatics Society)-
Conference Workshops:
Workshop on Adaptive Workflow; Workshop on Data Mining in Real World Databases; Workshop on Knowledge Media for Improving Organisational Expertise; Workshop on Practical Applications of Information Filtering; Workshop on Procduct Knowledge Sharing for Integrated Enterprises; Workshop on The Lessons Learned Cycle: Implementing a Knowledge Pump in your OrganisationConference Tracks:
Provide Strategic Information on Knowledge Management; Technology TransferInvited Talks:
Capitalisation of Intellectual Capital; Leveraging the Use of Knowledge through Innovative Technologies; Adaptive Knowledge; Knowledge Management is no Illusion. Practical GuidelinesVIP Round-Table Discussions
Exhibition and Demonstrations