The China Knowledge Management Network (ChinaKM or CNKI; Chinese: 中国知识管理网; Official English name: China Knowledge Management), formerly Knowledge Management China (KMChina) also known as Knowledge Management Virtual Weekly magazine (Chinese: 知识管理虚拟周刊 or《知识管理》周刊),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Chinese language
Chinese language Knowledge Management education and training opportunities
Knowledge Management Center (KMCenter)
The Knowledge Management Center (KMCenter or KMC; Chinese: 知识管理中心), formerly the Oak Laboratory Knowledge Management Center (Oak Lab KMCenter; Chinese: 橡树实验室知识管理中心), also known as the China Knowledge Management Center (Chinese: 中国知识管理中心), initiated by Oak Laboratory (Oak Lab; Chinese: 橡树实验室), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training