Semantic Web in Libraries Conference (SWIB)*
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The Semantic Web in Libraries Conference (SWIB), formerly the Fachtagung Semantic Web in Bibliotheken (SWIB), co-organized by the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics and the North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Centre (hbz), focuses on Linked Open Data (LOD) in libraries and related organizations. It is an event where IT staff, developers, librarians, and researchers from all over the world meet and mingle and learn from each other. The topics of talks and pre-conference workshops at SWIB revolve around opening data, linking data and creating tools and software for LOD production scenarios. These areas of focus are supplemented by presentations of research projects in applied sciences, industry applications, and LOD activities in other areas.
Incl. Open Space with Lightning Talks and Breakout Sessions, a possibility for you to get together with other participants over a specific idea, project, problem, to do hands-on work, discuss or write.
Conference History:
17th SWIB 2025, 17 – 20 November 2024, Virtual venue
(Host: ZBW & hbz)
Conference porogram TBD; Venue TBC
There might be on-site events in conjunction with SWIB 2025
16th SWIB 2024, 25 – 27 November 2024, Virtual venue
(Host: ZBW & hbz)
Getting started with local LLMs
Introduction to the Annif automated indexing tool
Introduction to property graphs
Leveraging Zurich Zentralbibliothek’s Jupyter Notebooks for metadata retrieval and analysis from Alma
The Open Research Knowledge Graph – a lighthouse in the publication flood
Fail4Lib @ SWIB24
Publish & reconcile against SKOS vocabularies with SkoHub
How knowledge representation is changing in a world of large language models
Community-based development of a metadata profile for educational resources
Topic Sessions:
Data & Interoperability
Generating Linked Metadata
LOD for End Users
Lightning Talks
Co-located Events: (SWIB nodes)
Metadaten-BarCamp, 27. Nov. 2024, hbz, Cologne
15th SWIB 2023, 11 – 13 September 2023, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
(Host: Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)
Pre-conference Workshops: (Sep 11)
Introduction to the Annif automated indexing tool
Network of Terms: bringing links to your data (Workshop)
Truly shared cataloguing ecosystem development workshop
Creating linked open usable data with Metafacture
Nightwatch – metadata management at your fingertips
Inherently Social, Decentralized, and for Everyone
From ambition to go live: The National Library Board of Singapore’s journey to an operational linked data management & discovery system
Topic Sessions:
Data Modelling
Utilizing Wikimedia
Lightning Talks
Breakout Sessions
Pre-conference Sattelite Events:
VIVO meetup, Sep 11
14th SWIB 2022, 28 November – 2 December 2022, Virtual venue
(Host: ZBW & hbz)
Tutorials and Workshops Day: (Nov 30)
An Introduction to SKOS and SkoHub Vocabs
Getting Started with SPARQL and Wikidata
Getting started with Wikidata and SPARQL: build a dynamic web page
Structured Data in Wikimedia Commons
Introduction into the Solid Project and its implementations
Introduction to the Annif automated indexing tool
Working with linked open data in the context of annotation and semantic enrichment of 3D media: A new FOSS toolchain
Libraries, linked data, and decolonization
Topic Sessions:
Linked Library Data
Continued Progress
RDF Insights / Lightning Talks
Machine Learning
LOD Applications
Collocated Events:
DINI-AG Kompetenzzentrum Interoperable Metadaten (KIM) meeting, Nov 28
13th SWIB 2021, 29 November – 3 December 2021, Virtual venue
(Host: ZBW & hbz)
Workshops Day: (Nov 30)
An Introduction to SKOS and SkoHub Vocabs
Introduction to the Annif automated indexing tool
Introduction to OpenRefine
IIIF in the wild
Introduction to Fedora 6.0
CubicWeb, the Semantic Content Management System
Surveillance capitalism in our libraries
Topic Sessions:
Controlled Vocabularies
Data Models
Open Day: (Dec 2)
Showcases, Demos, Hackathons
Collocated Events:
DINI-AG Kompetenzzentrum Interoperable Metadaten (KIM) meeting, Nov 29
12th SWIB 2020, 23 – 27 November 2020, Virtual venue
(Host: ZBW & hbz)
Workshops Day: (Nov 24)
Automated subject indexing with Annif
Making use of the coli-conc infrastructure for controlled vocabularies
Managing and Preserving Linked Data with Fedora
Using SkoHub for web-based metadata management & content syndication
Open Data & Social Innovation: Experiences from Taiwan
Topic Sessions:
Automated Subject Indexing
Open Space Day: (Nov 27)
Lightning Talks
Breakout Sessions
Collocated Events:
DINI-AG Kompetenzzentrum Interoperable Metadaten (KIM) meeting, Nov 23
11th SWIB 2019, 25 – 27 November 2019, Hamburg, Germany
(Host: ZBW)
Pre-conference Tutorials and Workshops Day: (Nov 25)
Introduction to Jupyter Notebooks
Controlled vocabulary mapping with Cocoda
Introduction to OpenRefine
Automated subject indexing with Annif
Hands-on IIIF: how to install, configure and prepare simple IIIF services
Forever in between : similarities and differences, opportunities and responsibilities in the LODLAM universe
Smart Data for Digital Humanities
Digital sources and research data: linked and usable
Topic Sessions:
Linked Data in National Libraries
Aggregation and Interlinking
A Long Way to Go
Exploring New Ways
Open Space:
Lightning Talks
Breakout Sessions
Collocated Events:
DINI-AG Kompetenzzentrum Interoperable Metadaten (KIM) meeting, Nov 25
Exhibition “OPEN UP! – How Digitisation Changes Science”, Nov 25
10th SWIB 2018, 26 – 28 November 2018, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn, Germany
(Host: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
Pre-conference Tutorials and Workshops Day: (Nov 26)
Introduction to Linked Open Data
From LOD to LOUD: making data usable
Adding your own stuff to Wikidata
Building a better repository with Fedora
Wikibase: configure, customize, and collaborate
Sharing RDF data models and validating RDF graphs with ShEx
The Semantic Web: vision, reality and revision
Libraries and their communities: participation from town halls to mobile phones
Linked data implementations — who, what, why?
Topic Sessions:
User Interfaces
Research Infrastructure
Linking Authorities
Automating LOD
Open Space:
Lightning Talks
Breakout Sessions
Collocated Events:
DINI-AG Kompetenzzentrum Interoperable Metadaten (KIM) meeting, Nov 26
9th SWIB 2017, 4 – 6 December 2017, Hamburg, Germany
(Host: ZBW)
Pre-conference Tutorials and Workshops Day: (Nov 28)
Introduction to Linked Open Data
(Meta)data Management with knime
Managing Assets as Linked Data with Fedora
Practical Linked Data Annotations on IIIF Image Resources
Authoring, Annotations, and Notifications in a decentralised Web with Dokieli
Every Collection is a Snowflake
Unlocking Citations from tens of millions of scholarly Papers
Finnish National Bibliography Fennica as Linked Data
Topic Sessions:
Special Collections
Entity Recognition & Lookup
Open Space:
Lightning Talks
Breakout Sessions
Colocated Events: (Dec 4)
DINI-AG Kompetenzzentrum Interoperable Metadaten (KIM) meeting
Meeting of the German speaking VIVO Community
BIBFRAME Use: Vocabulary, Conversion, Reconciliation Workshop
8th SWIB 2016, 28 – 30 November 2016, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn, Germany
(Host: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
Pre-conference Tutorials and Workshops Day: (Nov 28)
Introduction to Linked Open Data
IIIF: Linked-Data to Support the Presentation and Reuse of Image Resources
FREME: A Framework for Multilingual and Semantic Enrichment of Digital Content
d:swarm – A Data Management Platform for Knowledge Workers
Catmandu & Linked Data Fragments
Linked Open Development
(Packaged) Web Publication
Linked Open Community
Swissbib goes Linked Data
Topic Sessions:
Vizualization & Images
Linking Things
Where We Are?
Open Space:
Lightning Talks
Breakout Sessions
Colocated Events:
DINI-AG Kompetenzzentrum Interoperable Metadaten (KIM) meeting, Nov 28
Metafacture User Meeting
7th SWIB 2015, 23 – 25 November 2015, Hamburg, Germany
(Host: ZBW)
Pre-conference Tutorials and Workshops Day: (Nov 23)
Introduction to Linked Open Data
Schema.org Question Time Workshop
Bringing Your Content to the User, not the User to Your Content – a Lightweight Approach towards Integrating External Content via the EEXCESS Framework
Catmandu – a (Meta)Data Toolkit
RDF.rb & ActiveTriples: Working with RDF in Ruby
Maximising (Re)Usability of Library Metadata Using Linked Data
The Digital Cavemen of Linked Lascaux
Data-Transformation on Historical Data Using the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary
Topic Sessions:
Open Space:
Lightning Talks
Breakout Sessions
Colocated Events:
DINI-AG Kompetenzzentrum Interoperable Metadaten (KIM) meeting, Nov 23
Metafacture “Get Together”, Nov 23
6th SWIB 2014, 1 – 3 December 2014, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bonn, Germany
(Host: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
Pre-conference Tutorials and Workshops Day: (Dec 1)
Introduction to Linked Open Data
Introducing RDFa with schema.org for web applications
RDF Application Profiles in Cultural Heritage
Catmandu – Importing, transforming, storing and indexing data should be easy
Analysis and Transformation of Library Metadata with Metafacture
Using linked data to annotate semantically the BBC’s content
Moving from MARC: How BIBFRAME moves the Linked Data in Libraries conversation to large-scale action
Weaving repository contents into the Semantic Web
Topic Sessions:
LOD Applications
Multilingual Data
Publishing and Aggregation
Knowledge Organization Systems
Linking Things
Colocated Events:
DINI-AG Kompetenzzentrum Interoperable Metadaten (KIM) meeting, Dec 1
5th SWIB 2013, 25 – 27 November 2013, Hamburg, Germany
(Host: ZBW)
Pre-conference Tutorials and Workshops Day: (Nov 25)
Introduction to Linked Open Data
Metadata Provenance Tutorial
Linked Data Publication with Drupal
CouchDB: A Database for the web
Catmandu – Library Oriented Extract, Transform, Load tools to publish Linked Open Data
Analysis of Library Metadata with Metafacture
PhD workshop
Conference Workshops:
Ontology Engineering
Soylent SemWeb Is People! Bringing People to Linked Data
Decentralisation, Distribution, Disintegration – towards Linked Data as a First Class Citizen in Libraryland
The “OpenCat” Prototype: Linking Public Libraries to National Datasets
Topic Sessions:
Mappings and Mashups
Libraries and Beyond
Contributing to Europeana
Base Technology: The Web
Repositories Enhanced
Lightning Talks:
4th SWIB 2012, 26 – 28 November 2012, Cologne, Germany
Towards an international LOD library ecosystem
(Host: hbz)
Pre-conference Workshops Day: (Nov 26)
Introduction to Linked Open Data
Metadata Provenance
PhD Workshop
LODLAM – Fostering Global Collaboration and Community
Linking Data, Linking People
Panel Discussions:
Standards, Services and Tools for Building a LOD Library Ecology – What We Got & What We Need
The Library Catalogue as Linked Open Data : How to Do It and What to Do with It
Linked Open Library Data in Practice: Lessons Learned and Opportunities for data.bnf.fr
Wikidata – the Wikipedia of Linked Open Data
Culturegraph Authorities
Enrichment of Library Authority Files by Linked Open Data Sources
First Insights into the Library Track of the OAEI
Simple Semantic Enrichment of Scientific Papers in Social Sciences
Discovering Links for Metadata Enrichment on Computer Science Papers
Building a High Performance Environment for RDF Publishing
Old Silos, New Silos, No Silos – From Redundancy to Aggregation or Distribution?
Status Quo and Limitations of Library Linked Data
Towards an Infrastructure for the Synchronisation of Metadata in Libraries
The Library of Congress’s Bibliographic Framework Initiative
Statistical Research Data on the Semantic Web
Encoding Patron Information in RDF
Lightning Talks:
3rd SWIB 2011, 28 – 30 November 2011, Hamburg, Deutschland
Fokus: Wissenschaftskommunikation im Web of Data
(Host: ZBW)
Pre-conference Workshops Day: (Nov 28)
Einführung in Linked Open Data
RDF-Daten in eigenen Anwendungen nutzen
An Introduction to Memento and Open Annotation
Pragmatische Ansätze für den Umgang mit ‘Enhanced Publications’ in existierenden Repository-Umgebungen
How Linking Changes the Role of Library Data: Examples from the Wider World
Pragmatic Linked Data at the University of Southampton
Tipping the Sacred Cow: Thinking Beyond the Journal System
What Needs to Happen in a Scholarly Publishing Reform?
Linked Open Science und das deutsche Bibliothekswesen
The High and Lows of Library Linked Data
Cataloguers as the Ultimate Reasoning Machines – Training Cataloguers to Create Intelligent Linked Library Data
Ausleihdaten aus Bibliotheken als Linked Open Data publizieren und nutzen
culturegraph.org – Aufbau eines Hubs für Linked Library Data
Linked-Data-based Web Services für die Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Enhanced Publications, Linked Data – Experiences From ECO4R
The Open Citation Corpus and the SPAR Ontologies
Das LODUM Projekt: Transparente Forschung auf Basis von Linked Library Data
Lightning Talks:
Ontologiegesteuerte wissenschaftliche Recherche mit RODIN
Linked Data Light – Linkaggregation mit BEACON
2nd SWIB 2010, 29 – 30 November 2010, Köln, Deutschland
(Host: hbz)
Semantic Web – ein Thema für Bibliotheksverbünde
Potenziale semantischer Technologien für die Bibliothek der Zukunft
Linked data at the National Széchényi Library – road to the publication
Kollaboration durch das Semantic Web: Strategie und Aktivitäten der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek
data.bnf.fr: describing library resources through an information hub
W3C Working Group for Libraries and other institutions in the cultural heritage sector
Von offenen Daten zu einem Ökosystem vernetzten Wissens
Eine Annäherung an Open Data aus juristischer Sicht
Yes We Can! Libraries and the Semantic Web
Linked-RDA-Data in der Praxis
Exposing the University of Economics‘ academic bibliography database as linked data
Das Europeana Data Model (EDM)
Semantic-Web-Anwendungen auf Basis des BAM-Portals – Ein Prototyp
ZBW Pressearchiv: Linked Data mit OAI-ORE
Linked Open Projects: Der Linked Data Dienst der UB Mannheim
Semantic Web in der bibliothekarischen Ausbildung – Welche Kompetenzen müssen vermittelt werden?
1st SWIB 2009, 24 – 25 November 2009, Köln, Deutschland
(Host: hbz)
Einführung in das Semantic Web
Warum sollten sich kulturelle Einrichtungen mit dem Semantic Web beschäftigen?
Linked Data im Kontext Digitaler Bibliothekssysteme
Die Library of Congress Subject Headings als Linked Data
Die schwedische Nationalbibliographie als Linked Data
Die Nationalbibliografie als Linked Data – Motivation, Geschäftsmodell, Planung
Einbindung von Linked Data in existierende Bibliotheksanwendungen
Ontologien aus der Perspektive von Informationsspezialisten. Von der Theorie zur Praxis
Bibliographische Daten in CIDOC-CRM
Die Bibliographic Ontology als Nachfolger bibliographischer Datenformate
Linked Data und Semantic Web-basierte Funktionalität in Europeana
Entwurf eines Linked Data-basierten Bibliotheksportals
Praktische Erfahrungen aus der Linked Data Publikation des STW
Die Nationalbibliografie als Linked Data – technische Aspekte des Linked Data Service der DNB
Linked Applications am Beispiel von Repository-Software
Free Data – Die Strasse zu Linked Data
Abschluss: Wie weiter?