European Conference on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital (ECIIC)**
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The European Conference on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital (ECIIC), formerly the European Conference on Intellectual Capital (ECIC), presents research findings, work in progress, case studies and conceptual advances in the field of intellectual capital (IC) measurement and management.
7/2019: ECIIC is merging with the European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM)
Key Topics:
- The application of intellectual capital in practice
- Linking theory and practice
- Intellectual capital reporting
- Intellectual capital based risk assessment
- Human capital management
- Social and cultural capital
- Intellectual capital and the economy
- Measurement of intellectual capital
- Managing Intellectual Capital
- Assessing and evaluating intellectual capital
- Web 2.0 technologies for Intellectual Capital
- New challenges for intellectual capital
Conference History:
10th ECIIC 2019, 23-24 May 2019, Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University of Chieti-Pescara, Pescara, Italy
(Host: Department of Management and Business Administration, University of Chieti-Pescara)
- Mini-Tracks:
Intellectual Capital in Inter-Organizational Networks (CANCELLED)
The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital (CANCELLED)
How do firms extract intellectual capital from Big Data, data analytics and artificial intelligence?
Sustainability and Integrated Reporting in Public and Hybrid Organizations
General Streams:
SMEs; Public Sector and Social Enterprises; Knowledge; Reporting and Disclosure; Innovation; Intangibles; Developing and Emerging Countries; Intellectual Capital Issues; Social Media; Banking, Accounting; Intellectual Capital in towns and cities; Intellectual Capital and Value Creation; Posters and Work in Progress; PhD Colloquim
Roundtable Discussions:
Doing Research on Intangibles and Intellectual Capital: New Frontiers, Challenges and Future Scenarios
Managing Intangibles in times of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity): Crossdisciplinary Insights from Arts, Culture and History
25 Years since Skandia: Critical reflections and projection
10th ECIIC 2018, 19-20 April 2018, Thomas More College, Mechelen, Belgium
(Host: ?, Thomas More College)
- Conference Program TBD
Business Models for Extracting Value from Intellectual Capital
Intellectual Capital in Inter-Organizational Networks
The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital
How do firms extract intellectual capital from Big Data, data analytics and artificial intelligence?
9th ECIC 2017, 6-7 April 2017, ISCTE Lisbon University Institute, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Theme: Intellectual Capital: Its Application in Practice
(Host: Accounting Department, Business School, ISCTE Lisbon University Institute)
- Mini-Tracks:
Intellectual Capital Reporting to Increase Sustainability & Competitiveness
Intellectual Capital and Global Knowledge Work Practices
Intellectual Capital in Universities
General Streams:
Social and Human Capital; Regional Issues; Open Innovation; Competitiveness; Knowledge; Intellectual Capital Issues; SMEs; Use of Technology; Wellbeing; Economic Issues; Posters and Work in Progress; PhD and Masters Colloquium
Panel Discussions:
Intellectual Capital: Its Application in Practice
The practice of Intellectual Capital in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
A structured Intellectual Capital: Linking Theory and Practice
8th ECIC 2016, 12-13 May 2016, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy
(Host: Management Department, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice)
- Mini-Tracks:
General Streams:
A structured literature review of the intellectual capital research
Involuntary disclosure of Intellectual Capital
Pre-Conference Workshops: May 11
The Yin and Yang of case study research Workshop
7th ECIC 2015, 9-10 April 2015, Technical University of Cartagena, Cartagena, Spain
(Host: Department of Business Economics, Technical University of Cartagena)
- Mini-Tracks:
Management of intellectual capital and corporate reputation
Knowledge Cities and Intellectual Capital
New ICTs for Intellectual Capital
Creating a Bigger Tent for Intellectual Capital Finding Value in More Diverse Intangibles
General Streams:
Intellectual Capital Issues; Organisational Culture; Employment Issues; Culture; Country Specific Research; Knowledge Management and Innovation; Learning in Organisations; Posters and Work in Progress; PhD Colloquium
A Dynamic Perspective on Intellectual Capital
Does intellectual capital have a role in making the big strategic decisions?
Diagnosing Nations’ Wealth Creation Potential in the Knowledge Economy Context: Reflections on the case of Spain
6th ECIC 2014, 10-11 April 2014, Slovak University of Technology, Trnava, Slovak Republic
(Host: Faculty of Materials Science and Technology, Slovak University of Technology)
- Mini-Tracks:
Intellectual Capital in Transition in Post-Communist Countries
Intellectual Capital Management and Financial Value
Impact of Communities of Practice on Intellectual Capital (becomes General Stream)
General Streams:
Human and Social Capital; Protection, Trust and Value; Culture, Architecutres and Intangibles; Knowledge Management and BiPlots; Innovation; Intellectual Capital in Practice; Leadership and Management; Impact of communities of practice on Intellectual Capital;
Posters and Work in Progress; PhD Colloquium
The creative economy and a knowledge-based society: Challenges and opportunities for Central and Eastern European countries
Innovation, Knowledge and Multicultural Management Influence on Intellectual Capital in Industrial Enterprises
5th ECIC 2013, 11-12 April 2013, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain
(Host: Department of Financial Economics II, University of the Basque Country)
- Mini-Tracks: (TBC)
Intellectual Capital in Service Economies
Development Strategies for Intellectual Capital
Intellectual Capital Management and Reporting in Universities
Managing and Auditing Intellectual Capital in SMEs
Sustainable Enterprise Excellence, Innovation, and Intellectual Capital
Unequal Opportunities and Intellectual Capital Growth
Intellectual capital and its influence on the entrepreneurial activities of an organisation
Culture and Intellectual Capital
General Streams:
Reputation: Currency in the Knowledge Economy
Dynamic analysis of the Intellectual Capital. The role of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Capital
Wealth creation in the knowledge economy: The microeconomic dimension
4th ECIC 2012, 23-24 April 2012, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland
(Host: Head of Development & Head of Research, Arcada University of Applied Sciences)
- Mini-Tracks:
Trust, Reputation and Intellectual Capital Formation
Intellectual Capital in Practice
Intellectual Capital and the Accounting Debate
Intellectual Capital and Open Innovation
General Streams:
Managing Intellectual Capital; Cultural Issues; Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Integration; Competitive Advantage and Core Competences; Intellectual Capital Reporting; Regional and Public Policy; Intellectual Capital in Financial Services; Wealth Creation; Organisational Issues; Value Creation; Posters and Work in Progress; PhD Colloquium
How Intellectual Capital is Creating our Future
Challenging the Innovation Paradigm
Some Remarks on Social Capital, Cultural Capital and Intellectual Capital
3rd ECIC 2011, 18-19 April 2011, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus
(Host: European Centre of Knowledge Management Research, University of Nicosia)
- Mini-Tracks:
Intellectual Capital, Corporate Performance and Shareholders Value
Intellectual Capital Dynamics
Intellectual Capital from a Critical Perspective
General Streams:
Case Studies; Global Intellectual Capital issues; Models; Higher Education; Social Capital; Innovation; Business and Investment; Knowledge Management; Intellectual Capital and ICT; Tacit Knowledge; Posters and Work in Progress; PhD Colloquium
Social Knowledge: Are we ready for the future?
Intellectual Capital Accounting – how to measure the unmeasurable
Knowledge Cafe:
Co-located Events:
Presentation of the ICAA – Intellectual Capital Accreditation Association
2nd ECIC 2010, 29-30 March 2010, ISCTE Lisbon University Institute, Lisbon, Portugal
(Host: Business School, Management Research Center, ISCTE Lisbon University Institute; School of Management and Technology, Research Centre for Sustainable Management, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria)
- Mini-Tracks:
Intellectual Capital and higher education
Knowledge Metaphors
Knowledge Dynamics
Intellectual Capital and Entrepreneurial Performance
How to introduce and manage intellectual capital in SMEs?
Intellectual Capital amid the global economic crisis of 2007-2009
General Streams:
Networks; Intangibles; Models; Value Creation; Case Studies; Organisational Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital; Regional Studies; Industry Linked Issues; Communities of Practice and Emotional Capital; Quality Certification and Knowledge Utilisation; Sharing and Collaboration; Frameworks; Posters and Work in Progress
Managing information in firms to maximize national, regional and firm value creation
Future prospects of the Lisbon Strategy
Plenary Discussions:
The Creation and Management of Global IC Centres
Interactive session:
Knowledge Café:
What progress has been made in the last decade in raising awareness, and developing robust measurement and reporting methods in Intellectual Capital?
1st ECIC 2009, 28-29 April 2009, INHolland University of Applied Sciences, Haarlem, The Netherlands
(Host: Centre for Research in Intellectual Capital, INHolland University of Applied Sciences)
- Mini-Tracks:
The Dynamics of Intellectual Capital
Benefits and Limitations of the Intellectual Capital Metaphor
Measuring Intellectual Capital
Intellectual Capital for Universities and Research Organisations
Intellectual Capital of Nations, Regions and Cities
Social Capital
Measuring the Effect of Knowledge Management
Intellectual Capital Centres Across the Globe
Intellectual Capital and SME’s
General Stream
Doctoral Consortium
n.a. (Leif Edvinsson)
Getting to the Right Questions about Intangibles
Right brain activities:
We’re not just clowning around: practicing cognitive juggling for brain-based learning
Learning from Profesional Sports
The Metaphor Workshop; exploring two metaphors for knowledge
Hundred Year Perspectives
How can performing music revitalize the brain and add to a learning experience – Digging for Capital from the mine in your self.
Knowledge Cafe:
Speeddating for new Intellectual Capital Projects and Consortia
Launching the International Association of Intellectual Capital Practitioners
The Future of Intellectual Capital