Universite d’Ottawa (uOttawa)
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The Universite d’Ottawa (uOttawa or U of O; English: University of Ottawa), formerly the College of Ottawa and the College of Bytown, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- ISPIM Connects Ottawa, 7-10 April 2019, Ottawa, Canada
(The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) in cooperation with the Universite d’Ottawa (uOttawa) and Carleton University)
Conference Theme: Innovation for Local and Global Impact
Professional Development Institute 1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Certificate in Knowledge Management (online) 2)
Workshops of the Certificate in Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Management
for Public Service– Introduction - Knowledge Management
for Public Service– Advanced Practices - Sharing Knowledge Inside Your Organization
- Knowledge Synthesis: How to Use Research Evidence in Support of Policy and Practice
- Knowledge Management: Monitoring and Evaluation Methods**
- …