WBI Wissensmanagement (Consulting) and WBI (Software), part of the Meusburger Holding, formerly WBI Wissensmanagement, part of Meusburger Guntram and a business unit of Meusburger Georg, and WBI Meusburger with its German branch WBI Deutschland, also known as WBI Software & Consulting Österreich and WBI Software & Consulting Deutschland,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and
sciNOVIS1) – Die Spezialisten für Wissenssicherung und Wissenstransfer – offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Institut für Management & Kommunikation (IMK)*
The Institut für Management & Kommunikation (IMK; English: Institute for Management and Communication), formerly the Institut für Management & Kommunikation (IMK) Dr. Sturz, a company of the Sturz Gruppe (formerly transline Gruppe), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Wissenschaftliches Beraternetzwerk Narrata Consult (Narrata Consult)
Wissenschaftliches Beraternetzwerk Narrata Consult (Narrata Consult), formerly Narrata Consult and Story Telling, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Management Circle*
Management Circle, formerly MCF Management Circle, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training