International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM)*

International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM)*

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The International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM), organized by the International Council on Knowledge Management (ICKM), initially the iKMS-International Conference on Knowledge Management (iKMS-ICKM), organized by the Information and Knowledge Management Society (iKMS) in Singapore, provides researchers and practitioners from all over the world a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas concerning theoretical and practical aspects of Knowledge Management.

Don’t mix up this conference series with the one of the same name organized by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). WASET is a predatory conference organizer and publisher.

Conference History:

20th ICKM 2025, November 27-28, 2025, Iscte-IUL, Lisbon, Portugal

Conference Theme: Shaping the Future of Data, Knowledge, and Innovation with AI for Global Sustainable Change
(In conjunction with ciKi – Congresso Internacional de Conhecimento e Inovação, and GFIC – Global Forum of Intellectual Capital; Host: Centre for the Study of Socioeconomic Change and the Territory, Business School, ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon; Partners: International Concil on Knowledge Management; Intellectual Capital Association; Departamento de Engenharia do Conhecimento, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina)

    Conference program TBD

19th ICKM 2024, October 21-22, 2024, Kent State University, Kent, OH, USA

Conference Theme: Navigating Inequities and Social Justice in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
(Host: School of Information Science, Kent State University; Knowledge and Information Professionals Association; Sponsors: School of Library and Information Systems, Simmons University; Department of Information Science, College of Information, University of North Texas; ACIES Innovations)

    Note: ICKM 2024 was originally scheduled for October 21-24, 2024

    Profiles in Knowledge: 20 Thought Leaders in Knowledge Management
    From Data to Justice: Creating Ethical AI Through Knowledge Management
    Sociodemographics and Knowledge Sharing in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: A Case Study of re-Kindergarten Enrollment

    Invited Talks:
    How to Integrate Knowledge Management Activities into Our Daily Tasks?
    Demystifying Artificial Intelligence with bAlby Steps fjohn
    Orchestrating Knowledge-Based Live-able Cities
    Temporal Aspects in Knowledge Management – First Considerations
    Aligning the Pillars that Support Knowledge Management
    Implementing Knowledge Management within a globally distributed organization
    Co-Producing Knowledge for the Common Good: Strategies for Inclusive and Equitable Knowledge Management
    Virtual Reality and AI: Transforming Education and Promoting Social Justice (sponsored; CANCELLED)

    Conference Sessions:
    Inclusive Knowledge Practices
    Educational Initiatives
    Social Issues in Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Cities
    Knowledge Management Processes

    Knowledge Café: How Do We Raise Interest in Knowledge Management?
    Knowledge Café: How do We Raise Enrollments in Knowledge Management Programs? (Educator’s Café)
    Demystifying Artificial Intelligence with bAlby Steps fjohn

    ICKM Council meeting

18th ICKM 2023, November 22-24, 2023, Florianopolis, Brazil / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: ICKM/CIKI – Bridges to Knowledge Society (was: Bridges for the Knowledge Society; Digital and Knowledge Society; ICKM-ciki – Bulding bridges to knowledge)
(In conjunction with ciKi – Congresso Internacional de Conhecimento e Inovação; Host: Graduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management, Federal University of Santa Catarina; Co-organizer: Inter-American Organization for Higher Education)

    Note: ICKM 2023 was originally scheduled for November 28-30, 2023, in Brasilia at the University of Brasilia, Brazil, with the theme “Knowledge Governance and Management for the Transdisciplinary Co-production”

    Knowledge Management: Where Are We Heading?

    Paper Presentations: (in-person & remote)

    Invited Presentations:
    Innovation Education and the National Council of Education
    Artificial Intelligence and Educational Innovation
    CEURS, innovation in the development of skills for sustainability
    Knowledge Management and Human Factors: the experience of Petrobras
    Cooperation and co-production in science, technology and innovation
    Challenges and strategies to bring a new vital sign to the health ecosystem: experience report
    STE(A)M Learning & Technology
    Agile Projects and Scrum: how to apply Knowledge Management
    Elements to consider when designing a Knowledge Management function for innovation
    Synergizing Human and Artificial Attention for higher Organizational Reliability
    Technology Applied to Higher Education: the experience of Arizona State University
    HR Analytics: Disruptive Digital Innovation for a New Era of Human Resource Management
    Innovation & Creativity in Museums: a new collaborative management model at MASC (Santa Catarina State Art Museum)

    Knowledge & Innovation: How the Florianópolis Ecosystem was Built?
    Networked Corporate University Cases
    Seven tools for the Networked University
    Innovation & Sustainability
    Inner Development Goals
    Ubuntu and Diversity, I am because we are together
    Smart Habitats
    Multilevel Governance for Innovation and efficiency of the Brazilian Port System
    Competence Matrix & Competent Multilevel Performance, new guidelines for organizational design
    Human Factors and Digital Society
    Future of work and the city as a learning plataform
    Generative AI, Knowledge Management and Data Management in organizations

    Mini course: CANCELLED
    Innovation Ecosystems: challenges and opportunities

    Technical Visits:

17th ICKM 2022, June 23-24, 2022, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Knowledge, Uncertainty and Risks: From individual to global scale
(Host: Department of Information Sciences, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam; Co-organizer/Supporter: Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement e.V., Fachgruppe Wissensmanagement der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.; Swiss Knowledge Management Forum; ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Knowledge Management; International Association for Knowledge Management; Deutsche Gesellschaft für Information und Wissen e.V.; Knowledge for Development Partnership; New Club of Paris; Knowledge Management Global Network)

    Note: Only some presentations are delivered online. The 2022 conference was originally scheduled for March 10-11, 2022. The 2021 ICKM was postponed to 2022 due to the pandemic situation. Pre-conference Workshops & Tutorials were scheduled for June 22, 2022

    Conference Workshops:
    Workgroup Knowledge Management Certification
    Understanding and Co-Creating Sustainable Climate Resilience in Society
    Research Teams: Fostering Scholarship & Practice

    Conventional and systemic Risks: Implications for individual and societal governance
    Understanding risk under conditions of inherent uncertainty
    Don’t forget the knowledge risks in conjunction with the green transformation

    Academic Sessions:
    Knowledge Management; Big Data Data Science; Information Engineering Science; Medical Knowledge Management; Innovative Designs; Knowledge Management & Learning; Text Analytics; Poster Session

    Industry Sessions:
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Information und Wissen (DGI) Session
    Knowledge for Development Partnership (K4DP) Session
    Knowledge Management Practitioners Session (GfWM / SKMF)

    Sense-making: Panel of Discovery
    Changing Landscape of Scholarly Communications: Open Access

    Co-located Events:
    Barcamp: GfWM Knowledge Camp, Jun 23
    NCP Open House (Knowledge Cafe), Jun 24
    ICKM Annual General Meeting, Jun 24

    Pre-conference events: (Jun 22)
    Knowledge Management – Sharing of Experiences

    Post-conference Events: (Jun 25)
    Potsdam Roundtable: From Science City to City of Knowledge Transfer? A discussion on knowledge/science city development (Host: NCP, GfWM, proWissen Potsdam)
    Guided Knowledge City Tour of Potsdam

    KMedu relevant:
    First Observations from an Analysis of KM Job Adverts from English Speaking Countries and Germany
    Soft Skills Development in Knowledge Management

16th ICKM 2020, December 3-5, 2020, Durham, NC, USA Virtual venue

Conference Theme: “Knowledge Commons” in the City of Medicine / and the institutional analysis of data and the development of knowledge
(Host: School of Library and Information Sciences, North Carolina Central University; Knowledge and Information Professional Association)

    Knowledge Commons and Data; Health Related Topics; Health and Knowledge Management Topics; Projects and Organizations; Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK) and Medical Care; Knowledge Management and Education; Innovative Governance; Technical innovations; A Global View of Knowledge Management; Posters and Work-in Progress Papers (w. Q&A Session)

    Examples and Challenges for Applying Knowledge in Healthcare Settings (MCBK Research Panel); Journal Editor’s Panel: The Inside “Dirt” and Gold Nuggets

    Knowledge Cafés:
    Knowledge Café with Jennifer Anderson (NCHICA) and Jeff Allen Moderating (Virtual AWARDS)

    Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge (MCBK); Making Knowledge Work for Health

    Open Advisory Board Meeting

15th ICKM 2019, December 4-6, 2019, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil

Conference Theme: Knowledge, Learning, and Innovation Governance
(Host: Graduate Program in Engineering and Knowledge Management, Federal University of Santa Catarina (EGC/UFSC); In conjunction with the II Seminário de Universidades Corporativas e Escolas de Governo (SUCEG))

    Plenary Tracks:
    Knowledge Management Innovation (Dec 4); Multilevel Governance (Dec 5); Networked Corporate University (Dec 6)

    Paper & Poster Sessions:
    Educação e Aprendizagem; Inovação e Conhecimento; Relatos de Experiências; Knowledge (in English); Governança e Gestão do Conhecimento; Educação; Gestão do Conhecimento; Mídias Digitais e Aprendizagem; Governança e Aprendizagem; Inovação Social e Conhecimento; Colaboração e Co-Produção; Gestão do Conhecimento e Governo; Relatos de Experiências e Aprendizagem (Seção Poster); Inovação e Conhecimento (Seção Poster); Gestão do Conhecimento e Governo (Seção Poster)

    15 Years of History and Evolution of Knowledge Management: What we have learned so far; International Knowledge Management Experiences; Knowledge Management Structuring: Protection and Procedures; Expert Knowledge and the Digital Society; Multilevel Corporate Governance; Governance of Sustainability and Tourism Development; Cases of UCR Process

    Workshops (Oficinas): CANCELLED!
    Knowledge management methods, techniques and tools for reducing the learning curve; Management of ideas, problems and opportunities for innovation; Implementation of the Value Chain of the Corporate University Network Model; Knowledge management and transfer process from learning to work practice (Métodos, Técnicas e Ferramentas de Gestão do Conhecimento para a diminuição da curva de aprendizagem; Gestão de ideias, problemas e oportunidades para a inovação; Implantação da Cadeia de Valor do Modelo Universidade Corporativa em Rede; Gestão do Conhecimento e processo de transferência da Aprendizagem para a prática do trabalho)

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:
    The Third Wave of Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Knowledge Management; Innovation and Knowledge Management; Good News, Bad News, Fake News: Managing Knowledge in the Era of Social Media; Knowledge at Risk; Digital Platforms and Strategic Knowledge; The Challenges and Innovations in Teaching Knowledge Management; A New Model for Managing the Transfer of Learning to Work Practice; Collaborative Groups, a Method for Developing Competent Leadership; How to Apply Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management in the Post-truth Era of Fake News

    EGC & ICKM 15th anniversary cake

14th ICKM 2018, November 9–10, 2018, Vancouver, Canada

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management – A Profession and Discipline of Action
(Host: School of Information Management, Dalhousie University; ASIS&T SIG Knowledge Management; In conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T AM), Nov 9-15)

    Conference Workshops:
    The Faculty IT Liaison Program: Using Participatory Design to Build Possibilities with Technology; How Does Your Knowledge Flow? Exercises in Spatial Syntax; Managers or Librarians: Roles and Competencies in RDM

    Conference Sessions:
    Methods for Research and Evaluation in Knowledge Management; Knowledge Organization; Data, Information and People; Knowledge Sharing; Organizational Change Management; Innovation; Collaboration; Intellectual Capital; Young Researcher Presentations; Poster Session

    Conference Panels:
    The Nexus of Knowledge Management and Information Science: What Past and Present Trends Tell Us About the Future

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:
    iSchools as Crucible: Melding public good, technical efficiency, and knowledge; The Art of Participatory Leadership;

    Side Events:
    ICKM Council Meeting

13th ICKM 2017, October 25-27, 2017, Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Conference Theme: Big Data in the Big D
(Host: Knowledge and Information Professional Association (KIPA); Department of Information Science, University of North Texas; UNT ASIS&T Student Chapter; In conjunction with the Knowledge & Information Professional Association (KIPA) annual business meeting, Oct 26)

    Post-conference Workshops:
    Web of Science: Big Data for Scientometric Research Projects

    Conference Sessions:
    KM in Health care; KM and Big Data Analytics; KM and Social Media Analytics; Knowledge Discovery and Management; Information and Data Management; Big Data Analytics in Healthcare; Research Data Management and Analytics; Data Management and Research; Information & Organizational Knowledge; Indigenous Knowledge Management; Information Management and Systems; Institutional Knowledge and Learning; Knowledge Management and Personal Information; Knowledge Sharing and Transfer; Poster Presentations

    Conference Panels:
    Big Data and Government Information; Big Data, Ethics, and Public Engagement; Knowledge Cities

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:
    The Synergy Between Knowledge Management and Data Analytics; Creating Knowledge with Big Data and Analytics; Big Data for the Biggest US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Missions

    Side Events:
    University of North Texas Evening Event

12th ICKM 2016, October 10 – 11, 2016, Vienna, Austria

Conference Theme: Arts, Crafts, and Sciences
(Host: Austrian Computer Society (OCG); Co-organizer: Vienna International School of Thought, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Society of Learning, Industrie 4.0 Österreich – die Plattform für intelligente Produktion, Vienna University of Economics, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland, Danube University Krems, Knowledge Management Associates, University of Applied Sciences Vienna, Gesellschaft für Prozessmanagement, New Club of Paris, Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement; In conjunction with the International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World (IMCW), Oct 10-11)

    Conference Forums:
    Forum Wissensbilanz as a strategic instrument for learning organizations; Knowledge Management Competence Development with Flipped Classroom; “wien mags wissen” – The Knowledge Management of The City of Vienna

    Conference Workshops & Forum:
    Forum Wissensbilanz as a strategic instrument for learning organizations;
    Designing knowledge intensive events; KM Competence Development with Flipped Classroom; “Wien mags wissen” – The Knowledge Management of The City of Vienna; Externalizing Deep Knowledge; Project-based (organizational) Learning: Supporting knowledge creation, documentation, and reuse in semi-structured processes

    Conference Sessions:
    Intelligent Information Management; Dynamic Capability Development & Social Capitalizing; Collective Development; Transforming Organizations; Gong Show & Young Researcher Contributions; Demos & Work in Progress

    Conference Panels:
    Knowledge Management Education: Five Ws and One H; Analytics and Knowledge Management; Board Game on Knowledge Management Models

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:
    Next step in knowledge management: collective intelligence and the intelligent organization; Understanding the dynamics of digital transformation: Acceluction in action; The Impact of Digitalization on Management; A View on Open Data in Austria; Agile Knowledge Management

    Side events:
    International Council on Knowledge Management meeting

11th ICKM 2015, November 4-6, 2015, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan

Conference Theme: Cognition and Creativeness of Innovative Knowledge
(Host: Research Center for Information Systems / Institute for Intelligent Document Analysis and Knowledge Science, School of Knowledge and Information Systems, Osaka Prefecture University)

    Conference Sessions:
    General Session & Practitioners Presentations (Good practices/case studies w. K-cities special track); Organized Sessions (OS-1: Learning and Teaching Support in Knowledge Management; OS-2: Learning Analytics for Managing Organizational and Individual Knowledge; OS-3: Trend of Data Science Methodology and Techniques for Big Data/IoT Era; OS-4: Information Networking Architecture for Knowledge Management); Work-in-Progress-Posters & Posters Session

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:
    The Only Way of Our Growth Based on Craftsmaship in Manufacturing; Knowledge Management in the Era of Big Data: Problems and Opportunities; Application of Semantic Technology in Knowledge Management

10th ICKM 2014, November 24-26, 2014, Antalya, Turkey

Conference Theme: Innovation, Knowledge Discovery & Technology Management
(Host: Department of Information Management, Hacettepe University; In conjunction with the International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World (IMCW), Nov 24-26)

    Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 24):
    Research Data Management: Getting Your Organization Started; Large Scale Digitization: The Save Our Memory Project; A Curriculum for Research Data Management: How Do You Educate the Data Scientist?

    Conference Sessions:
    Innovative Approaches to Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management and Collaboration; Semantic Technologies and Ontologies; Knowledge Management and Business Model Innovation; Knowledge Workers; Knowledge Management Strategies and Implementations; Knowledge Relationship Discovery; Knowledge Management Concepts; Knowledge Management Tools and Technologies; Knowledge Discovery and Data Warehousing; Knowledge Management Taxonomies

    Conference Panels:
    iSchools and the Globalization of LIS Education; BIHAP (Knowledge Mapping Project)

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:
    Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Teaching in a Knowledge Management Perspective; CONVERIS: Managing the Complete Research Lifecycle (company presentation); Inverting the Pyramid: Maximising the Value of Data to Society; Open Access in the Data: Research-Computation-Information Pyramid; Innovation Science: The Past and Future of a Paradigm Shift; Managing Open Access Research Content and Data: Towards a Sustainable Model; Examples from Leading-edge Practical and Academic Works on Discovery and Management of Knowledge and Technology: CEES, UbiPOL, STORK, GEN6 and BIHAP Initiatives; Managing and Mining Historical Research Data over Time; It’s All About Data: What is Research Data in the Arts and Humanities?

9th ICKM 2013, November 1-2, 2013, Montreal, Canada

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management Metric, Performance Measurement; Capacity Building and Certifications
(Host: School of Information Studies, McGill University; ASIS&T SIG Knowledge Management; In conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T AM), Nov 1-6)

    Closing Session Knowledge Café; The Ten Commandments for Knowledge Behavior (ASIS&T SIG KM Happy Hour)

    Conference Sessions:
    Communication, Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Management Implementation and Strategy; Knowledge Management in Public Sector; Knowledge Organization; Knowledge Management Tools; Knowledge Discovery; Project and Knowledge Management; Knowledge Metrics and Measurement; Knowledge Management in Libraries; Access to Information and Knowledge; Knowledge Management and Healthcare; Intellectual Capital and Scientific Collaboration

    Conference Panels:
    Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice; iSChools in the Context of the Knowledge Economy

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:
    Some thoughts on Knowledge Management Metrics; Knowledge Management: It’s not easy as it sounds; Social Media & the Arab Spring: Hopes for Change

8th ICKM 2012, September 4-6, 2012, Johannesburg, South Africa

Conference Theme: Rethinking Knowledge Management: Foresight in the 21st Century
(Host: Department of Information and Knowledge Management, University of Johannesburg)

    Is the lecture format of teaching an effective way of learning and sharing knowledge and if not, what is? (Opening Gurteen Knowledge Café combined with a Drum Cafe); Knowledge Café Workshop

    Conference Tracks:
    Knowledge Management and Innovation; Knowledge Discovery; Knowledge Technologies; Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence; Knowledge Economy; Knowledge Creation and Sharing; Interdisciplinary Nature of Knowledge Management; Knowledge Strategies; Knowledge Management Theory and Education

    Conference Panels:
    Developing Foresight for South Africa’s Knowledge Economy (Special session organized by the New Club of Paris)

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:

    Note: The 8th ICKM was scheduled for September 12-14, 2011, in Petra, Jordan, hosted by the Applied Science University (Jordan), Department of Business Administration. It was cancelled due to the situation in the Middle East. The planned conference theme was “Knowledge Management Infrastructure: a Pre-requisite for Succeeding in the Changing World of Knowledge”

7th ICKM 2010, October 22-23, 2010, Pittsburgh, USA

Conference Theme: Great tradition and universal experience
(Host: Knowledge and Information Professional Association (KIPA); Department of Information Science, University of North Texas; ASIS&T SIG Knowledge Management; In conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T AM), Oct 22-27)

    Conference Workshops:
    Closing Session Knowledge Café

    Conference Sessions:
    Communication, Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Management Implementation and Strategy; Knowledge Management in Public Sector and Not-For-Profit Organizations; Knowledge Organization; Knowledge Management Practices; Social and Ethical Issue; Knowledge Discovery; Knowledge Management Education; Social Networking and Online Communities

    Conference Panels:
    Risk Knowledge Management; Sharing Health Records in US and UK; Tai Chi of Creative Project and Knowledge Management; Information, Communication and Knowledge Management Constructs in Healthcare Context

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:
    Perspective Giving, Perspective Taking: Evidence-based Learning in Organizations; Management of Legal Knowledge in an Evolving Technological Universe: Can the Baby Be Saved While Throwing Out the Bathwater?

6th ICKM 2009, December 3-4, 2009, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Conference Theme: Managing Knowledge for Global and Collaborative Innovations
(Host: Centre for Information Technology in Education, University of Hong Kong; In conjunction with the International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS), Dec 3-4, and the Knowledge Management Development Center 5th Anniversary)

    Conference Workshops:
    Discerning Opportunities for Global and Collaborative Innovation (Closing Session Knowledge Café); Understanding Intellectual Capital – What Does It Mean to You, Your Organization and to the Economy?; The Power of University-Industry Relationships: Fostering Collaborative Innovation By Using Science-to-Business Marketing; Lessons Learnt in Project Management (was: Lessons learnt – Organizational experiences in distilling and imbibing the lessons); Collaborative Partnership Models and Innovations; The Value of Collaboration; Certification of Knowledge Managers (CANCELLED); Knowledge Management and Service Innovation (CANCELLED); Learning Knowledge Management Creatively (CANCELLED); Personal knowledge management and personal learning environment leveraging Web 2.0 tools (CANCELLED)

    Conference Sessions:
    Global Collaboration & Innovation; Semantic Technologies & Web 2.0 Tools; Knowledge Management in Libraries & Information Sectors; Knowledge Management Tools & Techniques, Knowledge Society (Academic Focus); Knowledge Society: Creative Commons (Business Focus); Knowledge Economy: Policies, Strategies and Ethics (Business/Academic Focus); Knowledge Management for Law Firms: Web 2.0. in the Legal Sector? (Business Focus); Knowledge Management in Education; Knowledge Management in Non-government and Nonprofit Organizations; Knowledge Management in Healthcare (Special Track); Knowledge Management in Environment: Global Collaboration and Innovation (Business Focus) (Special Theme); KSS Sessions; Keynote & Invited Talks

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:
    Collaborating through Boundary Objects: The Case of the ATLAS Experiment at CERN; Service Innovation in Systems Sciences Perspective (KSS Invited Keynote); MTR’s Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning Journey; How NASA Reapplies Its Knowledge; How to Change A Chart to A Cow: Exploration on the Management Of Knowledge Organization

    Side Events:
    Knowledge Management Development Center 5th Anniversary & ICKM Conference Banquet

    Post-conference company visits:
    Cathay Pacific Airline (Near miss analysis for air safety); Langham Place Hotel (Knowledge Management in the hotel business by a MAKE winner)

5th ICKM 2008, October 23-24, 2008, Columbus, USA

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management Competencies & Professionalism
(Host: School of Library and Information Studies, University of Oklahoma; Green Country Knowledge and Information Professional (GC-KIP); ASIS&T SIG Knowledge Management; In conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T AM), Oct 24-29)

    Conference Workshops:
    Closing Session Knowledge Café

    Conference Sessions:
    Communication, Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Management Education; Knowledge Retention & Protection; Knowledge Management Strategies and Implementations; Knowledge Organization; Innovation and Knowledge Management; Learning Organization & Organizational Learning; Knowledge Management in the Project Management Process; Knowledge Management Competencies; Intellectual Capital; Information Security and Knowledge Management; Knowledge Discovery and the Challenges of Complexity; Keynote & Invited Talks

    Conference Panels:
    Knowledge Management in Project Management Process; Knowledge Sharing: Who Benefits and How?

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:
    Using Knowledge Management to Tackle the Toughest Environmental Challenges, A CEO Perspective; Accountability, Professionalism and Performance in Knowledge Management; Look Who’s Coming to Dinner! The Changing Faces of Knowledge Management: New Competencies, New Contributions & New Strategies; (CANCELLED); Information Ethics and Knowledge Professionals; Ethics and Professionalism: The Importance of Ethics in Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in Higher Education: Current and Future Developments; Preparing Health Information Professionals for Knowledge Management; Human and Social Values in the Information Professions; Knowledge Management Education: A Knowledge Management Challenge

4th ICKM 2007, August 27-28, 2007, Vienna, Austria

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management: Innovation, Technologies and Cultures
(Host: Executive Academy, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration; Co-organizer: Austrian Computing Society (OCG), Austrian Research Centers Seibersdorf (ARCS), Austrian Society for Technology Policy (ÖGTP), Business Innovation Consulting (BIC-Austria), Information and Knowledge Management Society (IKMS), Knowledge Management Austria (KMA), Kompetenzzentrum Wissensmanagement Linz, Plattform Wissensmanagement (PWM), Society for Organizational Learning (SoL Austria))

    Conference Workshops:
    Knowledge Management Best Practice Forum (Knowledge Society & Knowledge Policies (with panel); Knowledge Audits & Intellectual Capitalizing (with panel); Innovation & Idea Management; Information & Communications Technology; Leadership, Knowledge Work & Learning Culture; Learning Organization & Communities of Practice)

    Conference Sessions:
    Scientific Papers (Analysis & Evaluation; Enabling Knowledge Creation & Organizational Change; Reframing Knowledge Management; Enabling Knowledge Creation & Organizational Change; Services & Content Engineering; Exchange and Sharing); Research in Progress (Infrastructure Development; Capacity Building & HRM; Intellectual Capitalizing, Business Processes and Network; Collaboration; Organizational Change Support & Communities of Practice; Cultural Dimensions)

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:
    Knowledge Navigation and Longitude Leadership; What is Expertise?; Corporate Social Responsibility – Economic Thread or Opportunity?

3rd ICKM 2006, July 31 – August 2, 2006, University of Greenwich, London, UK

Conference Theme: Creating Collaborative Advantage Through Knowledge & Innovation
(Host: Business School, University of Greenwich)

    Pre-conference Masterclasses (Jul 31):
    Buckman Laboratories Knowledge Sharing: Past, Present and Future

    Conference Workshops:
    Future key themes and issues for knowledge, knowledge sharing and ‘knowledge workers’ (Gurteen Knowledge Café)

    Conference Sessions:
    Networks, Communities and Social Network Analysis; Developing the Knowledge Enterprise; Stimulating Innovation and Creativity; The Challenges of Complexity; Tools & Technologies for Effective Knowledge Management; Intangibles – their Management and Measurement; Issues in Education and Training; Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing; Social and Psychological Dimensions; Knowledge Organization; Knowledge Management in Design

    Keynotes/Invited Talks: (7)
    The Business Transaction Theory and Moral Hazards for Knowledge Sharing

    Selected Papers: (plenary)
    Pursuing the Holy Grail of Knowledge-Based Economy Assessment: The Case of Singapore
    Four Levers for Change

2nd ICKM 2005, October 27-28, 2005, Charlotte, USA

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management: Nutruring Culture, Innovation and Technology
(Host: Information and Knowledge Management Society (USA); ASIS&T SIG Knowledge Management; In conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T AM), Oct 28 – Nov 2)

    Note: The 2nd iKMS-International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM) in 2005 was planned to happen at the University of Oklahoma in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA (Organizer: Information and Knowledge Management Society (iKMS) USA Interest Group and the University of Oklahoma, School of Library and Information Studies)

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Sharing and Utilization; Knowledge Management in Government and the Public Sector; Knowledge Organization; Knowledge Discovery; Organizational Issue and Knowledge Management; Innovation, Measurements and Intelligence; Knowledge Management Strategies and Implementations; Knowledge Management Education; Knowledge Management Tools &Technologies; Communities and Collaboration; Knowledge Management Processes; Knowledge Sharing and Transfer; Poster Presentations

    Conference Panels:
    The intersection of IA (Information Architecture) and KM (Knowledge Management) in practice; The future of Knowledge Management

    Keynotes/Invited Talks:
    Knowledge Sharing: Linking Formal and Informal Learning; New Frontiers of Knowledge Management Research; Grey Matter Matters – Understanding the Knowledge-Related Challenges of an Aging Workforce; Education for Knowledge Management: Opportunities and Challenges

    Co-located Events:
    Initial Meeting of the Knowledge Management Network of North Carolina (KMNNC), Oct 27

1st iKMS-ICKM 2004, December 13-15, 2004, Singapore

Conference Theme: People, Knowledge and Technology: What Have We Learnt So Far?
(Organizer: Information and Knowledge Management Society (iKMS), World Scientific, Meeting Matters International – a World Scientific subsidiary; In conjunction with the iKMS Practitioner’s Conference)

    Conference Tracks:
    Understanding Knowledge Management (day 1); Implementing Knowledge Management: Trends in Asia Pacific (day 2); Learning from Knowledge Management (day 3)

    Conference Workshops:
    Open Space Forum: Issues & Challenges in Knowledge Mangement; Social networks data collection exercise

    Conference Sessions:
    Communities and Collaboration; Culture as Context; Knowledge Discovery (and Knowledge Management Technologies); Knowledge Management Strategies; Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Creation; Poster Presentations; Country Reports; Singapore KM Experience: Case Studies (iKMS Practitioner’s Conference)

    Panel Discussions:
    Knowledge management in Asia Pacific (Country Reports)

    Keynotes/Invited Talks: (Keynote Panels, CANCELLED)
    The Future of Knowledge Management; The Hidden Power of Social Networks; Knowledge Strategy and Innovation; Metadata Speaks: The Third Order and the Value of the Unspoken; Culture and Communication in Knowledge Management (CANCELLED)

    Side Meetings: (Dec 13)
    IKMS Business Meeting; Knowledge Management Society Collaboration

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One Reply to “ International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM)*”

  1. Hi. I wanted to look into the opportunity to keynote at this prestigious conference. The theme of the conference dovetails closely with my professional interests. For quick bio on me, you can see my linkedin page. Best would be an email address where I could send some further information. Thank you.

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jul 28, 2022 – Boris)

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