The Conference Board of Canada’s Knowledge Management Conference**
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The Knowledge Management Conference, organized by the The Conference Board of Canada (CBoC), aims to discuss the essential elements for knowledge management success. You’ll hear about the role and value of knowledge management, best practices for metrics, how knowledge management is linked to collaboration and innovation, and how it contributes to superior organizational performance. Leading knowledge management organizations will share their cases, including lessons learned, what they do and how they do it.
It is the quasi-successor of the Knowledge Management Summit (2014, Canada), the Knowledge Management Conference (2001-2002, Canada), the Conference on Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning (1997-2004, USA), the European Knowledge Management Conference (1998-2001, Belgium), and the Knowledge Strategies conference (2002, Singapore).
The conferences are also a meeting piont for The Conference Board’s related senior executive councils or exchange networks on “Knowledge and Collaboration”, “Learning and Knowledge Management”, “Information and Knowledge Management”, “Knowledge Strategy”, and “Knowledge Management”. (In general these groups meet 3 times a year)
Conference History:
Knowledge Management Conference 2016, March 3-4, 2016, Toronto, ON, Canada
Conference theme: Technology, Collaboration and Innovation
Note: A successor conference tentatively scheduled for April/May 2019 wasn’t realized.
Plenary Sessions:
Demystifying Knowledge Management and why you need it for Technology, Collaboration, and Innovation
Knowledge, Not Data, Is Your Biggest Asset—How to Become a Knowledge Organization Through Technology, Collaboration, and Innovation (with Roundtable Discussion)
Hacking Knowledge Management for Distributed and Collaborative Innovation: The “N(e)o-Labo” Perspective for Ideas-led Organizations
Knowledge Management is Dying: Convergence and What Will Knowledge Management Look Like in the Age Where Knowledge is Everywhere?
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly! Best (and Worst) Practices in Knowledge Management
Lessons from the High-Wire! Successful Intersection of Knowledge
Knowledge Management Trends—Adopt, Leverage, Adapt
Futurist: Imagining the Future: What you need to know Now to Create the Future you Want
Knowledge Management and its Enabling Technologies are Critical for Canadian Competitiveness: A Call to Action
Case Studies:
Takeoff is Optional—Landing is Mandatory! KM in Action at Bombardier Aerospace
Culture eats Strategy…and KM…for Breakfast! KM Initiatives and Cultural Shifts
The Evolution of KM Theory to Practice Within Alberta Health Service
Knowledge Management Summit 2014, June 25–26, 2014, HEC Montréal, Montreal, QC, Canada
Conference theme: Frontiers of Knowledge Management for Innovation
(Organizer: The Board’s Knowledge Strategy Exchange Network; Institut du Québec and Mosaic, HEC Montréal)
- Presentation Sessions:
Introducing Knowledge Management, Innovation, and Creativity Research @ HEC Montréal
Managing Knowledge and Ideas
Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Co-Creation at HEC Montreal
Designing and Managing a Knowledge Platform for Ideas and Innovation: The Case of ExCentriq at Desjardins
Knowledge Platforms and the Challenge of Measure
Living Labs as Knowledge Processors for Innovation
Knowing Communities, Knowledge Management, and Creativity
Discussion Sessions:
Roundtable Session: Moving From Ideas to Actions
Moving to Action: Council Business Discussion
Site Visits:
Bombardier Aerospace: Challenger Tour and KM Presentation
Knowledge Management Conference, December 11-12, 2002, Toronto, ON, Canada
Conference theme: Advancing Knowledge Management for Competitive Advantage
(Sponsors: OpenText; National Research Council; Information Technology Association of Canada)
Note: The conference is part of “The Innovation Series 2002/03 … four conferences under one banner, covering key aspects of innovation in the country and in individual organizations”
Plenary Sessions:
Embracing Knowledge in Knowledge Management
Crossing Disciplines in Knowledge Management
Measuring Knowledge and Addressing Metrics Issues
Raising the Knowledge Bar Through Knowledge Management and Focusing on Success
Interactive Discussions:
KM Town Hall Meeting
Concurrent Sessions:
A1—Software Solutions in Knowledge Management
A2—Dealing with Customers, Clients and the Business Environment
B1—Two Case Presentations in Knowledge Management (workshop)
B2—What Knowledge Management Research is Telling Us
Post-conference Workshops:
Techniques and Tools in Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management Conference 2002, April 16-17, 2002, Toronto, ON, Canada
Conference theme: Driving Business Results through Knowledge Management
(Sponsors: National Research Council)
- Plenary Sessions:
What Have We Learned About the Relationship Between Knowledge Management and Business Results?
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: What Business Must Learn from Successes, Mistakes, Dilemmas and Paradoxes
Accounting for Knowledge Assets: Measuring Knowledge
The Brave New World of Knowledge Management
Concurrent Sessions:
A1—Integrating the Supply Chain: Building Knowledge-Creating Relationships with Suppliers and Customers
A2—The Knowledge Workers
B1—Knowledge Management and Intellectual Property Issues
B2—Organizing Around a Knowledge Management Strategy
C1—A User’s Perspective on Useful Knowledge Management Technologies
C2—Listen to Me! A Cross-Functional Common Language of Knowledge Management
Post-conference Workshops:
Knowledge Strategy Implementation
Knowledge Conference 2001, May 1-2, 2001, Toronto, ON, Canada
Conference theme: Building and Managing Your Organization’s Destiny
- Plenary Sessions:
Turning Knowledge into Action
The Chief Knowledge Officers’ (CKOs’) Great Debate
How to foster a knowledge culture within your organization (luncheon)
Exploring and Sharing Knowledge
Concurrent Sessions:
People Are Everything (workshops)
A1—Knowledge Workers Today vs. Knowledge Workers Tomorrow
A2—Fostering a Knowledge Culture
What’s Your Knowledge Strategy or Practice?
B1—Building Knowledge-Based Strategies
B2—Connecting with Your Suppliers and Customers
Global Knowledge—Getting It and Giving It (workshops)
C1—Tapping Global Expertise
C2—Measuring Knowledge Strategies
Post-conference Workshops:
A Conversation to Learn With and From Each Other about Knowledge Sharing
Creating and Implementing Knowledge Strategy
The 2004 Conference on Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning, June 9-10, 2004, Chicago, IL, USA
Conference theme: Driving Performance and Value Across the Enterprise
- Panel Discussions:
Practical Applications of KM: A Comparison of Strategies
Plenary Sessions:
Building Your Knowledge Strategy for Business PerformanceRationalizing Collaboration: Meeting the Needs of Communities of Practice
Creating a Learning Culture: The CEO Perspective
Concurrent Sessions:
Optimizing Alliances: Using KM to Increase Knowledge Sharing and Speed Relationship Building
Knowledge Sharing at a Distance – A Case Study ApproachDriving Knowledge Throughout the Enterprise: A Content-based Approach
Global Issues: Challenges and Opportunities of Virtual LeadershipEnsuring Value: Integrating Customers into Your Knowledge BaseMeasuring Value and Driving Performance: Strategic Approaches to
Lessons Learned: Integrating Learning into Your Business
Co-located Events:
TCB Learning and Knowledge Management Council Meeting, Jun 7-8
The 2003 Conference on Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning, June 4-5, 2003, New York, NY, USA
Conference theme: Collaborating Beyond Boundaries to Create Value
- Panel Discussions:
Beyond the Fads: What We Are Learning About Breaking Divisional and Geographic Boundaries to Create Value
Plenary Sessions:
Collaboration Tools: Helping Communities of Practice Work Together
Information and Knowledge Management: Enablers for TransformationPreventing The Brain Drain: Preserving Knowledge Through Generational Change
The Challenges of Creating a High Performance, Global Workplace
Next Steps in Knowledge Management: Applying Our Learning to Our Practice
Concurrent Sessions:
Untapped Wealth: Integrating Customers into Your Knowledge CultureHow to Truly Blend Learning and Knowledge Sharing
Leaders Developing Leaders – Through Communities of Practice
Beyond “Metrics”: Linking Knowledge Management to Key Business Goals
The 2002 Conference on Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, May 7-8, 2002, New York, NY, USA
Conference theme: Enabling Success in Troubled Times
(Sponsor: Teradata)
- Conference program n.a.
Topics to be Addressed:
Using KM/OL to Enable Success
Ideas at Work: How Organizations Get Value from KM and OL
KM/OL Best Practice
Collaborative Business Intelligence: Definition and Culture Impacts
Leading KM/OL
Setting-Up a Knowledge Strategy
Assessment and Measurement
Success is Mostly About People
The 2001 Conference on Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, May 3-4 2001, New York, NY, USA
Conference theme: Convergence, Applications, and Infrastructure
(Sponsor: Teradata)
- Conference program n.a.
Topics to be discussed:
Strategic Purpose and Value
KM/OL Convergence
KM/OL Applied to E-Business
KM/OL Applied to Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
KM/OL Applied to Innovation
KM/OL Infrastructure: Technology, Process, People, and Culture
KM/OL Infrastructure: Measurement/Assessment
Co-located Events:
TCB Learning and Knowledge Management Council Meeting, May 1-2
The 2000 Conference on Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, March 6-7, San Francisco, CA, USA
Conference theme: Leadership, People, and Cultural Imperatives
- Conference program n.a.
The 2000 Knowledge Management and Organizational Learing Conference, April 11-12, 2000, New York City, NY, USA
- Conference program n.a.
The 1999 Conference on Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning, 15-16 April 1999, New York City, NY, USA
- Conference program n.a.
The 1999 Conference on Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning, 8-9 March 1999, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Conference program n.a.
The 1998 Conference on Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning, Chicago, IL, April, 1998
- Conference program n.a.
The 1997 Organizational Learning Conference, Chicago, IL, April, 1997
Conference Theme: Managing Knowledge for Business Success
- Conference program n.a.
The 3rd European Knowledge Management Conference, 25-26 October 2001, Brussels, Belgium
Conference Theme: A strategy within a strategy
(Organizer: The Conference Board Europe; The European Management Association (CECIOS))
Note: The 2002 Knowledge Management Conference scheduled for 24-25 October 2002 in Brussels, Belgium, was not realized.
Conference program n.a.
Topics to be discussed:
Knowledge Management in Europe – an Economy in Flux
Matching Knowledge Strategy to Business Objectives
Linking Learning, KM and Leader Development Throughout the Ranks
Should there be standards in KM? Where is the Development of Standards Today?
The Great Debate: “Measure for Measure – To Be or Not To Be”
Knowledge Management in BT – 5 Key Competencies for Success
Devolving Knowledge in Unilever
Learn Before – Learn During – Learn After: Applying Know How for Business Advantage
The Ecology of Knowledge Management
Co-located Events:
Meeting of the European Council on Knowledge Management
The 1999 Conference on Knowledge Management, 28-29 September 1999, Brussels, Belgium
(Organizer: The Conference Board Europe; ?)
- Conference program n.a.
The 1998 Conference on Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning, 15-16 September 1998, Brussels, Belgium
(Organizer: The Conference Board Europe; Sponsor: IBM Global Services, Consulting Group)
- Plenary Session:
Managing Knowledge for Business Success: An Executive Viewpoint (Keynote)
How IBM Uses Knowledge and Learning for Business Success
Developing a Knowledge-Creating and Sharing Culture
Using IT to Maximise Knowledge
The University and Knowledge (Luncheon Session)
Concepts and Practices of Knowledge Management
Concurrent Sessions: Industry Workshops
Banking and Finance Companies
Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Companies
Manufacturing Companies
Petroleum and Process Companies
Concurrent Sessions:
Knowledge Strategy
Using Collaboration to Create a Core Competency
Building an Infrastructure for Creating and Sharing Knowledge
Knowledge Strategies 2002, April 11-12, 2002, Singapore
Conference theme: Learning and Management in the New Economy
- Conference program n.a.
Major topic areas:
Aligning knowledge and corporate strategy
Knowledge-based strategies for resourcing and organisational development
Leveraging social networks and communities of interest and practice
Integrating knowledge-based and IT/e-business strategies
Creating the virtual value chain, strategies for leveraging supplier and customer relationships
Developing organisational learning and memory
Knowledge-based strategies for external collaboration and partnerships
Strategies for linking education, work and learning