Asian Development Bank Knowledge Forum (ADB Knowledge Forum)*

Asian Development Bank Knowledge Forum (ADB Knowledge Forum)*

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The Asian Development Bank Knowledge Forum (ADB Knowledge Forum), organized by the ADB Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department and the ADB Knowledge Sharing and Services Center, will bring together knowledge practitioners and leads from international financial institutions and other multilateral organizations, internal and external partners, and ADB staff to learn and discuss knowledge management practices, tools, application of knowledge management in development institutions, among others, through interactive discussions, knowledge sharing, training, and networking.

The Knowledge Management for Development Forum (KM4Dev Forum 2007) aimed to provide a venue for Knowledge Management practitioners, both new and experienced, to interact, network, learn, and share experiences and concerns on creating, disseminating, transferring, and managing knowledge and information. The Forum also aimed to benefit the knowledge workers who will learn, create, and embed development knowledge into business processes and in drafting and designing effective programs. The forum was organized by the KM4Dev Community and the Knowledge Management Center of the ADB Regional and Sustainable Development Department.

Conference History:

ADB Knowledge Forum 2021, 29 September – 1 October 2021, Virtual venue

Forum Theme: Learning Through Change

    Workshops: (Internal Sessions – For ADB employees only, some Public Sessions)

    “People and Culture” Workshop Sessions: (1) What does Workplace Culture and ADB Values have to do with Knowledge Management and Innovation? (2) ADB Expertise Locator Challenge Final Event – How to Find your Team in ADB? (Public Session) (3) How can we promote cross-learning in ADB – what can we together learn from the People’s Republic of China experience? (4) How Can We Apply Lessons Learned from CWRD Knowledge TAs? (Public Session) (4) How Do We Know We Are Learning? Launch of the McGill Research Partnership: Real-time Research about ADB’s KMAP (Public Session) (5) ADB’s Knowledge & Innovation Talks: A masterclass on TED style storytelling and bringing projects to life (Public Session) (6) How Cross-sector Collaboration between the Energy and Urban Sectors Works in Kiribati: The Pacific Story! (7) The UNESCO Futures Studio: Why foresight and futures thinking matters for the knowledge agenda of development organizations? (Public Session)

    “Processes and Systems” Workshop Sessions: (1) How to enhance Development Effectiveness through the Evaluation Information System (EVIS) Lessons Database, (2) How to Harness the Power of Knowledge to help 600,000 employees thrive in the post-pandemic era: The Accenture Story (Public Session) (3) How Do We Integrate Value for Money to Guide ADB’s Public–Private Partnership Support to Developing Member Countries? (4) Digital Fitness 101: Why We Need New Capabilities and New Ways of Learning (5) How to Drive Country Programming with Knowledge – Progress Report on ADB’s Dynamic CKP Process (Public Session) (6) How do we future-proof Knowledge Management Systems in Asia and the Pacific: The Case of National Economic and Development Authority, Philippines (Public Session) (7) How to Transfer Knowledge with case studies examples with ADBI/Stanford (Public Session)

    “Relationships” Workshop Sessions: (1) Integrated Solutions: How can they be identified, developed, and implemented? (2) How We Cooperate on Green and Innovative Infrastructure Finance in Southeast Asia, (3) What Drives Successful Communities of Practice? (Public Session) (4) What are the Myths and Realities about Philanthropy and Development? (5) How Can We Learn from the Field? – Urban Sector Group: Capturing Project Stories from the Ground (6) How to Put One ADB into Action? Examples of Successful Collaboration and Integration across Teams (7) How can Knowledge Management be Institutionalized? Launch of Ban Ki-moon Foundation/ADB Assessment of COVID-19 response of South Korea (Public Session) (8) Mind the Gap: How Partnerships Bridge Knowledge Gaps (Public Session)

    Plenary Panels:
    Investing in Women for Stronger Businesses: Private Sector Progress in Innovation and Inclusive Opportunities
    Tackling Grand Challenges: Investment, Innovation and Collaboration in the Post-Covid World
    Leaders Plenary Panel 3: Knowledge Across Borders: The Importance of International Collaboration

    Expert Talks:
    Building a Knowledge Management Ecosystem for Multilateral Development Banks
    It’s Not Rocket Science: Why and How NASA Manages Knowledge
    Knowledge Management: An Auditor’s Perspective

    Scene Setter: How Small Changes Create Big Outcomes – Behavioral Science in the Obama White House (Opening)
    Closing Session: Why Knowledge Management is ADB’s Tool to Drive Innovation and Performance

ADB Knowledge Forum 2018, 6 – 9 November 2018, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines

    Note: Originally the forum was “by invitation only!”.

    Post-conference Training (Nov 8-9):
    Knowledge Management Certification Training (for registered ADB staff only; provided by Community and Corporate Learning for Innovation (CCLFI), Manila)

    Knowledge Management – Is a Paradigm Shift Coming? (special adress)
    How Corporate Foresight can Help Developing Institutions Manage Knowledge

    Breakout Session: Knowledge and Innovation
    Knowledge and Innovation: State of play: Knowledge and Innovation in Development Organizations (Showcasing)
    Policy Design to Practice: Translating Policy into Practice in Public Management (Experts on Call)
    Knowledge Management and Artificial Intelligence: The Era of Knowledge Bots Comes to ADB (Showcasing)

    Breakout Session: Knowledge to Action
    Capturing Tacit Knowledge in the Private Sector and Development Organizations (Experts on Call)
    Learning from Knowledge Experiences on the Ground (Showcasing)
    Knowledge and Research: How Can Knowledge Generated by Economic Research Contribute to Asia’s Development? (Showcasing)
    Learning from Evaluation (Experts on Call)
    From Talk to Action: Shared Wisdom on Becoming a Knowledge and Learning Organization (Showcasing)
    Strengthening “One ADB”: Taking a Unified Approach to Ensuring ADB is an Effective Provider of Knowledge Services (Showcasing)

    Breakout Session: Breaking Knowledge Silos (Experts on Call)
    Creating a Knowledge Sharing Culture Through “One ADB” (Experts on Call)
    Knowledge Partnerships – Ingredients of a Successful Knowledge Partnership (Showcasing)
    Strengthening “One ADB”: Optimizing the Knowledge Work of Resident Missions and Strengthening their Role in Planning for ADB Operations

    Knowledge Work in the Development Agenda: How Can IFIs Add Value?
    Knowledge in a Rapidly Evolving World: How can International Financial Institutions Keep Up?
    How Does Tacit Knowledge Contribute to the Development Agenda?
    The Way Forward- How do we make knowledge and knowledge management real?

    Special Events:
    ADB-OECD “Southeast Asia Government at a Glance” and “Comparative Analysis of Tax Administration in Asia and the Pacific”

    Knowledge Marketplace:
    Walking the Talk: Learning and Innovation at the Knowledge Forum
    Introduction to the Knowledge Market


Knowledge Management for Development Forum (KM4Dev Forum 2007), February 8–9, 2007, Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines

Forum Theme: Strengthening Knowledge Networks for Development: Understanding Issues, Facing Challenges, and Seizing Opportunities
(Organizer: KM4Dev Community; Knowledge Management Center, Regional and Sustainable Development Department, Asian Development Bank)

    Managing the “Knowledge Trap”: Challenges and Opportunities for Development Agencies in Asia
    Innovation and Intellectual Capital Management Set the Agenda: The Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (M.A.K.E.) Methodology

    Plenary Discussions:
    High-level Forum Meeting’s panel: Experiences, practices, and challenges on knowledge management for development

    Poster Session:
    Knowledge Management Practice Stories

    Organizational Knowledge Assessment (OKA)
    Approaches in Knowledge Sharing
    Sharing of Good Practices on Knowledge-based Development (KBD) for the Poor
    The Knowledge Fairs for Development
    Storytelling and Behavioral Change
    The Last Mile of Knowledge Networking

    Open Space Session: What’s an ideal strategic future for Knowledge Management in development? How can we get there?
    Asian Knowledge Management
    Knowledge sharing among competing agencies
    Engaging NGOs and civil society on Knowledge Management
    Educating the youth on Knowledge Management
    Embedding Knowledge Management to doing business
    … A total of 22 open space sessions

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