Universität Mannheim (UMA)*
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The Universität Mannheim (UMA; English: University of Mannheim), formerly the Handelshochschule Mannheim, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Fakultät für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsmathematik (WIM; School of Business Informatics and Mathematics) > Institut für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik1)
Data and Web Science Group
- Konferenz »Lernen. Wissen. Daten. Analysen.« (LWDA 2018), 22-24 August 2018, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
(Veranstalter: Fachgruppen der Gesellschaft für Informatik)-
Workshop on “Information Retrieval” (FGIR 2018); Workshop on “Knowledge Management” (FGWM 2018); Workshop on “Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining, and Machine Learning” (KDML 2018); Workshop on “Business Intelligence” zum Thema integrative Konzepte für eine fragmentierende BIA (WSBI 2018); Workshop on “Large-Scale Data Management and Processing – Applications in Research and Industry” (FGDB 2018) (Summer Meeting of the GI Special Interest Group on Databases)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Sciences (MSc) in Wirtschaftsinformatik (Specialization Track: Data and Knowledge Management)**
Specialization Courses 2009/10:
CS 630 Anfrageoptimierung
CS 691 Information Extraction*
CS 690 Information Retrieval*
CS 661 Knowledge Management
CS 621 Logikprogrammierung
IS 630 Machine Learning
CS 600 Model Driven Development
CS 660 Semantic Web Technologies
CS 631 Transaktionssysteme
Artificial Intelligence II
Seminar „Data and Knowledge Management”
Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre > Bereich Wirtschaftspädagogik
Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik – Learning, Design & Technology
- 2. Deutsche Learning Analytics Summer Institute (LASI), 7-8 Mai 2018, Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
(Veranstalter: Society for Learning Analytics Research)-
Pre-conference Workshops: (May 7)
Doktoranden-WorkshopKeynotes: (May 8)
Serious Games and NLP: Learning can be fun if you ask the right questions; Automatic Creation and Maintenance of Knowledge Resources; PraxisberichtConference Workshops: (May 8)
Analytics on Video-based Learning; Learning Analytics Profiles; Strukturelle Unterstützung von kollaborativer Learning Analytics Forschung - 13th IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA 2016), 28 – 30 October 2016, University of Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany
(Veranstalter: International Association for Development of the Information Society)-
Open Educational Resources: Educational Technology as a Driver for Educational Reform?; From Digital to Double Blended LearningConference Sessions:
Learning Communities & Web Service Technologies; Pedagogical Issues Related With Learning Objects; Technology, Learning And Expertise; Collaborative Learning; Educational Psychology; Exploratory Technologies; Learner Communities And Peer-support; Assessment Of Exploratory Technologies: (1) Others, (2) Assessing Progress of Learning in Complex Domains; Cognition In Education; Student-centered Learning; Learning Paradigms in Corporate Sector