Abstract: In 2008 I ran a global survey on knowledge manager professional development and experience. It found that only 29% of knowledge managers had been in their role for more than 4 years, and only 25% were confident of moving on to another KM role. The average “lifespan” among respondents was something like 2.5
Green Chameleon
Being a Knowledge Manager for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Abstract: A few weeks back I had the privilege of a conversation with Patricia Eng who directs knowledge management for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I had met Patricia at KM World the previous November, and was impressed by her passionate, no-nonsense, deeply practical approach to KM, not to mention a very robust sense
Knowledge Management Certification Again
Abstract: Christian Young blogs about what a curriculum for a KM certification course might look like – he distinguishes nicely between the people who need to know about KM and the people who want to progress through it professionally, via both theory and practice. I’ve written about the politics of KM certification here, and
When to Trust Knowledge Managers?
Abstract: If its a tough job being a knowledge manager, it’s an even tougher job to trust them with your organisation’s culture and infrastructure. A survey we conducted last year for iKMS found that most knowledge managers are teleported into their jobs from somewhere else, have very little prior knowledge or expertise in KM,
Knowledge Managers Share Knowledge!?
Abstract: I’ve had a creeping suspicion for some time that knowledge managers are fine about encouraging others to share knowledge, but that dictum doesn’t apply to them. In my role as President of iKMS I am always trying to get knowledge managers to share, and the ones who do are in the brave minority