Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)
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The Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD; English: University of Brunei Darussalam; Jawi: يونيبرسيتي بروني دارالسلام) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
UBD School of Business and Economics (UBDSBE) 1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Management (by coursework; Specialisation: Information and Knowledge Management)**
- Master of Management (by research; Specialisation: Information and Knowledge Management)
- Ph.D. in Management (Specialisation: Information and Knowledge Management)
Faculty Seminar Series
Mar 2021: The Impact of Knowledge Sharing as a Mediator in the Nexus between Organisational Factors and Organisational Effectiveness
Nov 2020: (Un)hiding Knowledge in the Workplace:Why Social Capital Matters
Feb 2019: Legal Framework for Bio-Diversity and Protection of Traditional Knowledge:Instrumentalising the Law for Economic Growth in Brunei
Feb 2013: Organizational Culture, Socialization and Knowledge Sharing: A Study of Public Organizations in Brunei
Nov 2012: Knowledge Enabling Factors and Organizational Effectiveness: Mediating Effect of Knowledge Sharing in Bangladesh Organizations
Sep 2012: A Policy- focused knowledge-based economy (KBE) framework and empirical investigation of KBE input-output indicators for Brunei
PhD Research Proposal Presentations
Sep 2011: Knowledge -Based Economy framework [KBE] for ASEAN Region : Designing Standard Measurement of KBE for Selected ASEAN countries