Aurion Business Consultants
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Aurion Business Consultants and its brand Aurion ISO Consultants offer the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Training on ISO 30401: 2018 – Knowledge Management Certification Standard
- Knowledge Management Training Programs for Employees (1 week)
- Knowledge Management Training Program for Middle Management (2 days)
- Knowledge Management Training Program for the Leadership team (1 day)
- Knowledge Management Certification Assistance Workshops (for ISO Certifications (e.g. ISO 30401 Standard (Knowledge Management)), Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprises (MIKE) Awards, KM Institute Certification (USA), Knowledge Ready Organisation (KRO), Award (Singapore))
- May 2021: Knowledge Management Implementation & ISO 30401:2018 Standard (w. ACIES Innovations1) & Santhosh Shekar)
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