Social Business Forum (SBF)**
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The Social Business Forum (SBF), successor of the International Forum on Enterprise 2.0 (E2.0 Forum), organized by OpenKnowledge, will address collaboration, marketing and innovation in the era of empowered employees, customers and partners. Featuring key international speakers and thought-leaders, the event will provide a unique mix of insight and discussion about social business opportunities, organizational impacts, success stories, best practices and lesson learned.
Conference History:
11th SBF, 2022
Conference Theme: tbd
(Partners: tbd)
A Social Business Forum was planned for 2022 but not realized.
10th SBF, 11 April 2019, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: Xperience Obsession
(Partners: Microsoft, bip)
Life Scale
Round Tables:
Employee Experience, Learning Experience, Space Experience, Augmented Experience
9th SBF, 6-7 July 2016, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: The Platfirm Age: Plug Your Business – Play Your Future
The platfirm age: the dawn of a new era
Platform revolution
Hacking marketing
Certilogo – entrepreneurship in the exponential era
Collective innovation: finding the right questions with co-design
SAP – Using sap hybris to enable digital transformation in a customer experience era
IBM – Collaboration in the cognitive era
Vodafone – Vodafone for a phygital world
SAS – Superior customer experiences are the real coin: relevance drives results
Sanofi – I-NONNI 2.0: when digital becomes therapeutics
Why social analytics are different for the enterprise
TNS – What data don’t tell
Re(act) – A platform for the #rarevolution
Sketchin – Design for the corporate transformation
Marketing Arena – B2B platform marketing strategy and inbound marketing
Unicredit – Natural born advocates
Skillaware – Using skillaware to help workforces cross the industry 4.0 digital skills gap…without falling into it!
Heineken – Openbar for social sales collaboration
Subito – From classified media to social classified network: goods’ values & people
Document Future – When did you stop reading email? new ways of enterprise collaboration
Piaggio – Motorcycles, scooters and ebikes: from a moment of disconnection to a world of digital integration
Barilla – #barillagoesdigital: the digital transformative journey
Venis-Venezia: A user friendly city starts with design thinking
Innovationcast – Growth through prolific innovation management
SEA – SEA towards the social intranet
Banca Mediolanum – IOE: internet of emotions
Axa Italia – Born to protect: the storytelling and the storydoing of axa italy in the social ecosystem
bip – Robotic process automation in industry 4.0
Opportunity Network – The networks economy and the fourth industrial revolution
Comune di Milano – Citizen relationship management at comune di milano
Round Table – Welcome to the platfirm age
8th SBF, 7-8 July 2015, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: Embrace Digital Disruption
Thriving in the midst of a perfect storm: discovering a new way to work
The evolution of organizations: towards the teal organization
Next generation of social engagement apps: closing the loop between social, sales and marketing
Disrupting digital business: the post sales, on demand, attention economy is here
Digital disruption is just the beginning
why digital disruption requires putting the last mile first
The learning sputnik effect. supporting digital disruption @ the workplace
The digital dna
The collaborative economy: emerging trends, technical enablers and business models
Robocop vs ironman. which side are you?
Why 90% of organisations will not survive a digital disruption
Platfirm, markething, algorhythm, leadershift
Sanofi-Zentiva – Inonni, a better digital life for your grampa and your granny
Philips – Crowdsourced experience building
Acer – Sales and caring become really “personal” thanks to live marketing
ING Direct – Self-served first and adviced when needed
Sedapta – Using new generation process performance support & learning analytics solutions @ the digital manufacturing
Invest Banca – Digital revolution in the investment services
Estra – Engage customers through total brand experience transmedia storytelling: the estra business case
Unicredit – People have the power: digital starts from human needs
Damiani – Damiani group & the new customer centric strategy
Intesa Panpaolo – Live long and prosper: how internal communication can help the company in achieving success
Banca Mediolanum – Social networks for social machines
Telecom Italia – The impact of tim rebranding on digital touchpoints
Enel – Enabling enel global digital transformation journey
Hearst Magazines – Hairadvisor: using the power of content to blend b2c and b2b through a pioneering digital platform
Sky – Being relevant for your own customers
Widiba – Co-creation, a new style of banking
Round Table: The digital ceo
7th SBF, 1-2 July 2014, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: Be Social, Get Value!
From Vision To Value
Why Social Business Adoption is Good For Marketing Strategy
What lessons can we learn from the best in Social?
Customer Experience in the Age of Social Media
How to make Social truly actionable for sales, marketing and customer care
The Chief Digital Officer – The CMO and CIO journey in Digital Transformation
How The Cloud changes Everything in Social Business
Who would you like to sit near at work?
Recruiting at the Speed of Social
Social business and customer journey management
Digital Transformation : the pitfalls to avoid. – A counter intuitive approach to enterprise transformation
Grow your own organizational structure: New forms made possible by social technology
Creativity Matters: why creativity is a Business Essentials and How to Develop it
Who Says Elephants Can’t Dance?
What’s wrong with Innovation now?
2014, The Year of the Social Executive
The Bosch journey towards social business
Umano Digitale. L’Italia al bivio
Social Customer Strategy that Works
User Experience: A Modern Approach to Collaboration
Firms, markets, consumers do not exist “out there”
Round Table: The Digital CEO
TRACK: Idea-Driven Organization
Culture, Technology and Social: Creativity and Innovation Management at BNP Paribas
Pushing the limit of Innovation (Eni)
Digital Mediolanum & Idea Management (Mediolanum)
Laptime Club: the first idea generation community for Motorsport (Magneti Marelli Motorsport)
Round table
TRACK: Collaborative Workspace
Social Learning & Social Intranet: Coin Group
Do or do not, there is no try: How to set up a Social Enterprise and stay alive (Intesa Sanpaolo)
The New BPER Intranet: a collaboration history (Banca Popolare dell’Emilia Romagna)
Vodafone : the digital learning ®evolution
Round table
TRACK: Social Customer Experience
The digital customer-centric strategy at Artsana Group: community management, digital loyalty, early warning and social caring
Launching a new brand in the connected market: Danone case (Danone)
Building Social Business Capabilities in Philips: our creation journey
Credi Impresa Futuro: Social B2B e PMI (Banca Ifis)
Round table
TRACK: Innovation Uncensored
Poste Mobile: Social customer service: how to become best in class
The marketing at 360 degrees: the role of Community Manager (Uber)
Innovating and shortening distances: completely remotely managing the service center (Var Group – Cabel)
Social Media Hardware (Digitalic)
Round table
TRACK: Digitally Marketers
Eataly Net: the customer-led food experience
Goodyear biz case: When an organization is driven by an idea from the beginning (Goodyear)
At the very center of the vortex: Total Brand Experience Strategies (Ketchum)
From Foursquare to Beacon: retail tra location & micro-location (Foursquareitalia.org)
Round table
TRACK: Food 4 Socializing your Enterprise
Creativity Foundations
Clarifying Creative Challenges
Generating Ideas
Implementing Solutions
Round table
6th SBF, 12-13 June 2013, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: Open Your Business!
Redesign your Business: Be Happy!
The Future of Work
Employee On-boarding: The Real Value of Social
Catching the Wave: Trends and Strategies for Social
Performance acceleration via Enterprise Social and Collaborative Technology
Where Social Meets Collaboration: Building, Managing and Optimizing the Collaborative Enterprise
Evolving Customer Experience Management through Social
Banking 3.0
CMO vs CIO – Paths Forward to Collaboration on Collaboration
The granularization of learning: new approaches to organizational development
Trends in Social CRM
The Evolution of Content Organization
Time, Space, Agency: Social Business in a data-intensive age
CQ: Connected Intelligence – Completing the Leadership Trifecta
Data Analysis to measure emerging behaviour of users
Socialize Your CRM
The Explosive Mix of Gamification and Storytelling
Generazione 2.0 Made In Italy
Why adaptation should replace adoption
Digital in the Round: a Viewpoint on Different Digital Landscapes
It’s only Social Strategy, but I like it
Beyond Digital Divide: Connected Generations and Empowered Citizenship
The Talent Show between tv and Social Network – Deezer Round Table
Gartner’s Magic quadrant leaders on Social Collaboration on stage
Dialogue on: “Creating a collective intelligence capability in Eni”
Zegna – Zegna School experience towards the learning organization
Luxottica – Lux Academy: Product Training as a Business Booster
KPMG – From E-Learning to Academy: Medium becomes the goal itself
AFS Intercultural Programs – A Social Business Strategy for a Global Audience
Fashionis – Building an agile e-commerce platform by focusing on people instead of processes
Round Table
Be1 – Social recruitment, Business Case Technology@work
Siemens – Social Intranet at Siemens Energy
Whirlpool – Managing the unexpected: social crisis control
CTP – Transforming your Business Processes through Business Social Networking
LBI Italia – Watercooler chat matters: How being a social enterprise creates value
Round Table
Feltrinelli – Incorporating the “social” dimension with the e-commerce in editorial retail: Feltrinelli Case History
MediaMarket – Reverse e-commerce: how to evolve loyalty programs in the perspective of Social CRM
Camst – Knowledge Flow in Food Industry, the experience of Camst: how to engage employees with Social Intranet platforms
IKEA – The multichannel approach of IKEA for being closer and more accessible to the customers: from home visits to eCommerce
QVC Italy – QVC, la conversazione che supera la distanza: come il DNA “social” si sostanzia nell’e-commerce e nei social media
Round Table
BNP Paribas – The Mindshift Experience – How we foster Innovation in BNP Paribas
ING Direct – Reinventing customer relationship in banking industry
Banca Mediolanum – Mediolanum goes to Social: the Power of Relation
Banca Intesa S.Paolo – Social Enterprise: myths and realities of social software in the company
Fed. BCC Emilia Romagna – BCC: genetically social and network
Round Table
Barilla – Digital Transformation Strategy: The Barilla Experience
Pirelli – The strategic model in the overall development of collaborative business online
Illy – Stop thinking in terms of Target and start thinking in terms of Audience!
Vodafone – Customer experience management: best practices to create business value
Ferrero – Ferrero and innovation: tools to support successful companies
Round Table
The Social Business Transformation Journey
Making Visual Sense of Networks Intelligence
Social Learning in Action
Frameworks and Practices of Social Innovation
From Digital to Social Workplace
Round Table
5th SBF, 4-5 June 2012, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: From Social to Business
From Social to Business
From Stress to Success – Pragmatic pathways for Social Business
Enterprise gamification to drive engagement
Embracing social. Why Europe’s ahead of the curve
@YourService. The business world has flipped and small business can capitalize
Engage or lose! Socialize, mobilize, conversify: engage your employees to improve business performance
Transforming the workplace with radical management
Bridging the gap between Business Intelligence and action. Why Collaboration is essential
Social Business explained to your manager in 10 principles
Organizational Conversation at the heart of competitiveness. How to design on-line and off-line experiences that enable co-creation
Listen. Nurture. Generate. The social media b2b engagement lifecycle
Mastering the E20 Journey – An organizational Development driven Approach to the E20 Adoption and Social Business Transformation
The social CEO. How to get CEO commitment to & involvement in implementing social business?
Big Data bring big value to Social CRM – Andrea Incalza
Uncovering and managing the hidden organization: Network Analysis made easy
Sharing Advertising – Advertising professionals and social networks
Social Learning: toward a new learning ecosystem
Innovation by Design
Future of collaboration project
Le nuove professioni del web
From big data to insights: Social Media analytics and actionables – Emanuela Zaccone
Speech TBD
Going from social to business to benefits individuals, organizations and the entire society
SESSIONS: Real Stories
From Service to loyalty – the BTCare story
Engage within the digital workplace at Alcatel Lucent
Breaking barriers: turning collaborative innovation into practice
The Web cut out on me: taking the end user’s point of view in proposing a digital experience
How Legrand is engaging its partners and customers to build the best products
Consumer driven innovation: a conversation between a J&J brand and its customers
Pernod 2.0 : how to get digital when selling spirits in France
For profit, productivity, and personal benefit: creating a collaborative culture at Deutsche Bank
Why people love social networking, but hate their enterprise social network: a journey to find the solution (Scania)
Idee&Opinioni: A Consumers’ Innovation Network. Engaging and challenging people to innovate their day-by-day life
Collaborative innovation in Luxottica: Idea.Lab
Consorzio Corepla. Putting Social into the ICT
Engaging the work force with social tools at Lowe & Partners
Network to Customers. The net at the customer’s service
Case Study TBD
SESSIONS: Business Value
The way we will complain. How customer service is going to evolve over the next 10 years
Using social to serve customers not transactions
Building the future of customer service. Paths and expectations from the trenches
Scaling collaborative innovation as a tangible business accelerator
Social CRM – Insight into the customer decision journey
Engaging customers in the B2B and B2C world: BNP Paribas, Pirelli, Caffè Carbonelli
Measuring what matters. Leveraging analytics and KPIs to grow social business initiatives
SESSIONS: The Organization of Tomorrow
Can Social Business reshape the organization of tomorrow?
Evolving the organization. How massive collaboration is reshaping how we do business
New trends in Enterprise Social Networking: Case studies of real social companies
SESSIONS: Leadership, Management & Culture
[Knowledge] work is broken – can social fix it?
Culture, culture, international culture. Piggybacking on local pecularities in global organizations
SESSIONS: Technology Evolution
Does technology matter? Understanding how software enables or prevents participation
SESSIONS: Community Management
Becoming a Jedi Master. The secret art of cultivating online communities
Writing the secret book of community cultivation
4th SBF, 8 June 2011, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: Is Your Business Social?
On the shoulders of giants
Paving the way to Social Business
Social Business, it’s also about the Processes
Enabling quantum organizations as a new level of effectiveness – Keith Swenson
Social Business calls Earth. From vision to reality (Open Discussion)
Il Buzz Seeding funziona davvero? Radiografia di un’azione di passaparola online per Gazzetta.it
Verso il Social Learning: ripensare i processi di apprendimento nell’era del Social Business
Netnografia e Co-Creation
Social CRM: la voce dell’azienda e la voce dell’utente
Gamification: utilizzare le dinamiche del gaming per migliorare i processi di business e creare un’azienda empowered
Le parole degli altri: ascolto, imparo, faccio
Online + Real-Life: scenari convergenti nella comunicazione social
Managing the New HR
“Viral is Social Sharing of Emotions”: dal Marketing Virale al Viral Branding
Tra Social Media ed Engagement: perché non è importante solo ascoltare
Social CRM Panel
Enterprise 2.0 Panel
TRACK: Employee Empowerment
Driving Innovation through collaboration and connectedness
Connect.BASF. The Online Business Network
The voice of the customer and the continuum of creativity
Organizations or Communities?
Analytics in knowledge and learning
Nurturing internal communities and collaboration for business success
Exceptions are not exceptional. Organizing for Unpredictability
TRACK: Customer Engagement
Challenges with using social for customer service. Separating content and support
The Wepad Project
Customer Engagement at BancoPosta
The Connected Enterprise
Sketching your Social CRM strategy
When the customer gains control
Tear down the walls. Let’s engage!
TRACK: Open Innovation
Vision to Reality: Scottish Water’s Innovation Challenge
Innovating with the consumers. The co-creation for marketing research
F-Lab. A radically new open innovation model in the beverage ecosystem
The Open Innovation Revolution
Complexity and emergent behaviors as preconditions for innovation
User-led innovation can’t create breakthroughs. Really?
Secret Innovation. Mistakes to avoid and best practices to revolutionize your innovation process
3rd Enterprise 2.0 Forum, 9-10 June 2010, Milan, Italy
Enterprise 2.0. So What?
Le performance di business nel 21esimo secolo e il ruolo degli approcci sociali
Nuovi modelli di business basati sull’Enterprise 2.0 e vecchie applicazioni. Un matrimonio possibile?
Le 3C dell’Innovazione 2.0: Crowdsourcing, Competizione e Collaborazione – Hutch Carpenter (Spigit)
Trasformare i social network in risultati di business
Caso Mota Engil
Caso Intel
Caso CSC
Intranet. Ritorno al futuro
Introdurre gli scambi informali all’interno dei processi per estrarre il meglio dal proprio capitale sociale
Voce alle Risorse Umane
Da risorse a persone. Modelli emergenti di leadership, incentivazione, valutazione ed apprendimento nel contesto dell’Enterprise 2.0
Caso Citroen
Caso Centro Nazionale Trapianti
Caso Dassault Systèmes
I social media per generare un vantaggio competitivo
Una nuova era di coinvolgimento del cliente tramite il Social CRM
Voce al Marketing
Il Social Business: Marte e Venere si confrontano verso la centralità del consumatore
Caso Telecom Italia
Caso IBM
Caso Barilla
Più potere alle persone. Il capitale sociale a favore dell’innovatione
Approcci partecipativi e nuovi framework per innovare in Italy
Voce all’Innovazione
Come rinnovare l’innovazione
Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 9):
Accelerating Business Performance via Enterprise 2.0
IT Governance. A relationship centred approach
Innovation 2.0. Harnessing the power of social networks
Optimising your business relationships with Organizational Network
HR 2.0. Human Resources in the new business environment
Banking 2.0: The New Wave of Banking & Finance
Enterprise 2.0 Camp, Jun 10
2nd Enterprise 2.0 Forum, 3 June 2009, Milan, Italy
Può la social enterprise guidare un reale rinnovamento del management?
Far crollare le barriere per prosperare in un mondo complesso
Conoscenza senza management. Lo sviluppo della conoscenza organizzativa nell’era dei social network
Il capitale sociale in azienda. Nuova moneta per un’economia in totale mutamento
La chiave per coltivare la conoscenza. Scegliere il giusto approccio in ogni situazione
Best practice nell’introduzione dei social media all’interno dell’azienda
Uno sguardo al futuro. Come funzioneranno le organizzazioni tra dieci anni?
Business Lunch e Networking
Conquistare il mondo una conversazione alla volta
Group Idea Management 2.0
Portali e Enterprise Content Management sono veramente 2.0? Come passare dai contenuti alle persone
Aprire le porte al futuro del business
PMI 2.0
Enterprise 2.0 e PMI? Le storie dei pionieri
Portare la collaborazione tra le nuvole per abbattere le barriere di adozione
Connettere i punti nel mondo reale
1st Enterprise 2.0 Forum, 25 June 2008, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
Conference Theme: Collaboration, participation, collective intelligence: innovation through Enterprise 2.0
(Co-organizer: University of Insubria, Department for Informatics and Communication; in the celebration for the 10th anniversary of the costitution of University of Insubria (Faculty of Sciences))
An Overview on Enteprise 2.0 and its Strategical Value for Companies
– Where past and future meet: the intergenerational dynamics of Enterprise 2.0
– It’s not technology, stupid! Enterprise 2.0 as an organizational and strategic revolution
Enterprise 2.0: Tools and International Success Stories
– Building web communities that add value
– Social network analysis: From informal conversations to tangible assets
– Cultivating wikis to change the enterprise and improve the bottom line
– Social tagging to unlock the collective intelligence
– TamTamy: our reply to Enterprise 2.0 needs
– Thinking out of the inbox: More Collaboration through less e-mail
– Consumerizing the Enterprise
Case Histories
– The IBM experience: Social Media for the Global Company
– Italian Cases
Enterprise 2.0 at Work
– How to bring Enterprise 2.0 to your company.
– Presentation of the Course in Enterprise 2.0