Abstract: For each of the first three editions of the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (2005, 2009 and 2015) but not for the fouth edition (2018), Richard T. Herschel (Saint Joseph’s University, USA) wrote an article on the role of the chief knowledge officer. Read on and see how it changed from an information
business intelligence
Graduate programs related to Knowledge Management
Abstract: Knowledge management spans numerous disciplines, so it is not surprising that graduate level programs in KM have their roots in diverse fields. Some have emerged from library science and focus on the management of information, including records management. Others come from an IT perspective and offer enterprise information systems or database management programs.
Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability (AI4S)*
- In conjunction with IJCAI – International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)*
- With tracks/minitracks on Knowledge Management relevant topics
Chief Knowledge Officers Add Value!
Abstract: The objective of this study is to provide organizations with a pragmatic understanding of how the role and position of Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO) is connecting people, technology & processes in a competitive environment to achieve maximum return on investment (ROI) ahead of the competition in a global market. The main research question