Abstract: The absence of an adequate framework that defines Knowledge Management (KM) skills and capabilities makes it extremely difficult to determine the roles and responsibilities of knowledge practitioners in South Africa. Defining these skills and capabilities is essential because KM focuses on the gathering and storing of organisational information to ensure the effective and
industrial revolution
Knowledge Management South Africa Imbizo (KMSA Imbizo)*
The Knowledge Management South Africa Imbizo (KMSA Imbizo), formerly the Knowledge Management South Africa Convention (KMSA Convention), successor of the Southern African Knowledge Management Summit (SAKMS), is the annual conference or meeting of the Knowledge Management South Africa (KMSA) society. The meeting provides a platform to showcase and interrogate the strategic
International Triple Helix Conference (TripleHelix Conference)*
The International Triple Helix Conference (TripleHelix Conference or THC), the International Conference on University, Industry and Government Linkages, initially the Workshop on “A Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations”, provides discussion, research, and policy development for the roles of these tripartite innovation agents. It brings together academia, government, business, and community to share effective practices and