Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST)
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The Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), formerly the Polytechnic of Namibia, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Faculty of Computing and Informatics (FCI)1) > School of Computing
- Indigenous Knowledge Management Systems (IKMS) Research Cluster
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (Research area: IKDW – Indigenous Knowledge in Digital World2))
- Indigenous Knowledge Technology Conference (IKTC 2011), November 2-4, 2011, Windhoek, Namibia
Conference Theme: Embracing Indigenous Knowledge Systems in a new Technology Design Paradigm
(Partners: Council for Scientific and Industrial Research; Government of the Republic of Namibia – Ministry of Education; Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sports and Culture; Ministry of Trade and Industry)- The aim of the Indigenous Knowledge Technology Conference (IKTC) is to bring together researchers and practitioners, from different disciplines, who are engaged in supporting indigenous and local knowledge representation and dissemination. The conference will pursue a critical dialogue that considers the tensions arising in representing indigenous knowledge digitally and the factors that contribute to these tensions. Through this it aims to identify opportunities and new epistemological and methodological perspectives that will enable developing technologies that can extend the practices of indigenous knowledge and support the emergence of local socio-technical systems globally.
Conference Content:
Keynote & Invited Talks:
Indigenous Knowledge Management in the 21st Century; StoryBeads: Preserving Indigenous Knowledge through Tangible Interaction Design; Traditional Healing and Arts; Beyond Participation into the Future: Reflecting on Digital Technology and Indigenous Knowledge Systems from a Gender PerspectivePresenstations:
Full Papers; Work-in-Progress Papers; Demos & PostersPanels:
The Digitisation of Namibia’s Archives: Perspectives on Challenges of Implementing Best Practices in a Situation of Scarce Resources; Can Indigenous Knowledge Be Communicated through Foreign Languages Without Losing its Authenticity?; IPR for Indigenous Knowledge and the Survival of Indigenous Knowledge in The Emerging Global VillageWorkshops:
Translate@thon of Wikipedia in Namibian languages; Rural Innovation Workshop; A User-centric Way to Change Management for Rural Community Development