Le Colloque (international) du chapitre français de l’International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO-France), anciennement le Congrès…, est le colloque international biennial de l’ISKO-France. Alors que les conférences des chapitres ISKO se tiennent les années impaires, la conférence internationale ISKO se tient les années paires. Histoire du Congrès/Colloque:
KM Conferences
Knowledge Management conferences, conferences related to Knowledge Management, and conferences with a Knowledge Management track, stream, topic, or conference theme
Conference of the British Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO UK Conference)*
The biennial Conference of the British Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO UK Conference) is organized by the British Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO UK) in cooperation with local universities and institutions. While the ISKO chapter conferences are held in uneven years the ISKO international
North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO)*
The biennial North American Symposium on Knowledge Organization (NASKO) is the conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization’s Canada/United States Chapter (ISKO C/US). It is held in conjunction with the chapter’s biennial General Assembly. While the ISKO chapter conferences are held in uneven years the ISKO international conference is held in
Incontro del Capitolo Italiano dell’International Society for Knowledge Organization (Incontro ISKO Italia)*
Il Incontro del Capitolo Italiano dell’International Society for Knowledge Organization (Incontro ISKO Italia) è l’incontro biennale del capitolo italiano dell’ISKO. I soci del capitolo italiano dell’ISKO si incontrano con collaboratori e altri interessati per scambiarsi notizie e idee sulle loro attività nell’organizzazione della conoscenza. L’ingresso è libero. Mentre le
Corporate Learning Forum**
Das Corporate Learning Forum, der Quasi-Nachfolger der Personal- bzw. Fachkonferenz “70:20:10 – Evolution des betrieblichen Lernens” (2015-2016), beschäftigt sich mit der digitalen Transformation der betrieblichen Weiterbildung. Auf der Fach- bzw. Personalkonferenz ’70:20:10 – Evolution des betrieblichen Lernens’ (70:20:10 Konferenz) erfahren Sie, wie es mit dem 70:20:10-Lernmodell gelingt, durch eine