- The GLINK (Global Leaders who Innovate Next Knowledge) Summit in conjunction with the Knowledge Management Summit Indonesia
, part of the Global Knowledge Week (Oct 16-20), aka the Knowledge Management Global Network (KMGN) global learning week
KM Conferences
Knowledge Management conferences, conferences related to Knowledge Management, and conferences with a Knowledge Management track, stream, topic, or conference theme
Colloque International du Chapitre Maghreb de l’International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO-Maghreb)*
- Part of the Multi-Conference on “Organization of Knowledge and Advanced Technologies / Organisation des Connaissances et Technologies Avancées”
Knowledge Architecture Connect Conference (KA Connect)*
At the Knowledge Architecture Connect Conference (KA Connect), the annual Knowledge Management conference for the AEC Industry, senior and emerging leaders from top Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) firms will gather to learn strategies and tactics for building successful knowledge management programs. Attendees will have ample time to network and collaborate with their peers in
Experiential Knowledge Special Interest Group Conference (EKSIG Conference)*
The biennial Experiential Knowledge Special Interest Group Conference (EKSIG Conference), organized by the Design Research Society’s Special Interest Group on Experiential Knowledge, initially the International Conference on Experiential Knowledge (EKC), organized by members of the Experiential Knowledge Project of the University of Hertfordshire, Faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries, aims to provide a forum for
World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities (IC)**
The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities (IC), sub-titled with “Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy: Nations, Regions, Cities and Emerging Communities”, explores the challenges and opportunities stemming from today’s increasingly knowledge-based economy. The event is designed as a platform for the exchanges of views, to promote learning