ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP)*

ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP)*

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The biennial ACM International Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP), supported by the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction (ACM SIGHCI), formerly the ACM SIGGROUP Conference on Supporting Group Work (GROUP), the Conference on Organizational Computing Systems (COOCS), and the ACM SIGOIS (and IEEE CS TC-OA) Conference on Office Information Systems (COCS), is a premier venue for research on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Supported Collaborative Learning and Socio-Technical Studies. A strong emphasis of GROUP conferences is to foster a discourse on collaborative technology that bridges the fields of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and Information Systems (IS), Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL), and “Learning at the workplace” (CSCL@Work). Relevant issues include the design, implementation, deployment, evaluation, and impact of these systems as well as examinations of relevant research methodologies. The conference integrates work in social science, computer science, engineering, design, values, and other diverse topics related to group work, broadly conceptualized.

Conference History:

GROUP’25, January 12-15, 2025, Hilton Head Island, SC, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Jan 12)
    Beyond video-conferencing: telepresence technologies for extending expertise reach and specialised skill sharing
    Time, Power, and the Future of Work (CANCELLED)
    Doctoral Consortium

    Paper Sessions:
    Artificial Intelligence and Design Space
    Assistive Technology in Complex Healthcare Settings
    Working, Learning and Understanding
    Parenting, Caregiving and Family
    Interactivity and Immersion
    Social Media and Online Communities
    Design and Ethics
    Design Fiction and Professional Communities

    Panel Discussions:
    New Opportunities, Risks, and Harm of Generative AI for Fostering Safe Online Communities

    AI, Responsibility, and Social Impact: Collaboration and Cooperation Mechanisms in Conversational Systems

GROUP’23, January 8-11, 2023, Hilton Head Island, SC, USA

    Note: The regular conference venue (Sanibel Island, FL, USA) for 2023 changed due to the hurricane damage. The conference was originally scheduled for January 23-26, 2022.

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jan 5):
    Doctoral Colloquium

    Paper Sessions:Sessions:
    Chatbots, Virtual Agents, Collaboration; Safety & Trust; Health, Workplace; Online Communities; Policy and Online Communities; Methods & Online Communities; Human/AI Interaction, Robotics, Workplace; Societal; Education

    Demos, Posters and Lightning Talks

    No Keynotes!?

GROUP’20, January 6-8, 2020, Sanibel Island, FL, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jan 5):
    GROUP4Good: Exploring Positive Impacts of GROUP Research; Mapping Out Human-Centered Data Science: Methods, Approaches, and Best Practices; Doctoral Colloquium

    Privacy and Information Sharing Sensitivity; Taking Part in Society; Non-use of Digital Technologies; Collaboration Technologies; Digital Technology Challenges for Women; Design Fictions; Social Sharing Behavior and Digital Matching; Editing System and Visualization; Games and Social Communities; Large Datasets and Crowd Sourcing; Poster and Working Papers Session

    Video Killed the Radio Star

GROUP’18, January 7-10, 2018, Sanibel Island, FL, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jan 7):
    Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines; Refugees & Technology: Determining the Role of HCI Research; Technology on the Trail; Doctoral Colloquium

    Crowdsourcing and Funding; Metadata, Sensemaking and Depersonalization; Peer Production and Co-Creation; Social Media and Wellbeing; Knowledge Sharing in (Online) Communities; Design Fictions; Cyber Infrastructures and the Digitalization of Work; Contemporary and Future Work Settings; Digital Media & Policy Engagement; Journal of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (JCSCW) Papers; Poster (Madness) and Working Papers Session

    Jimmy Wales – founder of Wikipedia, co-founder of Wikia, and founder of WikiTribune

GROUP’16, November 13-16, 2016, Sanibel Island, FL, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Designing and Building a Space for Innovative Scholarly Practices to Enhance Open Online Community Scholarship (CANCELLED); Engaging with Users and Stakeholders: The Emotional and the Personal; Exploring Ethics and Obligations for Studying Digital Communities; Doctoral Colloquium

    Describing Interactions; Editing Systems; Socio-Technical Design; Social Networks in Industry; Local Communities; Volunteering; Adoption, Appropriation, Domestication; Mobile Computing Practices; Supporting Real-Time Interaction; Work Settings; Design Fictions; Social Media; Posters and Demo;

    Systems Work (Keynote Symposium)

GROUP’14, November 9-12, 2014, Sanibel Island, FL, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Human-Robot Interaction in Groups: Theory, Method, and Design for Robots in Groups; Potentials of the “Unexpected”: Technology Appropriation Practices and Communication Needs; The Morphing Organization: Rethinking Groupwork Systems in the Era of Crowdwork; Quality Hackathon: Evaluating the Products of Online Co-Production Systems; Collaboration and Coordination in the Context of Informal Care (CCCiC): Concepts, Methods, and Technologies; Doctoral Colloquium

    Global Collaboration; Accounting for the Individual in Community; Impression and Privacy Management in SNS; Collaborative Systems; Activist and Makers; Social Business; Collaborating around the home; Collaborative Work; Synchronous Systems; Poster Session

GROUP’12, October 28-31, 2012, Sanibel Island, FL, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    CSCL@Work revisited – beyond CSCL and CSCW; Doctoral Colloquium

    Awareness & Avatars – Visualizing Speech, Workflow & Identity; Understanding Collaboration in Organizations; Citizen Science & Healthcare – Real World Communities; Collaborative Systems & Group Editing; *Best of Group* Backchannels, Cross-Cultural Chat, File Sync & Real-Time Dating; Behaviour Patterns in Online Communities; Understanding Information in Social Media; Methods for Understanding & Supporting Online Communities; Poster Session


    Where do we come from? What are we? Where are we going?

GROUP’10, November 7-10, 2010, Sanibel Island, FL, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Collective Intelligence in Organizations (CIorg): Tools and Studies; Collaborative Information Seeking: Toward New Theories and Applications; Computer Supported Collaborative Learning at Work: CSCL at Work; Connecting Families: New Technologies, Family Communication, and the Impact on Domestic Space; Doctoral Colloquium

    Create, Donate, Collaborate; Designing for Collaboration; Home and Care; Individuals and Groups; Social Networks and Social Media; Beyond the Surface; Wikis and Tagging; Software Code and Gaming; Social Interaction; Intention and Awareness; Practice, Patterns, and Models; Posters Session

    Perspectives on Group and Townhall Meeting; Grand Challenges and New Frontiers

GROUP’09, May 10-13, 2009, Sanibel Island, FL, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops (May 10):
    pproaching “Amateur”; Collaborative Information Behavior: Developing new research directions; From CSCW to new workstations: The Itsme project; Doctoral Colloquium

    Cooperative Knowledge Management; Tagging; Collaborative tools and technologies; Social software; Computer mediated communication; Health informatics; Community ;Emp-Qual Experience; Collaborative management; Group collaboration and interaction; Poster session

    The experiment that is myExperiment

GROUP’07, November 4-7, 2007, Sanibel Island, FL, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 4):
    Research Directions for Social Computing; Collaboration in Online Games; Ninth International Workshop on Collaborative Editing Systems; Visual communication environments and distributed intense collaboration (CANCELLED)

    Theories of Cooperative Work; Awareness and Privacy; Analysis of Complex Work Settings; Awareness and Co-Presence; Knowledge Sharing in Practise; Formation of Groups, Teams and Communities; Dealing with Dependencies; Sharing Expertise; Design Methods; Computer Supported Learning; Infrastructuring; Social Tagging; Dealing with Disruptions; Wikis and Information Seeking; Poster (Madness) Session

    Social Computing and Online Identity

    Objects and Things between Design and Experience

GROUP’05, November 6-9, 2005, Sanibel Island, FL, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 6):
    7th International Workshop on Collaborative Editing Systems; Sustaining Community: The role and design of incentive mechanisms in online systems

    Net communities; Collocation and virtual collocation; Finding Expertise and Information; IM and Usability; Decision-making and communication; Collaborative Learning; Work rhythms and coordinative artifacts; Open source and distributed software development; Supporting communities; Supporting activities; Consistency maintenance; Transforming health care; Poster session

    Gurus, Hired Guns and Warm Bodies; Intelligent Design or Felicitous Evolution?: Sustaining Order and Activity in Online Communities

GROUP’03, November 9-12, 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 9):
    Requirements for e-Science Collaboration (CANCELLED); Communities in Context

    Communities; Chat; Groupware for Special Groups; Mobility; System Technology; Making Sense; Models; Knowledge Management; Tools and Technology; Field Studies; Social Browsing; Design Input Studies

    John L. King, Dean of the School of Information, University of Michigan

GROUP’01, September 30 – October 3, 2001, Boulder, Colorado, USA

Conference Theme: Coordination – Cooperation – Collaboration

    Collaborative Editing

    Mobile Collaboration; Collaborative Learning; Workflow Systems; Virtual Environments; Coordination Challenges; Use and Effectiveness; Architecture and Development; Social and Relational Effects; Tools and Infrastructure; Collaborative Workspaces; Groupware/Group Characteristics; Work Communities; Tools for Different Tasks; Dimensions of Ubiquity

    Open Software

    Stanley Deetz, Professor of Communication, University of Colorado

GROUP’99, November 14-17, 1999, Phoenix, AZ, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 14):
    Designing from the interaction out: Using intercultural communication as a framework to design interactions in collaborative virtual communities; Consistency Maintenance and Group Undo in Real-Time Group Editors; Groupware related Task Design

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Nov 14):
    Working through Collaboration: A Framework for Designing Technology Support

    Knowledge Support; Informed Design; User Perspectives; Pragmatic Issues; Distributed/Shared Spaces; Shared Learning; Methods; Coordination and Negotiation; Architectures; Awareness and Orientation; Virtual Spaces/Teams; Case Studies; Algorithms and Techniques; Evaluation and Impact; Workshop Presentations

    CSCW and the Open Source/Free Software Issue

    Gordon Bell, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley

GROUP’97, November 16-19, 1997, Phoenix, AZ, USA

    Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 16):
    Tailorable Groupware: Issues, Methods, and Architectures

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Nov 16):
    Developing Collaborative Applications on the Web; Real-World Groupware Frameworks: Digital LinkWorks and OpenText LiveLink; Using Social Network Analysis to Study Computer Networks; Methods, tools and technologies for Coordination and Workflow Management

    Supporting Intergroup Working; Research Tools and Methods; Workflow Applications; Experiences with Collaborative Environments; Workflow Architectures; Collaborative Spaces; Group Awareness; Integrative Environments; Virtual Environments; Case Studies; Algorithms and Formalizations; Video Support; Workflows “in the Wild”; Conferencing Applications; Agent Technology; Enhancing Communication

    The Role of Technology in Knowledge Management; Issues in Technology Supported Learning


COOCS 1995, August 13-16, 1995, Milpitas, CA, USA

    Conference program n.a.

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