The Society of Knowledge Base Publishers, sponsored by the Montague Institute, is a membership organization for information professionals engaged in managing intellectual assets in a business context. Members of this multidisciplinary community of practice include people from librarianship, knowledge management, organization development, corporate learning, information technology, and business management. The Society of
knowledge base
BCS SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI)*
- Topics of interest: knowledge based systems; knowledge engineering; machine learning; data mining and knowledge discovery in databases; practical knowledge management
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI)*
- Topics: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Machine Learning
IEEE International Workshop on Software Engineering and Knowledge Management (SEKM)*
- In conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability, and Security (QRS)
The ACM Web Conference (TheWebConf)*
- Tracks, Workshops & Tutorials on Knowledge Management related topics