A.J. Rhem & Associates (AJRA)
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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)

A.J. Rhem & Associates (AJRA) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
AJRA Training Division
- Information Architecture (IA) Certification Course (2 days)
(Certified Knowledge Specialist – Information Architecture CKS-IA | KM Institute)1)
Classes and Seminars (Areas: Knowledge-as-a-Service, Knowledge modeling; Knowledge management; Information architecture)
- Essential Topics in Knowledge Management course (4 days)
- Effectively putting Knowledge Management into Practice at your Organization
- Delivering Knowledge-as-a-Service (KaaS)
- Knowledge Modeling with UML**
- Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Base Systems Workshop (5 days)**
KM Mentor Platform (online)
- KM Mentor Masterclass (special prices for Educators and Students)
- Mentoring; Webinars; Podcasts; Courses; KM tools
- Mar 2023: ROI for Knowledge Management & HR: From onboarding to exit interview – using knowledge management in HR and talent management (USI Insurance Services webinar)