Teleos, an independent knowledge management and intellectual capital research firm, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Face-to-face KMedu
Face to face Knowledge Management education and training opportunities
HRM Institute
The HRM Institute, formerly børding messe and spring Messe Management,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Society for Organizational Learning Sweden (SoL Sweden)
The Society for Organizational Learning Sweden (SoL Sweden) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals (OGP) Info Institute*
The Oil, Gas & Petrochemical (OGP) Info Institute offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Edmonton Knowledge Management Network (KMnetwork)*
The Edmonton Knowledge Management Network (KMnetwork or Edmonton KM Network) was a community of practice of professionals from the Alberta and Federal Governments, University of Alberta and Private Industry that have come together to share experiences and ideas around the strategies and techniques of Knowledge Management. It was hosted by Acton Consulting.