Knowledge Management Education & Training Opportunities Worldwide
KMedu Events Schedules
Latest Entries
Knowledge and Innovation Management Practices and Collaborative Transformation Forum (KIMPACT Forum)
Global Forum of Intellectual Capital (GFIC)*
Shaping the Future of Data, Knowledge, and Innovation with AI for Global Sustainable Change (Joint ICKM/ciKi/GFIC)
Corporate Learning Camp (CLC)*
Mehr Intelligenz ins Lernen
Semantic Web Professionnel (SemWeb.Pro)*
On this page you can browse schedules of upcoming Knowledge Management education and training events – Knowledge Management education and training opportunities delivered by providers of all kinds, Knowledge Management conferences, orientation sessions on Knowledge Management education and training opportunities, and award ceremonies for outstanding achievements in Knowledge Management education and training. If you’re looking for Knowledge Management events in a specific country you may search for the appropriate categories below.