Filed in: Kenya (EAK)

East Africa Knowledge Management Conference**

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Knowledge Management Concerence series is organized by Records & Information Management East Africa (RIMEA). Note: No public program available (not even upon request; No reply); Many announced and cancelled conferences!? According to their 2019/2020 program flyer RIMEA conducted one conference in 2016, two conferences in 2017 and three conferences in

Africa Regional Conference on Knowledge Management (ARCKM)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Africa Regional Conference on Knowledge Management (ARCKM), formerly the Regional Conference on Knowledge Management (RCKM), provides a regional platform for professional communication and understanding of the significance of Knowledge Management for innovation. It gives a voice to Knowledge Management on a regional scale and follows the developments in Knowledge Management, promoting its practical

University of Kabianga (UoK)

Universities, Colleges | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

University of Kabianga (UoK), formerly the Kabianga University College, Kabianga Campus of Moi University, Kabianga Farmers Training Centre, rooted in the Kabianga Teachers’ Training College and the Government School, Kabianga, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training