Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF)
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The Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF; Arabic: مؤسسة محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للمعرفة), formerly the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation (MBRF; Arabic: مؤسسة محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Knowledge Project2)
- The Knowledge Summit*
(Co-organizer: United Nations Development Programme’s Regional Bureau for Arab States)-
The Knowledge Summit (Arabic: قمَّة المعرفة), initially known as the Knowledge Conference (Arabic: مؤتمر المعرفة), is organised by the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme’s Regional Bureau for Arab States (UNDP RBAS). It amis to bring together international and regional knowledge influencers, experts and thought leaders on a single platform. The summit aims to highlight the importance of knowledge and to promote the programs and ideas that helps to spread the awareness of knowledge around the world.
Part of the summit is the Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Annual Knowledge Award (MBRKA) Ceremony as well as the presentation of the results of the Global Knowledge Index (GKI), formerly the Arab Knowledge Project (AKP).
In the period between the summits a series of workshops and seminars is organized around the world in order to disseminate the GKI results and to prepare for the upcoming summit.Conference Themes:
2024: Future Skills and AI Economy: Fortifying Human Intelligence (مهارات المستقبل واقتصاد الذكاء الاصطناعي: تمكين الذكاء البشري)
2023: Knowledge Cities and the Fifth Industrial Revolution (مدن المعرفة والثورة الصناعية الخامسة)
2022: Knowledge: Protecting Humanity and the Planet in the Pandemic (المعرفة: حـمايــــة الــبشــريــة وتــحــدي الــجـوائــح)
2019: Knowledge: The Path to Sustainable Development (المعرفة لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة)
2018: Youth and the Future of the Knowledge Economy (الشباب ومستقبل اقتصاد المعرفة)
2017: Knowledge and the 4th Industrial Revolution (المعرفة.. والثورة الصناعية الرابعـة)
2016: Knowledge… Present and Future (المعرفة .. الحاضر والمستقبل)
2015: The Way to Innovation (الطريق إلى الابتكار)
2014: Empowering Future Generations (تمكين أجيال الغد) - Youth Knowledge Forum (YKF)*
The Youth Knowledge Forum (YKF; Arabic: ملتقى شباب المعرفة) aims to support the youth sector, foster creativity and innovation, and promote the development, dissemination, and localization of knowledge worldwide. The forum also provides an interactive platform where young people can engage with experts, expand their knowledge, and collaborate with peers from around the world. The YKF addresses key issues such as strengthening economies through knowledge and skills, the importance of networking and partnerships, and establishing an inclusive knowledge ecosystem. It also explores the role of artificial intelligence and digital transformation in reshaping education, work, and innovation, along with the challenges and opportunities they present. The forum focuses on bridging educational gaps, equipping youth with future-ready skills, enhancing regional and international cooperation, and empowering young leaders to harness knowledge in developing innovative solutions that foster social cohesion, support entrepreneurship, and drive sustainable development. Furthermore, the YKF provides young participants with the necessary tools and networks to transform their ideas into practical solutions that enhance knowledge and position it as a key driver of sustainable development and global progress. It fosters a dynamic environment that promotes the creation, exchange, and application of knowledge, ensuring a tangible impact on the ground.
Forum Themes:
2025: Knowledge is the future (المعرفة هي المستقبل | Le savoir est l’avenir)
2024: Arab Youth – Opportunities and Challenges of the Future (الشباب العربي – فرص وتحديات المستقبل)
2022: Promising Tomorrow (مستقبل واعد) - ‘COVID-19: Accelerating the Steps towards the Knowledge Society’ Forum, September 1-3, 2020, Virtual venue
- Knowledge as a Driver for Sustainable Development in the Arab States, September 11, 2018, New York, NY, USA
- Jul 2020: The Role of Knowledge Management in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (with the Dubai Health Authority, United Nations Development Programme, Knowledge Associates Cambridge, BSI (British Standards Institution) for the Middle East and Africa)
KnowTalks Series – An offspring of the Knowledge Summit
2021: (Start: March) Webinars twice a month throughout the year
2020: (Nov-Dec) Webinars every Monday and Wednesday
Kuwait Knowledge Journey (KKJ)3)
- Apr 2025: Knowledge Week in Kuwait (KWinKW, 5 days)
- Feb 2025: Kuwait Knowledge Journey ‘Stop’/Workshop (2 days)
- Oct 2024: Kuwait Knowledge Journey ‘Stop’/Workshop (1 day); Knowledge Week in Kuwait (KWinKW, 5 days; CANCELLED)
Arab Knowledge Project Knowledge Week4)5)
Feb 2020: Egypt, Oct 2019: Egypt (POSTPONED), Mar 2019: Jordan, Apr 2018: Jordan, Mar 2018: Morocco (CANCELLED), Mar 2018: Egypt, Nov 2017: UAE (1st MBRF Knowledge Week)
(Post-)Launch Workshops/Events5)
- Global Knowledge Index
- Arab Knowledge Index
- Arab Reading Index
- Arab Knowledge & Reading Index
- Arab Knowledge Report
Arab Knowledge Report Workshops
- Feb 2013: Arab Knowledge Report Workshop (Jordan)
Youth and resettlement of knowledge: the case of Jordan - Dec 2012: Arab Knowledge Report Seminar (France)
- …
Expert Meetings:
- Jul 2019: Global Knowledge Index Expert Meeting (Egypt)
- Jul 2017: Arab Knowledge Project Expert Meeting (Egypt)
- Jun 2017: Arab Knowledge Project Expert Meeting (United Arab Emirates)
- May 2017: Arab Knowledge Project Expert Meeting (Lebanon)
- Feb 2017: Arab Knowledge Index Experts Meeting (United Arab Emirates)
- Apr 2016: Arab Knowledge Project OECD Experts Meeting (France); Arab Knowledge Project IEA Data Processing and Research Center Experts Meeting (Germany)
Arab Knowledge Project Core Team Meetings:
- 2016: July (United Arab Emirates), June (Tunisia, United Arab Emirates), May (Egypt), Apr (United Arab Emirates), Feb (Lebanon)