Carnegie School of Organizational Learning Conference (CSOL Conference)*
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The Carnegie School of Organizational Learning Conference (CSOL Conference), organized by the Carnegie School of Organizational Learning (CSOL), is dedicated to developing a deeper understanding of organizational learning and offers an opportunity to collaborate and present research all while building stronger ties among scholars interested in learning within and between organizations.
Since 2020 w. Scholar’s Quest Lecture In Honor of James G. March. Associated event: CSOL Academy/Summer School (since 2022).
Conference History:
CSOL Conference 2025, May 19-21, 2025, Warth-Weiningen, Switzerland
- Conference Program TBD
CSOL Conference 2024, May 15-17, 2024, St. Augustine, FL, USA
- Paper Sessions:
Learning (or not) from Feedback
Learning when there is Interdependence
Learning and Innovation
Responding to Failures and Shortfalls
5th Scholar’s Quest Lecture In Honor of James G. March
“Research I Wish I Had Done”
Paired Conversations
Fireside Chats: (1)
General Meeting, Administration, and Future Years’ Planning
CSOL Conference 2023, May 15-17, 2023, Warth-Weiningen, Switzerland
- Sessions:
Learning from Feedback
Attention and Routines
Some Contexts of Learning
Inferences and Fast Learners
Decision Making
Invention and Innovation
4th Scholar’s Quest Lecture In Honor of James G. March:
Mitigation versus Adaptation: Overcoming a false dichotomy
Group Discussions:
Artificial Learning
Associated Events:
2nd CSOL Academy/Summer School, Jun 26-30
CSOL Conference 2022, August 10-12, 2022, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- Idea Sessions:
Power and Learning
Routinization, Practice and Change
Search and Aspirations
Selves and Learning
3rd Scholar’s Quest Lecture In Honor of James G. March:
Framing Contests and Beyond: A Scholar’s Quest
Fire-side Chat:
Scholar’s Quest Lecture
CSOL Academy: Group Work Presentation
Associated Events:
1st CSOL Academy/Summer School, Jun 20-25
CSOL Conference 2021, August 4-6, 2021, Pacific Grove, CA, USA Virtual venue
- Idea Sessions:
Knowledge and Learning
Individual Preferences and Learning
Learning, Routines, Chance
Attention and Learning
Search and Organizational Differences
Models, Search, Learning
Learning From Failure
Fire-side Chats:
How do we, as scholars, help organizations learn?
2nd Scholar’s Quest Lecture In Honor of James G. March:
Most organizational processes are variance amplifying, rather than homeostatic, making learning and adaptation rarer and more difficult. What are the implications for research?
Socializing Activity:
Is learning the purpose of individuals and learners?
Newcomers Chat
CSOL Conference 2020, August 4-6, 2020, Pacific Grove, CA, USA Virtual venue
- Idea Sessions:
Exploration and Exploitation
Learning and Knowledge
Sociality of Learning
Learning in Environments that Matter
From Micro to Macro
Individuals Matter to Organizational Learning
Models of Learning
Fire-side Chats:
What can a management scholar tell an ocean explorer about rugged landscapes and blue (or red) oceans? And after all, is exploration worth it?
1st Scholar’s Quest Lecture In Honor of James G. March:
Topic n.a.
Socializing Activity:
Topic n.a.
Newcomers Chat
CSOL Conference 2019, May 21-23, 2019, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
CSOL Conference 2018, August 7-9, 2018, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- Panel Sessions:
Theory and Organizational Learning Today and in the Future
Idea Sessions:
Innovation, Exploration, and Learning
Cognition and Learning
Learning from Failure
Experience in Context
Fire-side Chats:
Unleashing Organization Theory and Organizational Learning Today and in the Future
Small groups debate
Free Time and Pair up with Junior Scholars
CSOL Conference 2017, May 19-21, 2017, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- Panel Sessions:
Artificial Intelligence Meets Organizational Learning
Idea Sessions:
Networks and Learning
Learning Contextualized
Boundary Conditions and Learning
Cognition, Culture, and Routines
Fire-side Chats:
Topic n.a.
Small Group Discussions:
The Role of Machine Learning in Organizational Learning
CSOL Conference 2016, August 10-12, 2016, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- Idea Sessions:
Cognition and learning
Innovation and learning
Short-talks (5 minutes)
Persistence, inertia, and routines
Group and individual learning
Fire-side Chats:
Take up two sides of the debate
Free Time and Pair up with Junior Scholars
CSOL Conference 2015, May 1-3, 2015, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- Panel Sessions:
Responding to Hard Problems. Adaptation to Climate Change and other (Un)Imaginable Events
Idea Sessions:
Novel Contexts
Categories, Routines, and Structures
Politics, Personalities, and Doing the Right Thing
Where do new ideas come from?
Impactful Simulations
5 for 5: 5-Stretch Goals for the Next 5 Year
Fire-side Chats:
Topic n.a.
CSOL Conference 2014, May 2-4, 2014, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- Panel Sessions:
Creativity and Organizational Learning
Idea Sessions:
Organizational Learning and Change
Communities and the Politics of Agglomeration
Choice Structures, Breaking Rules, and Problem-Solving
Attention to Others
Themes and New Beginnings (Wrap-up)
Fire-side Chats:
How organizational learning can be applied to solve difficult problems
Discussion Groups
CSOL Conference 2013, March 29-31, 2013, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- Teaching Workshops:
Organizational Learning in the Classroom
Idea Sessions:
From Information Retrieval to Aspirations
The Hidden and Habitual Structures within Organizations
Discussions on Organizational Learning
Information Flows Across Organizations
Information Aggregation in Organizations (Kick-off Session)
Ambiguous and Conflicting Information within Multidivisional Organizations
Models of Information and Learning
Themes and New Beginnings (Wrap-up)
Discussion Groups
Discussions on Organizational Learning
CSOL Conference 2012, March 30 – April 1, 2012, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- Panel Sessions:
Sources and Outcomes of Performance Feedback
An odd duo? Organizational learning and heterogeneity
Idea Sessions:
Learning in the danger zone
Learning when opportunity knocks
Ambiguities and lessons
Search and Adaptation
Assignment, selection, and abandonment
Discussion on organizational learning
CSOL Conference 2011, April 1 – 3, 2011, Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- Panel Sessions:
Why organizational learning?
Opportunities and challenges in Organizational Learning
The Impact of Organizational Learning on Management and Organization Theory
Idea Sessions:
Success, failure, and everything else in between
How does an organization learn?
Search and other ways of exploring
Models of Learning
Selection and salience of events
Actions and Other Processes of Organizational Learning
New and Different Ideas About Learning
Discussion on organizational learning