University of South Africa International Conference on Library and Information Science Research in Africa (UNILISA)*
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The biennial University of South Africa International Conference on Library and Information Science Research in Africa (UNILISA), successor of the Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa (ProLISSA) conference, which was also known as the Development of Information Science in South Africa Network (DISSAnet) conference, aims to create opportunities to establish a research network of academics and information professionals who strive to support the creation, storage and dissemination of information in the field of Library and Information Science in Africa.
The biennial Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa (ProLISSA) conference aimed to showcase South African and African research progres in the broad field of Library and Information Science (LIS). DISSAnet’s aim was to create a nation-wide platform to support the advancement and internationalisation in LIS research in South Africa, meeting the demands of a new country.
UNILISA is organized by the Department of Information Science, University of South Africa. ProLISSA was hosted by the department from 2006-2017 and by the Center for Information Development, Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, from 2002-2004.
Conference History:
4th UNILISA Conference 2025, 1-4 April 2025, Pretoria, University of South Africa, South Africa / Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Information Science for futuristic scholarship and practice: Partnerships and collaborations across boundaries towards society 5.0
(Partners: UNISA Library and Information Services)
Conference program TBD
Student Lightning Talks: (Mar 31, Virtual)
Plenary Sessions:
Scholarship and practice in data science, analytics, and visualisation in Information Science for Society 5.0
Institutional research niche areas aligned to Library and Information Science research
Scholarship and practice for futuristic information dissemination and use in Society 5.0
Scholarship and practice in information and knowledge management to advance a futuristic Society 5.0
Futuristic Information Science education for Society 5.0
Disruptive technology for scholarship and practice in information science for Society 5.0
Partnerships and collaboration among and between organisations associated with the Information Science industry to strengthen its impact on Society 5.0
Scholarship and practices towards futuristic archives, records, and data curation for Society 5.0
Unlocking the Potential of Collaborating with Sponsors and Partners
“Knowledge” Presentations:
Knowledge Management South Africa
3rd UNILISA Conference 2023, 6–10 March 2023, Pretoria, University of South Africa, South Africa / Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Information practice and research for development in times of uncertainties
(Partners: COR Concepts; IGI Global; Library and Information Association of South Africa; South African Society of Archivists)
Doctoral Forum, Mar 6-7
Session: Information and Knowledge Management for Development
Online information seeking behaviour of postgraduate engineering students at Kyambogo University in Uganda
Knowledge sharing strategies for poverty eradication amongst rural women in the Northern Region, Ghana
Health information seeking of people living with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Perceptions and readiness of City of Johannesburg cataloguers to integrate 4IR technologies in cataloguing
Strategies to turn tacit knowledge into a sustainable resource for organisations
Electronic information management practices of postgraduate library and information science students in Nigeria
Critical Success Factors in Implementing Health Care Knowledge Management at Mpilo Central Hospital
The use of Forth Industrial Revolution innovations to support decision-making at the professional council in South Africa
Readiness of Ghana academic libraries to implement the learning commons philosophy
The adoption and utilisation of online databases by postgraduate students in the faculty of arts of selected universities
Information security management of medical records at RRK Khan Hospital in KwaZulu-Natal
Digital preservation readiness of legal deposit material in Msunduzi Municipality Library
Preservation of organisational memory in Zimbabwe’s state universities: a case of the National University of Science and Technology
The evolving changes in the responsibilities of records management professionals in Kenya
Sessions: Doctoral Forum (Student Projects)
Knowledge sharing strategies and practices among academics at Technical Vocational Education and Training colleges in Limpopo Province, South Africa
Knowledge mobilisation practices for small-scale tea farmers in Murang’a County, Kenya
Examining Facebook as tool for promoting indigenous knowledge among Zulu youth KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
What are the enablers and strategies of knowledge sharing in SMMes within the construction industry in South Africa?
Engaging with uncertainty: data literacy as an integral part of Information Science Education for effective information
practice in Africa
The stewardship role of information professionals in society (Doctoral Forum)
2nd UNILISA Conference 2021, 8–10 March 2021, Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Information services for a sustainable society in an era of information disorder
Doctoral Forum, 8 Mar
Session: Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management Strategies in Clinical settings, Southwest Nigeria
Benchmarking the implementation and localization of e-government at the grassroots level in South Africa: a literature analysis
Covid-19 and challenges of knowledge sharing among nurses in developing countries
Fourth industrial revolution and the application of artificial intelligence (ai) in academic libraries: issues and concepts
Sessions: Others
Publication trends of Information and Knowledge Management journals in preparation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Keynotes/Invited Talks:
From collections to connections: transforming libraries to knowledge centres
The African Diaspora and allies: a Knowledge Management research collaborator for a sustainable society in an era of information disorder
1st UNILISA Conference 2019, 11-15 March 2019, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
Conference Theme: Access to information for sustainable development in the digital age: The role of libraries and archives in Africa
Doctoral Forum (11-12 Mar)
Session: Information and Knowledge Management
Personal Information Management Behaviour of Faculty in Higher Education Institutions in Ghana
The SECI Model in Knowledge Management Research: Past, Present and Future
A Framework for Integrating Information Management in Government Ministries in the Context of the Kenya Vision 2030
Collaborative technologies and knowledge management in psychiatric hospitals in South West Nigeria
Towards Establishment of IKMCs (Indigenous Knowledge Management Centres) for Sustainable Development: Issues, Challenges and Prospect
Moderating Impact of Organizational Culture on the Relationship between Knowledge Management and Job Performance of Librarians in University Libraries in Nigeria
Developing an Integrated Framework for Knowledge Management Systems Implementation in Universities
9th ProLISSA Conference 2017, 13-17 March 2017, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
Theme: Libraries and archives for development in the digital age
(Host: Department of Information Science, University of South Africa)
Doctoral Forum (Mar 13-14)
Session Papers:
Nonparametric statistical analysis of the Delphi study of the challenges of implementing knowledge management in universities libraries in Nigeria
Combating digital divide through sustainable development goals: imperatives for Africa’s knowledge growth
8th ProLISSA Conference 2015, 11-13 March 2015, Pretoria, South Africa
(Host: Department of Information Science, University of South Africa)
Doctoral Forum (Mar 11)
Conference program n.a.
7th ProLISSA Conference 2013, 5-9 March 2013, Pretoria, South Africa
(Host: Department of Information Science, University of South Africa)
Doctoral Forum (Mar 5-6)
Conference program n.a.
6th ProLISSA Conference 2011, 9-11 March 2011, Pretoria, South Africa
(Host: Department of Information Science, University of South Africa)
Doctoral Forum (Mar 9)
Session Papers:
Some thoughts on the trends, issues, challenges and opportunities of information and knowledge management teaching and research in South Africa
The use of technology-based mechanisms and knowledge management techniques in library practices in an academic environment : a case study
The road to the information and knowledge society : indigenous knowledge and the Millennium Development Goals
Job functions and requirements for knowledge managers : lessons for Library and Information Science (LIS) schools in South Africa
5th ProLISSA Conference 2009, March 4-6, 2009, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
(Host: Department of Information Science, University of South Africa)
Doctoral Forum (Mar 4)
Conference program n.a.
4th ProLISSA Conference 2006, 1-3 November 2006, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
Conference Theme: Progress in Library and Information Science in Southern Africa
(Host: Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria)
Doctoral Forum (Nov 1)
Session Papers:
Wikis: a breeding ground for aspiring anarchists or the ultimate knowledge management tool?
Challenges of the approaching Knowledge Society: Major international issues facing library and information professionals
Knowledge management education in Departments of Library and Information Science in South Africa
The role of information and communication technologies for sustainable management, preservation and dissemination of indigenous knowledge
Keynotes/Invited Talks:
Information Management vs. Knowledge Management – what makes the difference?
Developing human resource capacity in information sciences for the knowledge industry with specific reference to Africa
3rd ProLISSA Conference 2004, 28-29 October 2004, Pretoria, South Africa
(Host: Center for Information Development, Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria)
Session Papers:
From lecture hall to boardroom: designing, implementing and facilitating an Experiential learning module for knowledge management students at undergraduate level
The formulation of a strategic knowledge management maturity model
A holistic approach to I & KM: The portfolio of services as practical tool
Mapping and auditing indigenous knowledge capacity in Uganda
Growth and development in knowledge management research: A bibliometric study
Indigenous knowledge, minority languagesand lifelong learning: A role for public libraries
2nd ProLISSA Conference 2002, 24-25 October 2002, Pretoria, South Africa
(Host: Center for Information Development, Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria)
Session: Information and Knowledge Management
The theme of tacit knowledge in knowledge management theory
The interdependency between strategic management and the formulation of a knowledge management strategy
Methodological issues relating to the assessment of corporate knowledge management practices: the role of a reference framework
Sessions: Others
Metadata and cross-language information retrieval as complementary technologies to provide access to knowledge databases in indigenous languages
1st ProLISSA Conference 2000, 26-27 October 2000, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
(Host: Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria; In cooperation with Library and Information Association of South Africa)
Good afternoon. I would like to present a paper at the International Conference on Library and Information Research in Africa, which is scheduled to be held from 1 April 2025 to 4 April 2025 in Pretoria, South Africa.
Kindly send more details about the conference so I can prepare for registration.
Thank you.
Rilwanu Adamu
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Nov 8, 2024 – Boris)
please i would like to present my paper at ‘ University of South Africa International Conference on Library and Information Research in Africa’ which is scheduled to hold from 1st April, 2025 to 4th April, 2025 at Pretoria, South Africa.
kindly send more details about the Conference to enable me kick start the process to attend the conference. I.e the registration fees. Thanks
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Oct 10, 2024 – Boris)
Good afternoon. I write on behalf of the University Librarian of Plateau State University, Bokkos situated in West Africa.
He has interest in attending this Conference with theme ‘ University of South Africa International Conference on Library and Information Research in Africa’ which is scheduled to hold from 1st April, 2025 to 4th April, 2025 at Pretoria, South Africa.
kindly furnish me with more details about the Conference to enable him kick start the process to attend the conference. I.e registration fees
thank you in anticipation of your positive response.
Matthew Bummi
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Oct 6, 2024 – Boris)
I am an aspiring PhD student. would like to attend this conference in person.
Kindly send me an invitation letter and cc to Dudu Dlamini – Librarian
Please address letter to:
The Principal Secretary
Ministry of ICT
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jan 11, 2023 – Boris)