Knowledge Management Summer Institute: A practical approach to creating business value from information. A five-day workshop, July 27-31, 2009, UW campus, Seattle (©) This one-week intensive provides insight, guidance and practical methods for using knowledge to get your organization what it most wants. You will begin with strategy,
Knowledge Management education, adoption and research in Hong Kong
Abstract: Hong Kong has accelerated its transformation into the new economy in a big way. Established in 2007, The Knowledge Management Research Centre (KMRC) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HKPolyU) has played a pivotal role in this tranformation with its educational program, research, and professional services. This talk will comprehensively introduce the centre,
Schnuppertag im Master-Studium Wissensmanagement der Donau-Universität Krems
(©) Alle Interessierten am Master-Programm „Wissensmanagement MSc“ haben am 18. Juni 2008 die Möglichkeit, in einen laufenden Lehrgang „hineinzuschnuppern“ und sich so eine konkrete Vorstellung über das pädagogische Konzept, die Abläufe und Inhalte zu machen. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, an einer Lehrveranstaltung zum Thema „Wissensgemeinschaften (Communities of Practice)“ teilzunehmen. –
Training and Education in Knowledge Management
Background: Knowledge management is currently a hot topic. Training in KM can mean different things to different people as witnessed on search engines (for example, Google). To see the diversity of what is meant by KM, simply key in the phrase “knowledge management” on a search engine, such as Google. The number and diversity