The Knowledge & Information Management, Research & Analysis (KIMRA) conference, organized by CB Resourcing, focuses on the strategic issues and opportunities facing the knowledge & information management, research and analysis profession. Conference History: 2nd KIMRA 2025, 4 June 2025, London, United Kingdom Conference program TBD
generative artificial intelligence
AI & Knowledge Management: Academia-Industry Summit (AIKM)
The AI (Artificial Intelligence) & Knowledge Management: Academia-Industry Summit (AIKM), aka International Conference on AI & Knowledge Management: Academia-Industry Summit (AIKM), will seek to explore developments in AI including machine learning and generative AI (i.e., ChatGPT) and their impact on and implications for the various components of the knowledge industry.
USU World Future 2go*
Die USU World Future 2go, ehemals USU World, ist eine internationale Fach- und Anwenderkonferenz für wissenbasiertes Servicemanagement, welche für Kunden, Interessenten und Partner von USU Software bzw. USU veranstaltet wird. Sie ist die Erweiterung der USU Kunden-Tagungen bzw. Anwenderforen, die weiterhin Bestandteil der Konferenz sind (z.B. Knowledge Management User Group Meeting).
Knowledge Management & Innovation Attorney Summit (KM&I Attorney Summit)*
The Knowledge Management & Innovation Attorney Summit (KM&I Attorney Summit) is a half-day conference organized by the Practising Law Institute (PLI), where you will learn from experienced KM&I attorneys about sophisticated best practices, techniques, and innovative uses of knowledge curation, legal technology, and data to drive efficiencies at law firms and legal departments.
Practising Law Institute (PLI)
The Practising Law Institute (PLI) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training