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Teleos, an independent knowledge management and intellectual capital research firm, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:

The KNOW Network (TKN)1)


Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Study & Award (1998-2017)

  • Global MAKE (Parent) Award (1998-2017)
    Global MAKE Award Winners
  • Global Independent Operating Unit (IOU) MAKE Award (2010-2017)
    IOU MAKE Award Winners
  • Americas MAKE Award (2012-2017; was: North American MAKE Award (2002-2011))
    Americas & North American MAKE Award Winners
  • Asian MAKE Award (2002-2017)
    Asian MAKE Award Winners
  • European MAKE Award (1999-2017)
    European MAKE Award Winners

  • Brazil MAKE Award (2009-2014)
    Brazilian MAKE Award Winners
  • China MAKE Award (2011-2017)
    China MAKE Award Winners
    (The Excellence Award Winners automatically become Asian MAKE Finalists)
  • Hong Kong MAKE Award (2008-2017)
    Hong Kong MAKE Award Winners
    (The Top Winners automatically become Asian MAKE Finalists)
  • Indian MAKE Award (2005-2017)
    Indian MAKE Award Winners
  • Indonesia MAKE Award (2005-2017)
    Indonesian MAKE Award Winners
    (The Top Winners automatically become Asian MAKE Finalists)
  • Iran MAKE Award (2011-2017)
    Iranian MAKE Award Winners
  • Japan MAKE Award (2000-2008)
    Japanese MAKE Award Winners
  • Russian MAKE Award (2014)
    Russian MAKE Award Winners

Most Admired Knowledge City (MAKCi) Study & Award

MAKCi Award Winners

Most Admired Knowledge Leaders (MAKL) Study & Award (2000)

MAKL Award Winners & Finalists
Winners 2000
John Seely Brown, Chief Scientist, Xerox, and Chief Innovation Officer, 12 Entrepreneuring
Robert H. Buckman, Chairman, Executive Committee, Buckman Laboratories
Jan R. Carendi, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Skandia
John Chambers, Chief Executive Officer, Cisco Systems
Stephen Denning, Program Director, Knowledge Management, World Bank
C. Jackson Grayson, Jr., Founder, American Productivity & Quality Center
Yotaro Kobayashi, Chairman of the Board, Fuji Xerox Co.
Laurence Prusack, Director, Institute for Knowledge Management, IBM
Hubert Saint-Onge, Senior VP of Strategic Capabilities, Clarica Life Insurance
John F. Welch, Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive, General Electric Company

Finalists 2000
Michael Burtha (Director of World Wide Knowledge Networks, Johnson & Johnson)
Michael Dell (Chief Executive Officer, Dell Computers)
Leif Edvinsson (Chief Executive Officer, Universal Networking Intellectual Capital AB)
Gordon Forward (President and Chief Executive Officer, Chaparral Steel Company)
Kent Greenes (Chief Knowledge Officer/Corporate Senior VP, SAIC Inc.)
Donald J. Hall (Chairman, Hallmark Cards)
David Marsing (Vice President, Intel)
Carla O’Dell (President, American Productivity & Quality Center)
Giyora Shalgi (Chief Executive Officer, Rafael)
Bjorn Wolrath (Chief Executive Officer, Futurizer AS).


MAKE Partners (country hosting organizations)

  • Maeil Business Newspaper – Asia
  • The KNOWledge Network Brasil (TKNBrasil or TKNB; aka the Brazilian Chapter of The KNOW Network)
  • Knowledge Management (and Innovation) Research Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Hong Kong and Mainland China
    • Knowledge Business Network – Mainland China
  • National Committee on Knowledge Management and Business Transformation, Confederation of Indian Industry
  • Dunamis Organization Services – Indonesia
  • Iran Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises Secretariat, Sharif University of Technology
  • Corporate Evaluation Subcommittee (was: MAKE-Japan Working Group), Knowledge Management Society of Japan
  • KM-Alliance & SOMAR – Community of Organizations for Business Development in Russia

MAKCi Partners

  • World Capital Institute

MAKL Partners

  • Work Frontiers International

Graduate Degrees/Programs

  • Doctoral of Business Administration (DBA) on Knowledge-Based Management2)
      Theoretical Courses: (12 months)
      Create a Knowledge-Driven Organizational Culture
      Developing Knowledge Workers through Leadership
      Knowledge-Based Innovation
      Managing Intellectual Capital
      Collaborative Knowledge Sharing
      Organizational Learning
      Creating Value from Customer Knowledge
      Value Creation Performance

      Practical Course: (18 months)
      Practical project & Thesis

Certification Training Courses

  • Curso MAKE de Certificação em Gestão do Conhecimento
  • Certificação Internacional de Auditores para avaliação de projetos e processos de Gestão do Conhecimento – Metodologia MAKE – Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise
  • Iran MAKE Certified Knowledge Expert (IMCKE)

Training Courses

  • MAKE Assessment Workshopsn
  • Workshop Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) in Company (4h)
  • PPA – Programa Preparatório para Auditoria MAKE – In company / Curso Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) in Company


Best Practice Conferences & Conferences with MAKE Award Presentation Ceremonies

  • World Knowledge Forum (WKF)
  • Asian Knowledge and Innovation Forum (AKIF; was Asian Knowledge Forum; Hong Kong MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony)
  • CII Knowledge Summit (aka KM India)
  • International Conference on Value Adding Management of Knowledge, Innovation & Intellectual Capital Management (KIIC)
  • Indonesian Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Award Presentation
  • China Knowledge Management Summit Forum
  • Global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Conference (GMC)
  • KM Russia
  • Knowledge Management Society of Japan Conference; The Knowledge Forum
  • Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises Conference (MAKE Conference 1999), 18-19 May 1999, London, United Kingdom
      This two-day conference gives you the experts who implement, sustain and develop the most admired knowledge management programmes in the world.

      Conference program n.a.

Most Admired Knowledge City (MAKCi) Awards Presentation Ceremony

  • Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS)

Study Material

  • National, regional and the global Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) reports
  • KNOW Network Management First Digital Library (full access to 12 key journals in the areas of knowledge management, intellectual capital, innovation, organizational learning and business excellence)
  • Case Study Library of leading knowledge enterprises and their knowledge management strategies and approaches

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