Social Now*
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Social Now, formerly for some time Social Now Europe, successor of Organização 2.0: Ferramentas sociais nas organizações (English: Organization 2.0: Social tools in organizations), is an international event with a unique format, conceived to help you choose tools for the social organisation, whilst reminding you of the importance of adoption and accompanying processes.
Social Now organizer is Knowman consulting (Portugal), host is Samuel Driessen (The Netherlands).
Conference History:
10th Social Now 2024, 16-17 May 2024, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Theme: Realising the Value of Your Digital Workplace: How to optimise digital platforms and the digital experience to improve internal communication, collaboration and organisational learning in your organisation
- Keynotes:
Building resilient digital workplaces: one manager at a time
Unlocking Cablinc’s ecosystem of skills and knowledge with Hive
Must-Have Knowledge and Skills
From Intranet to Digital Workplace – assembling the essential building blocks
Engaging Cablinc teams with Diggspace
How to effectively communicate change
Gaining insight into human dynamics with OrgXO
Using OrgXO to understand cooperation and leadership at a brokerage and investment company
How to connect and amplify your organisation’s stories
An async-first approach to improve collaboration and boost productivity
How MangoApps creates a unified platform to engage all employees at Cablinc
Mischief & Humanity in the world of work
Tangible intranet ROI: How Cablinc is getting it through employee recognition and gamification
Understanding the people to improve the digital workplace
How to use Copilot to save time and avoid rework
Network activation
Making sense of your digital workplace landscape
Laugh ‘n’ Learn: How to guarantee the failure of your digital workplace
Interactive Sessions:
Intranet Expo – Let’s get real! – a peer-to-peer learning activity where participants get the chance to see and discuss screenshots from an array of different intranets
Network Mapping (interactive session)
How to create an effective digital workplace (peer assist)
A Day at Cablinc with… 5 Social Tools (Diggspace, Employee Recognition for Microsoft 365 and LumApps, Hive, MangoApps, OrgXO)
Celebrating the 10 editions of Social Now
Social Now Online Reunion 2023, 11 May 2023, Virtual venue
Cosy digital spaces for real conversations or The use of enterprise social platforms for communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing
No speakers. No agenda. No recordings. Just 2 hours of great conversations.
9th Social Now 2022, 19-20 May 2022, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Theme: Enabling Engaged, High-performing Teams
- Keynotes:
Becoming Hybrid: Pursuing the Future of Work
Autonomy, Agency and Activism: A Triple A “Credit Rating” for the New Economics of Work (CANCELLED)
Social Communication in a Hybrid World of Work
Using Liberating Structures to (Re)Think Teams Performance and Engagement
Learning and Connection Beyond Meetings
Creating Engaged Teams Through Meaningful Moments
An Interactive Intranet for Ireland’s Office of Public Works
How to Use Mural to Improve (Project) Team Meetings
From Sports to the Cutting Edge of Team Performance
How to Create Good Posts in Yammer and Workplace to increase Employee Engagement
The Unified Homepage of Rabobank’s Intranet
Dare to Un-Lead: The Art of Relational Leadership in a Fragmented World (book pre-launch)
Everybody Happy!
Creating a Modern Workplace in Miceosoft365
Sorigué’s Digital Workplace
How to Create a Good Channel Structure for Teams to Collaborate in Teams
Finding the Knowledge at Politie, the Dutch National Police
How to Create an Effective Adoption Programme for your Enterprise Social Ülatform
Creating a more Engaging Enterprise Social Network at Virgin Media O2
A Day at Cablinc with… 5 Social Tools (GuruScan, Ichicraft Boards, MangoApps, Microsoft 365, SWOOP Analytics)
Social Now Reunion 2021, 27 May 2021, Virtual venue
The use of enterprise social platforms for communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing
Note: A Social Now for 2021 was planned but postponed to 2022
No speakers. No agenda. Just 2 hours of great conversations.
9th Social Now 2020, 4-5 June 2020, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Theme: Powering Your Organisation’s Teams, Communities and Networks
- Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 3):
Building a Community Business Case; Boas Práticas para alavancar a sua Intranet ou Plataforma de Colaboração
Creating Conditions for Community; How mature are organisations when it comes to Social Collaboration?; Personal Knowledge Mastery — When Work Is Learning and Learning Is The Work; How to create space for individuals to flourish in teams; Control is for Amateurs: How to Enable People Through Vibrant Communities; Designing stronger teams and communities with Liberating Structures
A Day at Cablinc with… TBD (Social Tools)
Peer Assist:
How to Set Up Successful Communities for Learning and Innovation
8th Social Now 2019, 6-7 June 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Theme: Developing Digital Leadership
- Keynotes:
Leadership Is Broken. Can Digital Help?; Leadershift – Wayfinding in Times of Change
Enterprise Social Networks: Your Launchpad for Digital Leadership; A Practical Model for Distributed Digital Leadership; The KM Cookbook (book launch); Working Out Loud: Your Way to Better Leadership; Asking the Right Questions: The Path To Better Leadership; Wirearchy: Strengthening Your Organisation by Creating Strong Connections
A Day at Cablinc with… 5 Social Tools
Peer Assist:
What to Consider Before Kicking Off a New Intranet Project
Client Cases:
NHS; Large Retailer; SPORT TV
Conference Workshops:
Building a Stronger Organisation with LEGO® Serious Play®
7th Social Now 2018, 16-17 May 2018, Lisbon, Portugal
Sub-title: Getting Results From Enterprise Social Tools
- Post-conference Masterclasses (May 18):
How to launch a successful communication and collaboration platform; Key Opportunity Areas for a Social Intranet (CANCELLED); How to design, convene and facilitate Knowledge Cafés (CANCELLED); Let’s go to Mars: An exploration into Leadership, Perspective & Human Behavior (CANCELLED)
Future Proofing the Organisation; Social Technologies: A vital catalyst for individual and organisational transformation
Improving Online Conversations; To Measure Is To Know; The Role of Digital Placemaking in Employee Engagement; Impact of GDPR on corporate intranets; Networked Leadership; Communities of Practice
A Day at Cablinc with… 4 Social Tools
Client Cases:
Amadeus, HEINEKEN, Immochan
6th Social Now 2017, 11-12 May 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
Sub-title: Getting Results From Enterprise Social Tools
Note: The conference was announced as Social Now Europe 2017
Post-conference Masterclasses (May 13):
How to Choose an Enterprise Social Tool for your Organisation (CANCELLED); Making Sense of Social Tools at your Workplace; Managing Virtual Teams and Communities; How to Conduct a Knowledge Audit to Identify Knowledge Management Goals and Technologies
Social Tools Open Up Possibilities – Now It’s People’s Turn to Move; Tomorrow Was (Just?) Another Day
Using Knowledge Audits to Prioritise Focus Areas for Enterprise Social Tools; Stories to Retain and Circulate Critical Knowledge; Learning Before, During and After; Creating an Amazing Workplace; Communicating with a Knowledge Hat
A Day at Cablinc with… 6 Social Tools
Client Cases:
Superdrug Stores; EuraNova; AMAL
5th Social Now Europe 2016, 11-12 April 2016, Lisbon, Portugal
- Post-conference Masterclasses (Apr 13):
Working Smarter with Less Email; Reducing Risk and Enhancing Value by Capturing and Exploiting Critical Knowledge
Making Sense of Social Collaboration, Leadership 2.0 and Future of Work; The Digital Workplace: Some Practical Futures
Knowledge Retention and ISO 9001:2015; The Changing Role of Internal Communications; Working Smarter with Micro-Narratives; Working smarter with #noemail; Bringing social tools to life; Effective Project Management using Social Technologies
A day in the life of Cablinc if it had… 6 Social Tools
Our (Participants’) Stories; Debate; Networking Session
4th Social Now Europe 2015, 20-21 April 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Keynotes:
The Social Workplace Tipping Point: Are You In The Best Position?; What’s wrong with social collaboration? Everything.
A step-by-step approach to social learning; Narratives of work at Cablinc – the practices: Reducing Email Dependency; Improving Internal Communications; Improving Knowledge Retention; Increasing adoption of social tools
Narratives of work at Cablinc – the 10 tools
Debates; Networking Session
3rd Social Now Europe 2014, 7-8 April 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Sub-title: Tools for Workplace Collaboration
- Keynotes:
Social Intranets, the Lemming Curve, and ‘Down With People’; Back to the Future
The Story of Social Now; Narrative Approach to Adoption and Engagement; Top 5 Tips on Adoption; Adoption of Social Enterprise Tools; What’s social got to do with it; Back to the Future
Narratives of work at Cablinc using (12) Social Tools
Debate; Networking Session
1st Social Now Americas, 25-26 November 2013, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Sub-title: Tools for Workplace Collaboration
Note: Social Now Americas was postponed for 2014 but cancelled again.
Opening Keynote (tbd); The Future of Work in a Social World
Narratives of work at Cablinc using (12) enterprise 2.0 tools
Debate; Networking Session
2nd Social Now 2013, 18-19 April 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
Sub-title: Tools for Workplace Collaboration
- Keynotes:
Challenges for the social enterprise; The Future of Work in a Social World
Gamification: What, Why and How; Gamification: Lessons Learned from the Field; Associated costs for social tools in the enterprise
Tools for…
…Collaborative Project Work (4 tools); …Topic-based Knowledge Sharing (5 tools)
Networking Session
1st Social Now 2012, 27-28 June 2012, Oporto, Portugal
Sub-title: Tools for Workplace Collaboration
- Keynotes:
Work is broken – can social fix it?; The social organisation
Key decision factors when choosing a tool; Insights from the Spanish conference e20biz; SaaS or no SaaS?; Collaborative Project Work; Adoption techniques
Tools for…
…Topic-based Knowledge Sharing (6 tools); …Collaborative Project Work (6 tools); Innovation Management (1 tool)
Networking Session
Organization 2.0, 2 Junho 2011, Lisboa, Portugal
Subtítulo: Ferramentas sociais nas organizações
- Apresentaçãos:
Tipos de ferramentas sociais. Cenários de utilização nas organizações
Resultados do estudo “GC em Portugal”
Desafios e abordagens
Passos para a implementação das ferramentas sociais nas organizações
Casos de estudo:
Altitude Software (Portugal) Como a Altitude Software usa uma wiki open source – TWiki – para co-criação de documentos e colaboração interna
Câmara Municipal do Seixal (Portugal) – Uma plataforma wiki open source comercial – Confluence – começa a servir de base à colaboração interna e à comunicação institucional da C.M. Seixal
Automattic (EUA) – Uma plataforma para comunicação interna criada em WordPress a custo zero
Vodafone (Portugal) – Uma plataforma de colaboração desenvolvida internamente sob Drupal tem registado enorme
Totvs (Brasil) – A plataforma open source Liferay servia de base à intranet da Totvs e serviu-lhe um dos troféus do Prêmio Intranet Portal 2010. Entretanto criaram a by You para colaboração interna
Organização 2.0, 12 Maio 2010, Lisboa, Portugal
Subtítulo: Ferramentas sociais nas organizações
- Grandes oportunidades nas organizações
Ferramentas sociais – diferentes tipos e suas características
Exemplos, muitos exemplos, de ferramentas e de como estão a ser usadas por organizações públicas e privadas
Caso de estudo: implementação de um Gabinete do Conhecimento / CRC no sector público com recurso a ferramentas sociais
Considerações finais