The Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (LFU or LFUI; English: Leopold Franz University Innsbruck), branded as Universität Innsbruck (English: University of Innsbruck), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Hong Kong Knowledge Management Conference (HKKMS/KMIRC Conference)**
The Hong Kong Knowledge Management Conference (HKKM, HKKMS or HKKMS/KMIRC Conference), initially the Hong Kong Knowledge Management Forum (HKKM Forum), is organized by the Hong Kong Knowledge Management Society (HKKMS) in partnership with Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Centre (KMIRC), formerly the Knowledge Management Research Centre (KMRC). The
Social Now*
Social Now, formerly for some time Social Now Europe, successor of Organização 2.0: Ferramentas sociais nas organizações (English: Organization 2.0: Social tools in organizations), is an international event with a unique format, conceived to help you choose tools for the social organisation, whilst reminding you of the importance of adoption and accompanying processes.
University of North Texas (UNT)
The University of North Texas (UNT), formerly the North Texas State College, …, and the Texas Normal College and Teacher Training Institute1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training