APQC Podcasts on Knowledge Management Career Path and Skills

Abstract: In a two-part podcast APQC’s Mercy Harper talks with Dr. Kendra Albright (Goodyear Endowed Professor in Knowledge Management, School of Information, Kent State University) and Lauren Trees (Principal Research Lead for Knowledge Management, APQC) about Knowledge Management careers, degree programs, and the key skills and experiences future Knowledge Management professionals should seek out and what they hope to see for the future of the discipline.

Mercy Harper et al.: Finding the Right Career Path in Knowledge Management, American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC Podcasts), May 24, 2021

Mercy Harper et al.: The Skills Aspiring KM Professionals Need (and a Wish for the Future of KM), American Productivity and Quality Center (APQC Podcasts), May 24, 2021

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Note: APQC podcasts are available from e.g. Podbean, Spotify, or Apple.

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