The Robert Gordon University (RGU), formerly known as Robert Gordon’s Technical College, and Robert Gordon’s College, rooted in Robert Gordon’s Hospital, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Offers from Universities/Colleges
Educational and training opportunities in Knowledge Management offered by universities/colleges
Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien)*
The Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien or TUW; English: Vienna University of Technology), formerly the Technische Hochschule Wien and the k.k. Polytechnisches Institut, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC)*
The Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC, often pronounced as O-Triple-C), formerly the South Oklahoma City Junior College, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Jones International University (JIU)*
The Jones International University (JIU)1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Rockhurst University*
The Rockhurst University, formerly the Rockhurst College, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training