The International Conference on Knowledge Management in Higher Education Institutions (ICKHI) will deliberate the profile of library professionals in the present day context whose main role is to explore, evaluate, promote, and implement various emerging technologies. Innovation, collaboration, strong communication skills, and strong project management skills will be keys to success of the Library professionals.
higher education
Knowledge Management as part of the IS undergraduate curriculum
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) is an area that has captured the attention of many organisations that are concerned with the ways knowledge is managed more effectively. KM offers systematic methods in leveraging and managing organisational knowledge through KM processes of creation, storing, sharing, and application of knowledge. Due to the importance of KM, the
International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC)*
The biennial International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC), initially the Networked Lifelong Learning Conference (NLC), is an international research-based conference on networked learning in higher education, lifelong learning & professional development. Since 1998 NLC has been an opportunity to participate in a forum for the critical examination and analysis of research
Microblogging / twitter in a knowledge management course @ Singapore Management University
Abstract: This paper features a competency-enhancing social networking application which provides a solution for the dilemma of non-participating (non-engaged) students in class: ‘pedagogical tweeting’. Twitter’s micro-blogging service enables both instructors and students to send and read messages (tweets) of up to 140 characters, incl. links to blogs, web pages, photos, videos, etc. As Twitter
Blended Knowledge Management Course @ National Changhua University of Education
Abstract: Recently, Blended Learning has been proven the most effective and cost-effective in teaching at school. Quite a few experts in education emphasize that Blended Learning embodies the best of both worlds in hi-tech digital learning and the traditional one, which involves students in network learning without lacking interaction and participation with others. The main